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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceFormer Romanian PM Petre Roman: Iranian Resistance Will Prevail for the Benefit...

Former Romanian PM Petre Roman: Iranian Resistance Will Prevail for the Benefit of All Mankind

Former Romanian Prime Minister Petre Roman gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI and PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Paris, June 30, 2024 – In an impassioned address at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Petre Roman, the former Prime Minister of Romania and a sitting Member of Parliament, lauded the Iranian Resistance, drawing parallels between Iran’s current struggles and Romania’s revolution in 1989. Roman emphasized the crucial role of the Iranian people and their sacrifices in shaping a free and prosperous future for Iran.

Roman began by expressing his deep admiration for the Iranian Resistance, highlighting their pivotal role in building Iran’s future. He criticized the current regime’s lack of credibility and drew a stark comparison to Romania’s own history of overcoming dictatorship. Reflecting on the sham elections in Iran, Roman recalled a similar period in Romania’s history when the oppressive Ceausescu regime held a meaningless re-election. He noted that just a month after those elections, the Romanian Revolution erupted, leading to the regime’s swift collapse and subsequent execution of the dictator. This historic turn brought freedom and prosperity to Romania, a future Roman envisions for Iran.

The former Prime Minister of Romania underscored the Iranian regime’s propaganda and lack of credibility, asserting that it cannot erase the truth or the resolve of the Iranian people. As a scientist, he metaphorically described the regime’s credibility problem as a “mathematical problem with no solution,” asserting that the regime’s credibility is forever gone. Instead, he pointed to the Iranian Resistance as the source of new credibility, necessary for navigating the turbulent and uncertain times the world faces.

In closing, Roman praised the perseverance and iron will of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and the Iranian Resistance, expressing his confidence in their eventual victory. “With this formidable perseverance and iron will of Madam President, and with you, you will prevail. You will prevail for the goodness of the Iranian people and for the benefit of all mankind.”

The full text of former PM Petre Roman’s speech follows:


President Rajavi. Dear friends, heroes, and brave fighters for freedom in Iran, you are the heroes. You are those who are really building the future of Iran. I salute you from the bottom of my heart.

Listening to the words of Madam President Rajavi a few minutes ago, I was thinking, that when diplomacy is just a mask, devoid of moral values, then behind the mask, there is cowardice. Then behind the mask, there are vested interests. And the results are never good, not for the people, nor for the countries. That’s the case right now in Iran.

There is very much alive in my mind. I’ve been fighting on the barricades of the Romanian Revolution in 1989. But there is a moment then, just before that, which is similar to what’s going on right now, the present elections, sham elections in Iran, which we consider meaningless. Indeed, it was in November 1999, and the dictators lived under a very oppressive dictatorship of the Ceausescu regime. He organized a Congress of the Communist Party to be reelected as a General Secretary of the Communist partner. And all over the country, he ordered a lot of events to support his re-election.

Every organization, every institution, every enterprise, we had to support the re-elections. He was re-elected. Less than one month after that, the Romanian Revolution erupted with enormous force. In 24 hours, the regime collapsed, and very soon after that, the dictator was executed. And what was for Romania? Freedom and then prosperity. That’s what I’m thinking is to be in Iran, too.

Indeed, the people who are still supporting the regime in Iran, those who are executing the orders of the regime, in fact, they are ruining the future of Iran. You, with your fight for freedom, for human rights, your sacrifices are, in fact, building a brighter future for Iran. The problem of the regime in Iran is that from the point of view of the perception, the image of what we think about Iran is they lack credibility. The whole propaganda machine they are using cannot at all erase, let’s say, put away this lack of credibility.

I myself, before and today, again, I’m a scientist. I’m a scientist in the field of the physics of environment, and climate science. Dealing with mathematics and thinking about this problem, the lack of credibility of the Iranian regime. I’m telling you from this point of view, mathematically speaking, this is a problem with no solution.

This credibility is forever gone. A new credibility. A new credibility is coming from you. A new credibility is coming from the people of Iran. A new credibility of Iran. So much needed in these turbulent moments in which we live. So much uncertainty, so much all over the world.

There are risks, risks of every climate, but also many other things, very fundamental things, and of course, risks in the way democracies are developing all over the world. This credibility is what we are seeking so much, and Iran is showing us through you that we can win.

To finish, to end my saying with this formidable perseverance and iron will of Madam President, and with you, you will prevail. You will prevail for the goodness of the Iranian people and for the benefit of all mankind.

Thank you very much.