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Iran-France: Chirac Says Iran Must Suspend Nuclear Plans or Face UN Referral

French President Jacques Chirac Bloomberg, August 29 – French President Jacques Chirac said Iran will face referral to the United Nations Security Council if it doesn’t suspend its nuclear program and respond to proposals by European Union negotiators.

Iran should re-examine EU offers to help it develop a civilian energy program under international supervision and give it access to technology and “return to the commitment to suspend activities related to the production of fissile materials,” Chirac told French ambassadors in Paris today.

“We call on Iran’s sense of responsibility to restore cooperation and trust, in the absence of which, and I would regret this, the Security Council will have no other choice but to take up the matter,” Chirac told the annual meeting of France’s top diplomats.

Iran, which resumed uranium processing Aug. 5 ending a suspension agreed on with the EU last November, said Aug. 26 that it will expand talks beyond the “EU-3” — France, Germany and the U.K. Iran’s new nuclear negotiator said it may pursue “parallel track” negotiations with the EU, after France canceled the next round of talks scheduled for Aug. 31.

Iran wants to present a plan for ending its deadlock with the EU within the next month, the nuclear negotiator, Ali Ardshir Larijani, said. If the matter goes before the Security Council, this could lead to international trade and other sanctions being imposed on Iran.

EU offers are “commensurate with the role that this great country of Iran should play in the world,” Chirac said. “There is room for dialogue and negotiation.”

Enriched uranium is the fuel used to generate electricity or make nuclear weapons. In November, Iran agreed to suspend enrichment and negotiate with the three EU countries. Since resuming the program, the country rejected an International Atomic Energy Agency resolution on Aug. 11 urging it to freeze processing.