Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – May 18, 2024


UPDATE: 12:30 PM

Sham Elections Garner Farcical 8 Percent Support in Iran

townhall-logoThe second round of sham elections in Iran was held on May 10, with a derisory 8 percent participation by the voting public. The first round to the 290-seat parliament and the 88 members of the Assembly of Experts, was held on March 1, when voter turnout was 8.2 percent. That round determined the allocation of 245 of the seats in the Majlis, with the remaining 45 decided in the second round, 16 of which were in the Tehran constituency. These were the first elections in Iran since the nationwide uprising in 2022/23 that followed the death in custody of the young Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini. The brutal crackdown by the regime on protesters led to over 750 deaths and more than 30,000 arrested, many of whom have been raped, tortured, and executed.

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Green’s Bill to Combat Iranian-backed Houthi Threats Advances Out of Foreign Affairs Committee

WASHINGTON—This week, Rep. Mark Green’s Combating Houthi Threats and Aggression Act was reported out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The bill, introduced alongside Rep. Jared Moskowitz (FL-23), imposes sanctions on those complicit in or who materially support Houthi attacks, past or present. The bill also mandates the creation of three reports regarding the capability of the Houthis to threaten U.S. national security and foreign policy goals, hindrances to the freedom of navigation, and Houthi violations of the United Nations Arms Embargo to Yemen.

Green said, “Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists have proven they will stop at nothing to harm American servicemembers in the region and impede the navigation of the Red Sea. This threat to American lives, interests, and the free navigation in the Red Sea must stop. That is why I introduced bipartisan legislation, the Combating Houthi Threats and Aggression Act.”

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Why Iran’s Regime Is Frantically Warning About The PMOI

PMOI Resistance Units support Maryam Rajavi 10 point plan

Recently, the state-run Alef website warned about the aftermath of the 2022 nationwide uprising of Iran and wrote, “The events of 2022 confirmed that the [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)] has penetrated deeply into the ranks of the opponents of the Islamic Republic both on a broad scale and at a profound level.”

Alef added, “This discourse has been advancing its dangerous project in other layers as well, without the social actors being aware of their role in a play, of which the [PMOI] is the main director and producer. These days, gradually and with a purposeful plan, they narrate history in a way that absolves themselves of accusations and allows them to present themselves as a serious and powerful opposition, instead of promoting their agenda in a hidden manner. They focus on mobilizing support from within Iran.”

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Nasim Gholami Simiyari Illegally Detained for One Year in Limbo

Last year, on May 18, 2023, agents from the IRGC Intelligence arrested Nasim Gholami Simiyari in one of Tehran’s streets.

They took her immediately to the IRGC’s Ward 1A and interrogated her in solitary confinement.  After two months, she was transferred to Ward 2A and eventually sent to the women’s ward of Evin Prison on September 26, 2023.

She was subjected to mental and physical torture during the early months of arrest and forced to make televised confessions against herself. The confessions, dictated by her interrogator, are now being used against her.

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Iranian Media’s Deceptive Warnings: A Strategy to Suppress Protests

iran uprising fire cocktail molotov

In recent months, officials within the Iranian regime have expressed growing concern over the surge in popular protests and public discontent. Events such as the enforcement of the morality patrol under the pretext of hijab and the implementation of the Chastity and Hijab Bill have fueled public anger, exacerbated by the country’s dire economic situation.

Certain media outlets, particularly those aligned with the so-called reformist faction, have been issuing deceptive warnings to the public, advising against protests. This claim that their protests inadvertently bolster the radical and principlist faction of the regime. The public, however, has long dismissed the regime’s factions, seeing no prospects for genuine reform within the current system.

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Persecution Continues: Religious Freedom in Iran Remains Grim in 2023


A new report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) paints a bleak picture of religious freedom in Iran throughout 2023. Despite ongoing protests against restrictions on religious expression, Iranian authorities continue to repress dissent with violence and intimidation.

The report details the harsh treatment faced by protesters, including minors, who were subjected to arrest, detention, torture, and even execution on charges related to their religious beliefs or opposition to mandatory hijab laws. The UN Special Rapporteur on Iran expressed concerns that the regime’s actions may constitute crimes against humanity.

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Around 6 Workers Die of Safety Incidents Every Day in Iran

iran workers shovel construction

Ali Ziaei, the head of the Crime Scene Investigation Group at the Iranian Forensics Organization, reported the deaths of 2,115 workers and injuries to 27,000 others due to work-related accidents in 2023.

The state-run ILNA news agency criticized the Ministry of Labor for concealing statistics and stated that this figure translates to the death of 5.79 workers per day.

Ziaei stated to ILNA that the number of work-related accidents in the past year increased by 11.3% compared to the previous year.

He added that falls from heights consistently accounted for the largest share of casualties, with 983 victims losing their lives due to falls, comprising 46.5% of all fatalities.

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Urgent Action to Save the Life of Prisoner of Conscience Kamran Sheikheh

Kamran Sheikheh, a 40-year-old prisoner of conscience from Mahabad, is currently at serious risk of imminent execution. He is currently held in solitary confinement in Ghezalhesar Prison, awaiting the execution of his death sentence, which could be carried out by the Iranian judiciary at any moment. Earlier, six of his casemates were executed in the same Qazalhasar prison. Kamran Sheikheh has been imprisoned for nearly 15 years, serving time in both Qazalhesar and Urmia prisons.

Kamran Sheikheh, a Kurdish political prisoner, was born in 1984 in Mahabad. He holds a high school diploma and is unmarried. He was arrested in 2009 along with six other Sunni individuals from his hometown. They were severely tortured in the Urmia Intelligence Office to extract forced confessions. In March 2016, they were sentenced to death by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh (Naserian), and in June 2018, their death sentences were upheld by the Iranian judiciary.

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“True Promise”, Iranian Regime’s Desperate Response to Quds Force Blow

Several IRGC commanders were killed in a calculated attack in Syria. Experts believe the Syrian government provided the other side with information about the Quds Force operations room. This operation dealt a severe blow to the terrorist Quds Force. The Iranian regime was compelled to respond out of desperation. If they hadn’t responded, even with a laughable show, the loss of personnel and the hollowness of Khamenei’s power would have become more evident. France, Germany, and England should not think that the matter ended the night they came with their planes. Yes, that night ended, but their account remains.

If the Purpose of the “True Promise” Operation Was to Strike, Why Was It Made Public? The question that all military experts and analysts agree on is why this operation was publicized. In warfare, the element of surprise is one of the principles of combat. It’s a crucial tactic.

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Paris—May 16, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris—May 16, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition to Express Their Support for the Iranian Revolution.

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and book display in Paris on May 16, 2024. This event was held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and to protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 17, 2024