Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – July 11, 2024



DIA Report Showcases Iranian Origin of Houthi Weapons Interdicted at Sea

Defense Intelligence Agency DIA (1)

The Defense Intelligence Agency has released a new report providing a visual comparison of Iranian weapons and weapon components intercepted in transit to the Houthis in Yemen.

The report, “Seized At Sea: Iranian Weapons Smuggled to the Houthis,” provides visual evidence the weapons and weapon components interdicted in transit to the Houthis on January 11 and 28 are of Iranian origin, showcasing Iran’s enablement of the Houthis’ attack campaign against commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

Critical components of various missiles were seized and, upon further analysis, found to share near-identical features with Iranian missile systems. Between 2015 and 2024, the United States and its partners have interdicted at least 20 Iranian smuggling vessels, seizing ballistic, cruise, and surface-to-air missile components, antitank guided missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other illicit weapons destined for the Houthis.

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Iran’s Regime Threatens Diaspora with Extradition Following Free Iran Rally

A few days after the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, in which a majority of 34 legislatures and 4,000 parliamentarians in 50 countries worldwide expressed their support for the Iranian people and their Resistance movement, on Tuesday, July 9, a minor cleric, acting as a judge in the theatrical “trial” of 104 members of the Iranian Resistance, reflected the fear of the regime and said: “This court declares that if, from now on, Iranians abroad form or attend meetings anywhere in the world at the invitation of the defendants in this case, a red notice will be issued for them in accordance with international conventions; therefore, the head of this court asks the Attorney General and the Foreign Minister to ensure that if Iranians abroad attend any sessions at the invitation of the defendants in this case, it will be considered as support for the [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)] and they will be subject to criminal prosecution in court, and these individuals will definitely be extradited to the country.”

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The History of Iran’s Justice-Seeking Movement


After years of relentless and courageous struggle by the Iranian people, the 1979 Revolution came to fruition and the Shah dictatorship was overthrown. The glorious people’s revolution celebrated its spring, but unfortunately, the spring of freedom turned into a dark autumn of repression and hostility against the most basic civil and political human rights at the hands of Ruhollah Khomeini and his thugs.

Khomeini, by hijacking the revolution, immediately began his enmity with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and other progressive and democratic forces, denying them the right to legitimate activities within the framework of the nation’s fundamental rights accepted by the international community.

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Rana Kourkouri Arrested by Security Forces in Tehran

On Thursday, July 4, 1403, Rana Kourkouri, the sister of Abbas (Mojahed) Kourkouri, a detainee sentenced to death for the nationwide protests, was arrested by security forces at her residence in Tehran. She is currently detained at the Pakdasht Intelligence Detention Center. Negar Kourkouri, the sister of the detainees, wrote about the charges against Rana: “Last year, due to my sister’s activities on social media, a case was fabricated against her with the accusation of inciting and seducing people to violence and murder. During this period, my sister lived in hiding, but after posting a few comments about the elections, she was found and is currently in the custody of the Pakdasht IRGC Intelligence.”

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A Nation in Flux: Iran’s Inflation, Market Prices, and Economic Hardships

Iran covid market bazaar

In 2021, Iran’s Statistics Center reported point-to-point inflation at 43.2%, with the dollar valued at approximately 25,600 tomans. During this period, the price of gold was 1,100,000 tomans per gram, and coins were priced at 11,366,000 tomans. The average housing price in Tehran stood at 30,970,000 tomans per square meter. However, three years later, following the helicopter crash of the regime’s former president Ebrahim Raisi, which caused significant political turbulence, point-to-point inflation decreased to 31%, according to the claims of the Statistics Center.

Despite this reduction, the price of gold surged by 248%, the dollar increased by 136%, and the price of coins soared by 296%. The average housing price in Tehran escalated to 84,750,000 tomans per square meter, and the price of meat rose to an average of 618,755 tomans per kilogram, marking a 346% increase from 138,500 tomans.

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The Execution of A Young Prisoner In Shiraz

In the early morning of Sunday, June 7, 2024, the death sentence of a Kurdish prisoner named Mojtaba Karami, a 28-year-old resident of Harsin city in Kermanshah province, was carried out in Shiraz Central Prison (Adelabad). This prisoner had been sentenced to death on charges related to “drug offenses.

According to the reports received by the Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) organization, Mojtaba Karami had been arrested four years ago on charges of drug possession and was sentenced to death by the Iranian judiciary.

As of now, the execution of this prisoner has not been announced by any of the government-controlled media or official sources within Iran, and the execution has taken place in silence without media coverage.

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Paris, July 9, 2024: MEK Supporters in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—July 9, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a photo and book exhibition. This exhibition was held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and as a protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime. Alongside the photo exhibition, a book display featured publications that documented the history of the Iranian resistance movement and the efforts of the PMOI/MEK in advocating for a democratic and secular Iran. Attendees could engage with these resources, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the Iranian people and the sacrifices made in pursuit of their fundamental rights.

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