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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsMrs. Rajavi urges international bodies to condemn brutal suppression in Iran

Mrs. Rajavi urges international bodies to condemn brutal suppression in Iran

Mrs. Rajavi urges UN Secretary General, High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Security Council to condemn brutal suppression in Iran and take binding decisions

In a letter to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, urged the Secretary General and relevant UN agencies to condemn the violent wave of suppression of Iranian women and youths and called on the Security Council to take up the systematic human rights abuses by the ruling religious fascism in Iran.

Copies of the letter were also sent to President and members of the Security Council, Mrs. Louise Arbour, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

In her letter, Mrs. Rajavi, pointed to the recent brutal wave of suppression, savage beatings and humiliation of women and youth by the Iranian regime’s masked security forces under the pretext of  combating "mal-veiling" and "removing thugs and hooligans" in Tehran and other cities. She expressed dismay over the silence and inaction of international bodies vis-à-vis such ruthless behavior.

She added that the heart wrenching images, which also air on State-run television, manifest the viciousness, as well as the medieval and utterly inhumane nature of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran, which is unmatched in contemporary history.

Referring to the wide scale of public protests and uprisings by teachers, students, women and workers in recent weeks and months in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the clerical regime had embarked on this new wave of crackdown in order to terrorize and intimidate the public and prevent the expansion of these uprisings.

Mrs. Rajavi said the shocking decision in March by the United Nations Human Rights Council to end its monitoring of the human rights situation in Iran, and the earlier decision of the European Union in refraining from tabling censure resolutions at the Human Rights Commission – that were part of parcel of the policy of appeasement towards the ruling religious fascism in Iran – only served to embolden the mullahs to step up unprecedented crackdown on the Iranian people.

The NCRI’s President-elect, called on the UN Secretary General, as the highest international authority with the sensitive mandate of safeguarding and protecting the fundamental rights of people around the world, to condemn the new wave of suppression in Iran in any way he deemed appropriate. She also asked Mr. Ban Ki-moon to urge the relevant UN agencies to end their silence vis-à-vis the flagrant violations of human rights in Iran and take urgent and effective measures to stop these atrocities.

She reiterated that the time had come that, along with the Iranian regime’s nuclear dossier, its deplorable and horrifying 28-year human rights record also be referred to the UN Security Council for the imposition of binding and punitive measures.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 24, 2007