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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran says UN resolutions will not halt nuclear work

Iran says UN resolutions will not halt nuclear work

TEHRAN, May 5, 2007 (AFP) – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday that imposing further UN resolutions against Iran will not make it stop its disputed nuclear programme, the student ISNA news agency reported.

"I tell them — issue as many resolutions until you get tired," he said of world powers in the UN Security Council that has adopted two resolutions imposing sanctions on Tehran for its defiance in continuing to enrich uranium.

Ahmadinejad has repeatedly vowed that Iran will not back down an inch on its nuclear programme which the West fears to be a cover for weapons development.

"There are a few powers that have this (nuclear) technology and are angry that another country has come to join them. They know if Iran passes this peak it cannot be rivalled," Ahmadinejad said.

"We have to be able to go past this bottleneck, but they want to adopt resolutions to stop it."

Iran has begun installing thousands of centrifuges for uranium enrichment — the process which makes nuclear fuel but which in highly purified form can also produce the fissile core of an atomic bomb.

The United States accuses Iran of seeking to make nuclear weapons, but Tehran insists that it wants only to generate more energy for a growing population.