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HomeIran News NowNews- Find what is going on In IranIran News: German Prosecutors Seek Prison Sentences for Tehran-backed Hezbollah Members

Iran News: German Prosecutors Seek Prison Sentences for Tehran-backed Hezbollah Members

In a landmark trial, German prosecutors have called for prison sentences for two men accused of being members of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. This historic case marks the first time suspected members of Hezbollah have faced trial in Germany, highlighting the country’s stringent stance against the organization, which it considers a terrorist group.

The defendants, a 50-year-old Lebanese national and a 56-year-old German-Lebanese citizen were apprehended in the provinces of Lower Saxony on May 10 of the previous year. The Lebanese defendant, identified as a key figure in various Lebanese associations in northern Germany, has been active as a preacher, particularly with the Al-Mustafa community in Bremen, which was banned in 2022. The German-Lebanese defendant is accused of being a member of a military elite unit within Hezbollah since 2009 and later serving as the head of the Al-Mustafa community in Germany.

The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office has demanded a five-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the 50-year-old Lebanese man for his membership in a foreign terrorist organization. The 56-year-old German-Lebanese man faces a proposed three-year prison term for similar charges. The prosecution presented its closing arguments on May 30, with the defense expected to make their case on Thursday. A verdict from the State Security Senate could be announced as soon as Friday.

Germany’s Interior Ministry imposed a ban on Hezbollah’s activities in the country in April 2020.  Hezbollah, which receives support from the clerical regime in Iran, has been responsible for numerous attacks on both military and civilian targets since its establishment in 1982.

The trial has drawn significant attention as it underscores Germany’s commitment to combating terrorism and preventing the spread of extremist ideologies within its borders. The outcome of this trial is expected to set a precedent for future cases involving terrorist organizations in Germany.

For many years, the Iranian Resistance has urged the EU to be vigilant about the clerical regime’s terrorist activities on European soil. They have called for the closure of its embassies, consulates, and state-related religious centers, which serve as nests for terrorism, espionage, and surveillance against both Iranians and European citizens.