Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – June 17, 2024



A Month of Shame and Humiliation as the West Seeks to Appease the Iranian Mullahs


It has been a month of shame and humiliation for the West. First, the UN General Assembly held a memorial service to honor ‘The Butcher of Tehran’ – Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran who was killed in a helicopter crash on May 19. Raisi was a bloodstained executioner who boasted of his involvement in the hanging of over 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, mostly members or supporters of the Iranian democratic opposition movement the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK). For the UN, as the last bastion of the struggle to end human rights abuse and the last redoubt of fighting crimes against humanity, to commemorate such a monster was the ultimate disgrace.

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The Release of Hamid Noury Gives Iran’s Regime A Carte Blanche for Crimes Against Humanity

The release of Hamid Noury, one of the executioners of the 1988 massacre, from a Swedish prison is as reprehensible and contrary to recognized human rights and international humanitarian principles as it is indefensible with any excuse or legal cover. It is akin to the Nuremberg Trials freeing Holocaust criminals or operators of Hitler’s crematoriums with praise, returning them to normal life, and even sending them to places where their accomplices would welcome them with flowers.

Hamid Noury, also known as “Hamid Abbasi,” is an executioner who was promoted from guard to assistant prosecutor due to his active participation in the abuse and torture of prisoners. This criminal operated in Gohardasht and Evin prisons, working under the criminal prosecutor Mohammad Moghiseh (Nasserian). During the 1988 massacre of prisoners, Noury transferred prisoners to the “death corridor” after their death sentences were issued by the Death Commission members, Hossein-Ali Nayyeri, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, and Ebrahim Raisi.

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Global Outrage over The Release of Convicted Criminal Hamid Noury


On Saturday, Hamid Noury, one of the executioners of the 1988 massacre who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden, was returned to Iran in a disgraceful prisoner-swap deal with the hostage-taking regime of the mullahs. This allows him to continue his crimes against the people and freedom seekers of Iran along with other executioners of this regime.

This action is a betrayal of human rights and an encouragement of crimes against humanity, terrorism, and hostage-taking. It assures the criminal regime ruling Iran that if its terrorists and executioners like Asadollah Asadi and Hamid Noury are caught by justice in other countries, it can retrieve them through hostage-taking leverage.

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Political Prisoners in Evin Prison: Nasim Gholami Simiyari and Others Detained Without Trial

Nearly 400 days have passed since Nasim Gholami Simiyari was arrested and detained. She remains in the women’s ward of Evin Prison with her legal status still uncertain. Despite being arraigned three times on charges including “assembly and collusion against national security,” “propaganda against the state,” and “Bagh-ye” (armed insurgency), she has yet to face trial.

Two other political prisoners, Varisha Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi, are also facing charges of “Bagh-ye” and have been held without trial. Ms. Moradi has been imprisoned for almost 330 days, while Ms. Azizi has been detained for approximately 320 days. All three women continue to endure prolonged detention without resolution.

Ms. Moradi suffers from several ailments, including joint and back pain, and is barely able to walk. She has also experienced severe weight loss since her arrest. In the last three months, she has been sent to the hospital outside the prison twice due to her illness, but she received no specialized treatment; hospital doctors only conducted examinations.

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The Soaring Cost of Basic Necessities in Iran: A Growing Crisis

Soaring Food Inflation in Iran Exacerbates Economic Hardships

In recent times, the escalating cost of basic food items has cast a shadow over the lives of Iran’s populace, particularly impacting the low-income sectors.

“The price of 100 grams of salt is 450,000 tomans! This means that one kilogram of salt costs 4.5 million tomans, which is more than half the monthly salary of an official worker. For example, the price of olive oil reached one million tomans last year!”

The situation remained critical until the regime’s missile attack on Israel, which caused prices to soar even further.

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Sweden Returns Hamid Noury, a Convict Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, to Iran


Iran and Sweden, with Oman’s mediation, exchanged several imprisoned citizens, resulting in the release of Hamid Noury, a former deputy prosecutor, in exchange for the release of Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi, two Swedish hostages held by Iran’s regime. Noury was then sent to Tehran.

On Saturday, June 15, after his release and arrival in Iran, Hamid Noury emphasized that he is “Hamid Abbasi,” a pseudonym he used as a deputy prosecutor at Gohardasht Prison during the executions of political prisoners in 1988.

A few hours earlier, the deputy for international affairs of the Iranian judiciary announced that Hamid Noury, who had been tried and imprisoned in Sweden, was released and would return to Iran.

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General McKenzie’s “The Melting Point”: The Story Behind Soleimani’s Death

When a US contractor was killed in a strike on December 27, 2019, by the Iranian-supported forces In Iraq, President Donald Trump ordered airstrikes against the militia in Iraq and across the border in Syria. President Trump said Iran would pay “a big price” for the storming of the US embassy in Baghdad a couple of days before that. Nobody could have imagined it would be such a big price – probably not even the Iranian officials. Trump then authorized the drone strike against Maj. Gen. Soleimani was hit along with a senior Iraqi militia leader as he was being driven out of Baghdad airport.

In the early hours of Friday, January 3, 2020, a convoy of off-road vehicles departed from Baghdad airport. Among them was General Qassem Soleimani, who had been instrumental in Iranian foreign policy since the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies. He was the head of the Quds Force, the external branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards. He was widely considered the second most influential figure in the Iranian regime and the architect of Iran’s Middle East strategy. Under different circumstances, his death alone would have been a significant event. An Iranian politician said Maj. Gen. Soleimani’s body was identified by the ring he wore.

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MEK Supporters Rallies in European Cities to Denounce Sweden-Mullahs Deal for Release of 1988 Massacre Executioner Hamid Noury

MEK Supporters Rallies in European Cities to Denounce Sweden-Mullahs Deal for Release Hamid Noury

They expressed outrage over Sweden’s decision to release Noury a criminal executioner, and warned that this move could embolden the regime’s practices of terrorism and human rights violations.

The Iranian Resistance has vehemently condemned Noury’s release, arguing that it not only undermines efforts to hold perpetrators of the 1988 Massacre accountable but also incentivizes further crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism.

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Germany—June 15, 2024: MEK Supporters Rallies and Exhibitions in Berlin, Münster, Heidelberg, and Cologne: Call for Participation in the #BerlinDemo29June

Germany—June 15, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibitions in Berlin, Munster, Heidelberg, and Cologne.

Germany—June 15, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies and exhibitions in Berlin, Münster, Heidelberg, and Cologne to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

The members of Iranian communities in German cities endorsed Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for Iran’s future and invited all freedom-loving Iranians to participate in the great gathering of Free Iran on June 29, 2024, in Berlin.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 16, 2024