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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIraqi opposition leaders call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq

Iraqi opposition leaders call for eviction of Iranian regime from Iraq

Iraqi opposition leaders call for eviction of Iranian regime from IraqNCRI – Members of the U.S. Congress from both sides of the island took part in a meeting entitled, “Best solution for Iran and the prospects in Iraq” which was held at the Cannon Building in the Congress. The meeting coincided with the two-day hearing at the beginning of the week in the U.S. Senate where the Commander of the Multi-National Force – Iraq and the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq presented their accounts of the situation in Iraq.

Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Co), member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Republican presidential candidate; Congressman Bob Filner (D-Ca), chairman of the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs; Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; and Congressman Ed Towns (D-NY) were among distinguished sponsors of the meeting which was attended by over 100 congressional experts and aids to members of the Congress and the Senate.

Bob Filner invited the participants to listen to a video message by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, to the meeting where she called on members of the Congress to help remove the terrorist tag off the main Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The Iranian people and their resistance could contribute to democratic change in Iran as well as to regional and international peace. She also called for efforts to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq, a demand shared by majority of Iraqis.

Speaking about the solution to the problem in Iraq, Congressman Filner who recently led a delegation of the House members to Iraq reiterated that the problem lies with the regime in Iran which should be dealt with.

Bruce McColm, a senior member of the Iran Policy Committee, appreciated the PMOI’s role in Iraq combating fundamentalism and terrorism exported by the clerical regime. He underlined the importance of PMOI’s presence in that country to establish stability and called on Iraqi progressive forces to defend the rights of PMOI members as political refugees in Iraq.

Ayad Jamaledin, a Shiite clergy and a member of the Iraqi National Assembly who represented the National Accord led by Dr. Ayad Alawi, referred to Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and explained that the war in that country is a war against terrorism by the whole world. He denounced the mullahs’ regime taking advantage of religion to reach its political objectives. He emphasized the regime’s support for armed militias and reiterated that the situation in Iraq and the region would not be resolved unless the international community takes on the Iranian regime.

During the meeting Dr. Saleh Mutlak, leader of the National Dialogue Front and Sheikh Khalaf Al-Alyan, leader of the Council for  National Dialogue joined the meeting via telephone. They both described the government of Nuri Al-Maliki as the main problem in Iraq which advocates sectarianism.

Dr. Nadim Jaberi, General Secretary of the Iraqi Fazilat Party with 15 seats in the National Assembly addressed the issue from Baghdad by stressing on the threats of the mullahs in his country. “One of the main problems in Iraq is the influence of the Iranian regime. The solution is to have all Iraqis represented in the government. Maliki is backed by the Iranian regime and it should not be recognized by other countries,” said Dr. Jaberi.

Dr. Adnan Doleimi, President of the Iraqi People’s Congress highlighted the destructive role of the Iranian regime and called for its eviction from Iraq. He also called for the formation of a true national army.