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Iran-NPT: Mullahs’ Majlis vote to consider suspending implementation of NPT’s Additional Protocol

Mullahs' MajlisMajlis move underscores need to refer Tehran nuclear file to Security Council

NCRI, September 28 – This morning, the clerical regime’s Majlis (Parliament) voted to debate a bill that directs the government to suspend the implementation of the Additional Protocol of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Once approved, the bill will put an end to spot inspection of Iran’s suspected nuclear sites by international inspectors.

This was the mullahs’ latest move following a series of threats by officials and the media after the IAEA adopted its latest Iran resolution on September 24. That resolution condemned the Iranian regime’s repeated concealment and breaches of its obligations under the NPT and emphasized that the United Nations Security Council was the only competent body to deal with these breaches.

Today’s action in the Majlis, similar to earlier threats by the mullahs to review their trade ties with those countries who voted for the IAEA resolution, their threats to resume uranium enrichment in Natanz and prevent IAEA inspectors from visiting the nuclear sites reflects, before anything else, Tehran’s total disregard for increasing international concerns as well as its resolve to obtain nuclear weapons as quickly as possible.

Experience has shown that any flexibility or weakness vis-à-vis the religious dictatorship ruling Iran would only embolden it in its suppressive policies at home and its outlaw behavior abroad. The international community must no longer delay the referral of Iran’s nuclear file to the Security Council under the pretext of encouraging the regime to return to the nuclear talks. It must immediately impose a comprehensive oil and technological embargo against the ruling theocracy.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 28, 2005