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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismMullah's Regime Intensifies Export of Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Mullah’s Regime Intensifies Export of Fundamentalism and Terrorism

NCRI – Based on insider reports, the office of the Supreme Leader of the mullahs’ regime, Ali Khamenei has sent directives to the organizations involved in the export of fundamentalism and terrorism to expand their activities in different countries.
Khamenei’s office has held several meetings with those organizations where the officials have decided to use the cover of cultural and religious activities to advance their goals.

Regime’s Foreign Ministry has put together an extensive plan to act on Khamenei’s office directive. As an example, to advance these policies in Tajikistan, the following steps are being pursued by regime’s organizations:

–    Establishing Eco cultural organization chain stores in the cities of Khojand, Koolab and Doshanbeh

–    Launching book, video and CD exhibitions along with free distribution of those items among Tajikistan citizens

–    Setting up hand craft exhibition in the capital city of Doshanbeh

–    Producing and distributing educational equipment, children’s toys and supplying free geographic maps and paintings of natural landscapes of different countries in different cities of Tajikistan

–    Establishing print shops and book stores in cooperation with the Organization of Islamic Culture and Communications

–    Renovation of historic and religious sites and cooperation in founding of the Eco University in Tajikistan

–    Preparation for opening the first Eco cultural center to open next Iranian new year starting in March in Doshanbeh

The person in charge of the so-called Eco cultural center is a Revolutionary Guards Corp member by the name of Mohammad Rajabi. He is charged with advancing the regime’s plans in Tajikistan and as a result has traveled there several times along with the staff of regime’s Organization of Islamic Culture and Communications.

With regards to the activities in Canada, the regime’s Foreign Ministry has asked its embassy in that country to set up different exhibitions “in the name of Iran’s art and culture”. A directive to the Iranian Consulate in Toronto specifies: “Because of the attraction of Iranian art and culture and as a result of Iranian artists being so well-received and to affect the public opinion, you should recruit the Iranians residing outside the country; cooperating with the embassy in Canada to start setting up cultural exhibitions”.