Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – May 28, 2024


UPDATE: 10:30 PM

Calls for Canada To List IRGC As Terror Group Amplified In Wake Of President’s Death

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More than a week after the death of the Islamic Regime in Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi, “The Butcher of Tehran,” calls for Canada to designate the Islamic Republic Guard Corps as a terror group is mounting. An informal coalition of political and civic leaders who oppose the Islamic Republic in Iran held a press conference in Ottawa, Ont., to discuss Canada’s response to the death of Raisi, who was responsible for the executions of thousands of political prisoners, women, gays and apostates from Islam in Iran.

The meeting followed a May 9 vote by Canadian MPs asking the government to blacklist the IRGC for its crimes against its people and its role in terrorism in the Middle East.

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UPDATE: 11:00 AM

To Win Over People, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Militia Distributes Lamb Meat to Families in Deir Ezzor

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Deir Ezzor province: The Iranian Revolutionary Guards militia distributed lamb meat to residents of Hatla eastern of Deir Ezzor, where each family was given a kilogram of meat, to win over the people and because residents of the village cooperated with these militias.

Moreover, other families that had no connections with the militias were also given lamb meat.



Labour Expected to Proscribe Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as 550 Parliamentarians Demand Action


A group of 550 parliamentarians has made a final bid before the election to get the next government to proscribe Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) as a terrorist group. The move by MPs and peers on the British Committee for Iran Freedom has been consistently resisted by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) even though the USA has led the way on the issue. It is understood that shadow foreign secretary David Lammy has suggested that if he is in charge of the FCDO after 4 July there could be a change of policy.

The initiative is led by Tory MP Bob Blackman, a long-time supporter of the National Council for Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who has worked with the NCRI and the umbrella group The British Committee for Iran Freedom.

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Germany wants to classify Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization

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Several EU states, including Germany, want to have the Iranian Revolutionary Guards classified as a terrorist organization on the basis of a ruling by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. The German Press Agency learned this on Monday on the sidelines of an EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels.

At the request of the German EU delegation, among others, the legal service of the Council of the EU has examined and confirmed that the verdict issued in December in Düsseldorf could be sufficient as a basis for an EU terror listing of the Revolutionary Guards, EU diplomats explained. The verdict had established the order of an Iranian state agency for an attempted arson attack on a synagogue.

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Raisi’s Death Is A Strategic Blow To Iran’s Regime

Iran: Who is Ebrahim Raisi?

The death of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi is a heavy and crushing blow in the most sensitive political and social conditions to the decaying regime of the mullahs, irreversibly disrupting the regime’s internal balance.

Raisi, due to his extensive history of execution, repression, and crime, as well as his absolute obedience to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, held a special role and position in the Supreme Leader’s strategy of maximum suppression.

Khamenei had earmarked Raisi years ago to advance his policy of suppression and block uprisings. Raisi started his career in Khomeini’s repressive apparatus at the age of 18. In 1984, at the age of 24, he replaced Asadollah Lajevardi as deputy prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court in dealing with “groups.” Then, in 1988, Khomeini appointed him as one of the members of the Death Committee responsible for the massacre of political prisoners. In this position, he demonstrated his cruelty and bloodthirstiness, especially in executing members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

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Iranian Regime Officials Make Conflicting Comments on Raisi’s Death

The helicopter crash of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi and conflicting comments and claims made by officials have fueled controversy within the regime.

The government newspaper Ham-Mihan wrote on May 24: “On the first day of the helicopter crash, two very important and interrelated issues stood out… The first issue was ‘incorrect and ambiguous information dissemination’ and the second was the incomprehensible statements of officials that not only do not resolve any ambiguities but add to them.”

The government newspaper Jomhouri Eslami, in its May 23 issue, wrote: “The fact that out of three Iranian helicopters returning from the border area to Tabriz, only the helicopter carrying the president experienced this incident, while it could rule out the incident being related to weather factors, strengthens the likelihood of it being a conspiracy.”

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Iran’s Nuclear Program: Escalating Tensions and Diplomatic Deadlock


According to a confidential report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels. As of May 11, 2024, Iran possesses 142.1 kilograms (313.2 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60% purity, an increase of 20.6 kilograms (45.4 pounds) since the previous report in February. Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

Furthermore, Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 6,201.3 kilograms (13,671.5 pounds), representing an increase of 675.8 kilograms (1,489.8 pounds) since the IAEA’s previous report. The IAEA’s definition states that around 42 kilograms (92.5 pounds) of uranium enriched to 60% is the amount at which creating one atomic weapon is theoretically possible if the material is enriched further to 90%.

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Iran’s Regime Reels from the Loss of Its Bloodstained Enforcer

khamenei raisi hugging

The death of former Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is a significant blow to the rule of Velayat al-Faqih, shaking the very foundations of the regime. Following the recent uprisings, particularly the severe unrest in 2022, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei sought to sustain his regime by purging the government and establishing a youthful, Hezbollahi-led administration. To achieve this, Khamenei relied on the most loyal individuals within the regime, those who would unquestioningly execute his directives. Raisi was one such loyalist, notorious for his direct involvement in the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in the summer of 1988, a role that earned him the grim nickname “The Butcher of Tehran.” Khamenei had heavily invested in Raisi, even considering him as a potential successor for the position of Supreme Leader.

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Iran’s Government Budget Deficit Worsened during Ebrahim Raisi’s Presidency

iran parliament majlis raisi budget 2023 qalibaf

Reports from the Central Bank of the Iranian regime indicate that government debts to the banking system have doubled during Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency, and the government’s budget deficit has worsened. The Central Bank of the Iranian regime recently released annual budget details for the period from 2017 to 2020, showing an annual deficit of 30%. Despite this, the Central Bank has still refrained from reporting on the status of budget realization during Raisi’s term. In 2018, then–president Hassan Rouhani had instructed the Central Bank to stop publishing the country’s budget realization reports, citing the need to keep government information confidential due to US sanctions.

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Political Turmoil in Iran: Khamenei’s Strategy After Raisi’s Death in 2024

iran ebrahim raisi soleimani ceremony jan 2024

Following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage on May 19, the Iranian regime, led by the Supreme Leader, was plunged into shock. The regime, acting on orders from Supreme Leader Khamenei and the Supreme National Security Council, imposed a media blackout on the true circumstances of the helicopter crash. State media were restricted to vague reports, claiming that “no definitive information is available regarding the fate of the helicopter carrying the president and his entourage.”

This censorship stemmed from Khamenei’s profound concern over potential civil unrest and mass demonstrations. In response, the regime made covert decisions to manage the crisis. Khamenei prepared the nation’s security forces to quell any possible disturbances, especially in Tehran. In his initial public address, he sought to reassure citizens, stating, “The Iranian nation should not be worried or concerned; the country’s affairs will not be disrupted.” Mohammad Mokhber, Raisi’s first deputy, reinforced this message.

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Bern, Switzerland—May 25, 2024: Freedom-Loving Iranians Rallied and Condemned the UN’s Plan to Hold a Memorial for the Mass Murderer Raisi

Bern, Switzerland—May 25, 2024: Iranians Condemned the UN's Plan to Hold a Memorial for Raisi.

Bern, Switzerland—May 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian resistance gathered to protest against the United Nations’ plan to commemorate the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the criminal president of the mullahs’ regime.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution.

Copenhagen, Denmark—May 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Stockholm, Sweden—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Stockholm, Sweden—May 25, 2024: MEK supporters rally in support of the Iranian Revolution.

Stockholm, Sweden—May 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally to express support for the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Germany—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rallies and Exhibitions in Cologne, Hamburg, Aachen, Bonn, and Münster in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Germany—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rallies & Exhibitions in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Germany—May 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies and exhibitions in Cologne, Hamburg, Aachen, Bonn, and Münster to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 27, 2024