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Hair-raising admissions by the SSF commander in Tehran

In past two months, The SSF gave 977,000 street warnings and arrested 4,000 others on the bogus charges of “hooliganism”   

NCRI – Commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) in Tehran province, Brig. Gen. Reza Zarei presented some hair-raising statistics as outcome of the so-called “public security” plan so far. “4,000 individuals were arrested by the SSF on the charges of hooliganism… In Tehran province, 93,000 individuals received street warnings while 4,012 others including 2,891 women were summoned to the local police stations,” said Zarei to the state-run news agency Fars on Wednesday.

Earlier, Deputy Commander of SSF, Brig. Gen. Hossein Zolfaqari announced, “Since the beginning of the public security plan, 977,000 individuals in Tehran have received street warnings and 4,209 of them were arrested… Some of them were detained in the SSF facilities and some other were sent for judicial review,” the state-run news agency ISNA reported on August 2. In the same period, the mullahs’ regime arrested 43,300 drug addicts.

An increase in the number of street executions, before anything else, is to create public fear. It is also a sign of desperation on the part of the regime which is faced with uprisings, strikes, and demonstrations in its demise.

The Iranian Resistance drew the attention of international bodies to the new wave of executions as well as a rise in suppression and the need for adopting urgent measures to stop the appalling trend in Iran.    

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 9, 2007