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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIran: Mullahs' Defense Minister admission of efforts to obtain nuclear weapons

Iran: Mullahs’ Defense Minister admission of efforts to obtain nuclear weapons

Iranian regime's Defense Minister Rear Admiral Mostafa Mohammad NajjarUrgent need to refer Iran’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council

NCRI, September 17 – The Iranian regime’s Defense Minister Rear Admiral Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, addressing the 17th closed-door summit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commanders and officials, admitted to the regime’s intentions to acquire nuclear arms.

In remarks broadcast on the state-run all news television network, Mohammad Najjar underscored the mullahs’ right to possess nuclear weapons.  He added that possessing nuclear weapons was the natural right of the Iranian nation and that the regime must defend this natural right in the international community.

Subsequent to the broadcast, Mohammad Najjar, outraged over the inadvertent report on issues discussed in the IRGC’s closed-door summit, denied the report in a hastily arranged telephone interview with the same television station.

NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin said, "Although the 18-year practice of deception and concealment by the clerical regime as well as the revelations by the Iranian Resistance point to Tehran’s relentless efforts to obtain nuclear weapons, yesterday’s remarks by Mohammad Najjar clearly shed light on the mullahs’ ominous intentions and underscored the urgent need to refer the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council without delay.

The NCRI urges the International Atomic Energy to refer Iran’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council as quickly as possible and calls for the adoption of binding punishments, including a comprehensive oil embargo against the ruling theocracy. The mullahs’ religious, terrorist dictatorship must not be allowed to use Iran’s oil revenues and resources against the Iranian nation or allocate them to nuclear projects, terrorism and fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 16, 2005