Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran News in Brief – July 17, 2024



US Officials Have Gathered Increasing Amount of Intel About Iran Plotting to Assassinate Trump


The U.S. intelligence community has received an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that Iran is actively working on plots to kill former President Donald Trump, potentially in the lead-up to the election in November. Two senior U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources, on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence — acts that could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details.

Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for his killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. But the officials said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months and officials have become more confident in Tehran’s intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump’s life in the coming weeks.

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The Sunflowers Case: The Petty Criminal, The Attempted Assassination and The Shadow Cast by Iran


He has never seen the face of the man who tried to kill him. He barely heard his voice. Alejo Vidal-Quadras was on his way home from his customary stroll in Madrid’s Retiro Park when a figure behind him uttered the words: “Hola señor.”

At 1:30 pm on Thursday, November 9, 2023, the street he was walking on, Calle Nuñez de Balboa, was packed with people. The 78-year-old Spanish politician, who was vice president of the European Parliament before founding the far-right Vox party, was just a few steps from the entrance to his building. “I turned around and made a movement that saved my life,” he told Le Monde. “I tilted my head.” The man behind him pulled the trigger, but the 9mm Parabellum bullet that should have split his skull went through his jaw instead.

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The Impact of The Unprecedented Boycott of Iran’s Sham Presidential Election

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After the Iranian regime’s sham presidential election, the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran announced: “Voluntary and compulsory votes in 58,640 fixed and mobile polling stations are about 5.5 million… the maximum participation in the second round of the fraudulent election is about 9 percent of eligible voters, and 91 percent of Iranians boycotted the presidential election of the Velayat-e Faqih dictatorship.”

After the first round of the sham elections, the Social Headquarters of the PMOI inside Iran monitored over 14,000 polling stations across the country, including large cities, small towns, and rural areas, from 8:00 a.m. to midnight. They reported that despite extensive fraud and rigging, fewer than 7,400,000 people, only 12 percent of eligible voters, participated in the mullahs’ presidential election, whether voluntarily or under coercion.

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Transportation Fare Increases in Iran: Impacts and Concerns

iran trucks transportation

The recent announcement by Iranian regime officials regarding the increase in freight and passenger transportation fares has sparked considerable concern, especially among low-income groups, despite being seen as positive for drivers.

The head of the Road and Transport Organization has informed provincial authorities of a 30% increase in freight fares. According to the new directive, the transportation index rate will rise from 5,500 Rials per ton-kilometer to 7,150 Rials. This change will be implemented uniformly across the country starting June 2, 2024.

This increase comes amidst demands from the country’s truckers’ union for a 60-70% hike in transportation fares. The vice president of the truckers’ trade unions highlighted that last year, a 63% increase was proposed by the road organization but was eventually reduced to 30% after opposition from truckers.

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Execution Statistics in Iran: January to June 2024


This report presents a comprehensive examination of the execution statistics in Iran during the first six months of 2024, from January 1 to June 30. The data collected highlights the scale and nature of executions carried out by the Iranian authorities within this period. During this period, at least 266 prisoners were executed in various prisons across Iran. Of these, only 21 cases (approximately 8%) were officially reported by government and judiciary-aligned media, while 245 cases (around 92%) remained unofficial and undisclosed.

The identities of 259 individuals have been confirmed, with the identities of 7 others still under investigation.

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UN Special Rapporteur Warns About Threat of Rape and Murder Against Female Iranian Prisoners

The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders called for the immediate release of six women’s human rights activists in Gilan who were recently imprisoned.

Mary Lawlor expressed her concern over the long prison sentences and reports of violent arrests, torture, and threats by Iranian security agents to rape and kill these prisoners during interrogation in a post on Twitter, calling for an end to the repression of women’s human rights activists.

Six civil and women’s rights activists in Gilan province reported to Branch 5 of the Rasht Execution of Sentences office on Saturday, July 13, to begin serving their prison sentences.

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MEK Supporters Rally in Stockholm: Denouncing Sham Trial of MEK Members, Supporting the PMOI

Stockholm, July 13: MEK Supporters Rally: Denouncing Sham Trial of MEK Members, Supporting the PMOI

Stockholm, Sweden—July 13, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally against the regime’s sham trial of MEK members. They expressed their full support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran against the regime’s criminal actions.

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