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Iran News in Brief – March 23, 2024



Senators Introduce Bipartisan Resolution In Support Of Dissident Iranian Exiles


While much attention was focused on the Senate working into the wee hours of the morning to pass a spending bill in a last-minute bid to avert a partial government shutdown on Friday, a group of senators found a little bipartisan comity around rebuking the Iranian government.

A resolution introduced this week by Senator Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, is the latest effort by members of Congress to extend political recognition to members of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq, or MEK — a group of dissident Iranian refugees living in Europe and primarily centered in Ashraf-3, a political enclave in Albania. The group, led by President-elect Maryam Rajavi, brands itself as a democratic resistance movement against the authoritarian Iranian government. Previously involved in violent resistance against the Iranian regime, it was designated as a terrorist group by the US government until 2012 (a position Iran’s leaders supported).

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Nowruz Traffic Accidents in Iran Claim Hundreds of Lives

A chain accident in IranHassan Momeni, the head of Iran’s Traffic Police, announced the loss of 373 lives in Nowruz (Iranian New Year) accidents until Saturday morning, March 23. According to Momeni, more than 10,500 people were also injured in these accidents.

Momeni reminded us that approximately 15 to 20 percent of traffic accident victims in Iran become disabled. He emphasized that 44 percent of fatal accidents during this year’s Nowruz occurred due to the driver’s failure to pay attention to the road ahead.

Meanwhile, Teymour Hosseini, another Traffic Police official, stated that “unsafe speed, fatigue, and drowsiness” were among the main factors contributing to the occurrence of fatal traffic accidents during this year’s Nowruz.

Additionally, Tehran Traffic Police announced on Saturday that 11 people had died in traffic accidents in Tehran over the past 7 days.

Furthermore, Mohammad Javad Moradian, the director of the Fars Emergency Medical Services Center, reported that in the early hours of March 23, four people were killed and 14 others injured in a bus rollover on the Marvdasht-Saadat Shahr route.


Iran: The Narco State


Iranian Officials Acknowledge Public Discontent and Widespread Election Boycott

Abbas Amirifar, a figure affiliated with the faction close to Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, has admitted to widespread public resentment towards all factions of the regime and acknowledged the extensive boycott of the recent sham elections.

Addressing the claims made by marginalized factions regarding the disqualification of some of their candidates leading to the boycotting of ballot boxes by the people, Amirifar refuted the allegations. He stated that even if the so-called “reformists” had participated, the turnout would have remained low, indicating that people are outraged by both sides.

Amirifar said, “I assume even if the reformists participated, the turnout in the elections would have been the same. It means that people wouldn’t shift from one faction, for example, from principalists to reformists. Now, some of them also want to exploit the negative airwaves. But in reality, this is not true. It means our people are unhappy with both sides.”

Additionally, Hossein Maraashi, the Secretary-General of the Sazandegi Coalition, acknowledged that individuals branding themselves as moderates have previously capitalized on public discontent against the ruling factions.

On March 22, Maraashi told the state-run Khabar Online, “If it weren’t for the Islamic Republic, the majority of people would not turn to figures like Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mohammad Khatami, Fa’ezeh Hashemi, or Mostafa Tajzadeh. One day, the people will sweep away everyone who has been part of the government, from principalists to reformists, with the same broom.”

More Than 120 Protesters Blinded by Iranian Agents, Probe Confirms

The Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley has verified for the first time that roughly 120 people lost some or all of their sight when Iranian security agents firing shotguns, paintball guns and even tear gas canisters cracked down on women’s rights protests that erupted in late 2022. Center investigators stop short of saying that security forces broadly intended to blind the protesters. But some of the victims were shot in the face at close range, and evidence in other cases also supports that conclusion, according to analysis presented Tuesday (March 19) during a side event as the U.N. Human Rights Council met in Geneva, Switzerland.

Many of the victims were students, and the majority were 30 years old or younger, according to Berkeley’s student-led investigative team. One confirmed victim was a 5-year-old girl standing on a balcony as demonstrations took place on the street below.

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Australia and UK Condemn Iran’s Nuclear Escalation and Human Rights Violations


In a joint statement issued following the Australia-UK Ministerial Consultations (AUKMIN) in Adelaide, the countries of England and Australia have strongly denounced Iran’s actions regarding its nuclear program and human rights abuses.

The statement, released after discussions between the Foreign and Defense Ministers of both nations, emphasized the unwavering commitment to prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons. It underscored that Iran’s continuous escalation of its nuclear program lacks any legitimate civilian justification.

Furthermore, the ministers expressed deep concerns over Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region. They specifically condemned Iran’s ongoing provision of missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and other forms of military and financial support to non-state actors. Of significant concern was the regime’s involvement in assisting Russia’s unlawful aggression against Ukraine. The ministers reiterated that any transfer of ballistic missiles would only serve to exacerbate tensions.

In addition to addressing security issues, the joint statement highlighted the persistent human rights violations in Iran. The ministers expressed profound concern over the repression of political dissidents and the systematic persecution of women, girls, and minority groups within Iran.

US destroys Houthi targets in Yemen after missile attack in Red Sea


US Central Command (CENTCOM) said Saturday that American forces destroyed Houthi targets in Yemen.

“On March 22, between approximately 4:22 a.m. and 11:10 p.m. (Sanaa time), United States Central Command (CENTCOM) forces successfully engaged and destroyed four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen in self-defense,” CENTCOM wrote on X.

It reported that during the timeframe, the Houthi group fired four anti-ship ballistic missiles from Yemen toward the Red Sea. There were no injuries or damage reported by the US, coalition or commercial ships, it said.

CENTCOM said its forces conducted “self-defense strikes against three Houthi underground storage facilities in Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist-controlled areas of Yemen.”

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Wilson and Moskowitz Call for Iranian Leaders to be Barred from United Nations Meetings in the U.S.

rep joe wilson logo

Washington, DC – Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) and Congressman Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) led over 20 Members of Congress in a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, calling for the U.S. to deny visas for Iranian leaders visiting the United States. This urgent call comes as Iran continues to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis and actively destabilize the Middle East. In 2014, the U.S. banned Iran’s United Nations Ambassador, and in 2020, they banned Iran’s Foreign Minister.

A copy of the letter can be found here.

“The regime in Tehran is the world’s largest State Sponsor of Terror. Its puppets continue to regularly target U.S. service members, including horrifically, the three young soldiers killed by an Iranian drone in Jordan. Regime terrorist puppets continue launching attacks on our ally Israel and global shipping in the Red Sea. Further, regime officials have carried out intelligence gathering and attempted assassinations on American soil. — A regime that proudly declares its intent “Death to America, Death to Israel,” should not be able to send its henchmen to America to enjoy the luxuries and freedoms they seek to destroy,” said Wilson.

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PMOI Resistance Units Start New Persian Year With Activities Across Iran

MEK resistance units activities (1)

Amidst the escalating repression within Iran by the regime, PMOI Resistance Units have intensified their activities, representing a bold and decisive step towards overthrowing the regime and establishing democracy. These activities coincide with the Persian New Year, Nowruz, symbolizing the renewal of hope and resistance. In Tehran, images of Iranian Resistance leader Masoud Rajavi, along with quotes heralding the imminent spring of Iranian freedom, were distributed across the city, indicating a firm belief in the inevitable fall of the current regime and the rise of democracy. Similarly, posters and images of Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), spread throughout the capital with messages strengthening the spirit of a democratic revolution in the country.

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Is The New Persian Year The Year Of Revolution?

PMOI Resistance Units support Maryam Rajavi 10 point plan

As the Iran begins its new year, reflections on the tumultuous events of the previous year reveal a nation on the brink of significant transformation. Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime, initially dedicated this period to suppressing the spirit of uprising and opposition. However, the path he charted to achieve this ominous goal failed, paving the way for what some expect to be a crucial revolution akin to the 1979 revolution.

Khamenei’s strategy of confrontation, aimed at stifling the emerging uprisings and anti-regime protests, had the reverse effect of strengthening the spirit of opposition and rebellion in the Iranian population. Increased repression failed to quell the flames of opposition within Iranian society, which remained vibrant and defiant.

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Regime Promises vs. Reality: The Persistence of Youth Unemployment in Iran

female students deprived of dormitory

In a report, the Eghtesad News website revealed that according to data from Iran’s Statistics Center, the unemployment rate among youths aged 15 to 24 exceeds the national average. One of the cited reasons is the mismatch between working hours and educational commitments. Official statistics indicate that the highest youth unemployment rate, within the 15 to 24 age bracket, was recorded in the winter of 2010 over the past 19 years.

The ‘Eco Iran’ website also reported that in spring 2005, youth unemployment within the 15 to 24 age group stood at 24%, escalating to over 31% in the winter of 2010, marking the highest rate in 19 years. Youth unemployment peaked at 30% in 2016, partly due to increased labor market participation and insufficient capacity to absorb all job seekers.

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Iranian Workers Protest Meager Minimum Wage Increase

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A recent decision to raise Iran’s minimum wage by 35% has sparked widespread protests amongst workers, their representatives, and independent labor organizations. Many argue that the increase falls far short of keeping pace with inflation, effectively pushing workers further into poverty.

On March 19, 2024, representatives of the government and employers within the Supreme Labor Council, a body with close ties to the regime, agreed to the 35% minimum wage increase for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Worker representatives on the council had demanded a raise that reflected the true cost of living, citing a 42% inflation rate and a minimum livelihood basket of approximately 25 million tomans (roughly $400) per month.

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Iran’s Water Crisis: A Looming Threat in a Region of Scarcity

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The World Resources Institute (WRI) recently released a report highlighting the dire water situation in 25 countries, including Iran. This report, published on the eve of World Water Day (March 22nd), paints a concerning picture for these nations facing severe water scarcity and stress.

The report identifies Iran alongside Qatar, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and other Middle Eastern countries grappling with water insecurity. These regions are home to a quarter of the global population and experience extremely high water stress annually. The WRI report warns that these countries use more than 80 percent of their renewable water resources for various purposes, leaving them vulnerable to even short-term droughts.

The situation is further compounded by a projected increase in global water demand by 20-25% by 2050. Additionally, the number of regions facing water scarcity is predicted to rise by 19% annually. Notably, the WRI report predicts that by 2050, 100% of the population in the Middle East and North Africa will be subject to severe water stress.

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Iran’s Dam Water Reserves Shrink by 10% in Current Year


An assessment of Iran’s water resources from September 23, 2023, to March 16, 2024, indicates that 33 major dams in the country have less water than in 2022. The volume of reservoirs has decreased by more than 10% compared to the same period in the previous year. In recent months, experts have repeatedly warned about drought in Iran and its consequences.

The ISNA news agency reported on March 21 that the volume of water in Iran’s reservoirs reached 23.18 billion cubic meters from the beginning of the current water year, September 2023, to mid-March 2024, indicating a 10% decrease compared to the previous year.

Alongside this decrease, an examination of the outflow from the country’s reservoirs during this period indicates a “seven percent increase.”

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Iran’s Real Estate Market Entering Stagflation in 2024

Iran's Housing Industry’s Escalating Prices

The Iranian real estate market is entering a new stagflation period in 2024 due to the increase in the dollar exchange rate.

Saeed Lotfi, the secretary of the Real Estate Consultants Union, mentioned the housing market in the spring of 2024, stating that with the growth of the dollar rate, there is a possibility of a recurrence of stagflation in the housing market.

In an interview with the state-run ILNA news agency on March 22, Lotfi emphasized that the government’s announcement of the official inflation rate at the beginning of the Persian New Year, beginning on March 20, affects all markets, including housing.

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MEK Supporters in Geneva Celebrate Nowruz, Supporting the Resistance Units for a Free Iran

MEK Supporters in Geneva Celebrate Nowruz, Supporting the Resistance Units for a Free Iran

Geneva, Switzerland—March 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) extend their heartfelt congratulations to the Iranian people and the Resistance Units on Nowruz and the Iranian New Year.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 22, 2024