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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistancePOAC rejects U.K. government appeal to deproscribe Mojahedin of Iran

POAC rejects U.K. government appeal to deproscribe Mojahedin of Iran

Maryam Rajavi: POAC’s rejection of leave for appeal by the UK Home Secretary makes it even more imperative to implement the court verdict and the order to the Home Secretary to deproscribe the PMOI

NCRI – Today, the Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission (POAC) reaffirmed its November 30 judgment, ordering the British Secretary of State for the Home Department to remove the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from the list of proscribed organizations. It rejected the Secretary of State’s leave for appeal against the judgment.

In its ruling in the case involving the application by 35 members of the Houses of Commons and Lords, POAC described the Secretary of State’s decision to maintain the PMOI on the list of proscribed organization as "perverse."

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said today’s decision by POAC is another affirmation that the terrorist label against the PMOI was ‘perverse.’ She added that the November 30 ruling by POAC and the rejection of the Secretary of State’s leave for appeal today, despite all the restrictions and pressures, made it abundantly clear that appeasing the bloody mullahs ruling Iran was the only motive and reason for the Secretary of State to place the terror label on the PMOI and to maintain it on the list of proscribed organizations.

Mrs. Rajavi congratulated members of Parliament, the PMOI, the combatants of freedom in Ashraf City, and Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance on POAC’s new decision. She emphasized that if the British government were in the least bound to abide by the rule of law and the Court’s verdict, it must implement the POAC judgment without further delay and remove the PMOI from the list of proscribed organizations and lift the resultant restrictions.

The NCRI’s President-elect described as regrettable the comment by the British Prime Minister on December 13 in reply to protests by members of Parliament that the proscription of the PMOI had been a correct decision. She said that appeasing the religious fascism ruling Iran had reached a point where the British Prime Minister has gone out of his way to trample upon the ruling of judges in that country not only in deeds but also in words and has not even attempted to pretend he would respect the judgment.

She added that because of its commitment to the mullahs, the British government will go to the Court of Appeals to overturn POAC’s determination but the Iranian Resistance, its supporters, the honorable British lawmakers and their counsel will challenge this decision – which was taken to mollify the mullahs – to the very end and defeat it. By way of experience, owing to its righteousness, the Iranian Resistance will triumph before any neutral Court and authority, where minimum law and justice prevails.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 14, 2007