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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsLondon - Parliamentary conference supports Mojahedin in Ashraf, condemns threats by Iraqi...

London – Parliamentary conference supports Mojahedin in Ashraf, condemns threats by Iraqi governme

NCRI – On Thursday July 12th, a conference was held in one of the halls of the British Parliament by the British Parliamentary Committee for a Free Iran. A number of Representatives of the three British parties from both Houses of the British Parliament attended this event.

The speakers called their support for the Mojahedin of Iran in Ashraf City and condemned the recent threats by the Iraqi government against them.
On Thursday July 12th, a conference was held in one of the halls of the British Parliament by the British Parliamentary Committee for a Free Iran. A number of Representatives of the three British parties from both Houses of the British Parliament attended this event.

The conference started with the speech of Lord Robin Corbett, the Chair of the British Committee for a Free Iran. He said "I would like to start with the recent threats of Iraqi officials against the Mojahedin in Ashraf city. They are ignoring the petition of 5.2 million Iraqis in support of Mojahedin who demanded an end to the meddling of the mullah’s regime in Iraq. They have also forgotten that a few weeks ago, 21 political and cultural leaders of Diyala province along with 450 thousand people of that province declared their support for People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and called them the biggest impediment against the spread of fundamentalism in their country".

"The proxies of the Iranian regime in Baghdad are pressing the coalition forces to put the militias supported by Tehran in charge of the security of Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK).

"Facilitating the terrorists against their opposition who hold the status of protected people under the 4th Geneva Convention, is against the law."

Lord Corbett continued: "On behalf of the majority of the MPs in the House of Commons and more than 200 members of the House of Lords, I wrote a letter to the American Ambassador. We expressed our concern about the threats against the residents of Ashraf city and demanded the observation of all the laws related to the protected status of the Ashraf residents."

Lord Corbett expressed concern that his government and the EU are giving the mullahs enough time to acquire nuclear weapons. "Appeasement comes through to the mullah’s regime as weakness. It is now time to show them the signs of strength. Iran will be free and we must stand up with the liberators", he added.

The next speaker was Mr. Brian Binley, the conservative MP from the House of Commons. He said any talk of transferring security of residents of Ashraf to forces other than the coalition is strongly condemned and unacceptable.

He added: "We all know this action will result in jeopardizing their safety. He stated that the limitations imposed on MEK by our government are shameful for a government that considers itself a supporter of freedom and democracy. Now is the time to end the appeasement policy and remove this labeling. "

The next speaker was Lord Russell Johnston, the former Chair of EU Parliamentary Council. He said: "I denounce any action against Ashraf residents."

He stressed on the importance of removal of MEK from the terrorist list and said: the increased support for Mojahedin and Iranian Resistance affirms what we have said all these years.
Lord Waddington, the former British Interior Minister spoke next. He reiterated that regime change in Iran is an essential and fundamental issue. In this regard the removal of MEK from the terrorist list is very important. Our government should support those who seek democracy instead of impeding them. 

The next speaker was Lord Dalakia, a leaders of the Liberal Democrat party in the House of Lords. He agreed with the other speakers of the event and demanded the removal of MEK from the terrorist list. He also denounced the gross violations of human rights in Iran under the mullah’s rule.  

Baroness Turner stated that it is unacceptable for our government to still appease the mullah’s regime. "We must defend and support the democratic opposition of Mojahedin and Iranian Resistance against this suppressive regime. Our government must recognize Iranian Resistance and Mojahedin as the democratic opposition to this regime", she said.

In her brief speech, Baroness Harris, one of the leaders of the Liberal Democrat party in the House of Lords agreed with the other speakers and denounced the gross human rights violations of this regime, especially, public hangings and stoning.

The next speaker was Lord Clark, the former chair of the British Labor party. He said: we demand from the United Nations and EU to express their strong support for the residents of Ashraf and the observance of their rights under the 4th Geneva Convention. Lord Clark continued: Pursuing the appeasement policy, our government and in general, the west has acted from a weak stance with the Iranian regime. The policy of our government is shameful in this regard. Lord Clark talked about the gathering of 50,000 Iranians in Paris and said that the message of this event was hope for freedom for the Iranians inside and outside the country. He declared to the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance that we stand with you and share your hopes and wishes to free the Iranian people. We are sure that all these attempts will result in bringing down this evil and suppressive regime.

Mr. Mark Williams, a member of the shadow cabinet of the Liberal Democrat Party in British House of Commons was the next speaker of the conference. He said it is time for change in Iran. Our message to this government is that there is a direct relationship between the removal of Mojahedin from the list and the end of this suppressive regime.

Other speakers in the conference were Lord Inglewood from the Conservative party, Baroness Mesham an independent member of the House of Lords, Mr. David Doro the MP from the Labor party in the House of Commons, Lord Jafi the independent MP in the House of Lords, Lord King the MP from the Labor party in the House of Lords. All the speakers denounced the conspiracies of the mullah’s regime against the Ashraf residents and strongly supported them. They demanded that the coalition forces and international organizations observe and guarantee their rights based on the 4th Geneva Convention.

A brief film of the recent gathering of 50,000 people in Paris was shown. This film included parts of Mrs. Rajavi’s speech which was warmly received by the audience.

The last speaker was Mrs. Dowlat Noroozi, the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Britain. She thanked the MPs for their efforts to break down the conspiracies of the mullah’s regime against Mojahedin in Ashraf. She stressed that any limitations against Mojahedin means appeasing the mullahs and is in line with their evil intentions of taking over in Iraq and spreading fundamentalism, terrorism and instability in the region. As was declared in the past by the Majority MPs from the House of Commons and a great number of MPS from House of Lords: Mojahedin are the main anti-thesis an the biggest impediment against the spread of Iranian regime’s fundamentalism and terrorism. She reiterated that it is time to change the international community’s failed policy of appeasement. We must move quickly to implement all-encompassing sanctions against the mullah’s regime, remove Mojahedin from the list and step towards democratic change in Iran.