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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranians Rally in Vienna During IAEA Governors Meeting

Iranians Rally in Vienna During IAEA Governors Meeting

Vienna Austria March 4 2024 Iranian Resistance rally

Amidst the convention of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors in Vienna on Monday, March 4, Iranians and supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) assembled outside the IAEA headquarters. They gathered to protest the international community’s inaction in holding the Iranian regime accountable for its breaches of nuclear commitments and its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

During the demonstration, participants stressed the imperative of activating snapback sanctions and urging the European Union and the international community to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) which is responsible for the regime’s nuclear weapons program as a terrorist organization. They also called for the reinstatement of six United Nations Security Council resolutions and the referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear case to the Security Council, advocating for its placement under the supervision of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

Among the attendees was Mr. Leo Dautzenberg, Chairman of the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran and a former representative of the German Federal Parliament, who delivered remarks to the assembled crowd.

Mr. Dautzenberg said, “Recent reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency indicate that the regime continues uranium enrichment at high concentrations. The regime also continues to develop its ballistic missile program and will be able to jeopardize the entire region and Europe with nuclear weapons using satellite technology. The threat of the Iranian regime obtaining a nuclear bomb is an urgent global danger.”

The former MP criticized the ineffectiveness of previous nuclear negotiations, asserting that decades of appeasement had allowed the regime to clandestinely expand its nuclear program in military facilities that remain uncontrolled.

Mr. Dautzenberg underscored the importance of finding a new strategy to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions, noting that sanctions against Russia and Iran had proven increasingly ineffective and easily circumvented. He called for decisive action, including the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization and diplomatic measures to counter the regime’s illicit activities.

He emphasized, “For years, the mullahs’ regime has been trying to mislead people and public opinion in the West with its horrible policy and disinformation campaign. Many who present themselves as ‘Iran experts’ support the regime’s policy in the West and Germany.”

Mr. Dautzenberg added, “They only repeat the lies of the Iranian regime about the NCRI and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and claim that there is no opposition in Iran. If this were true, why does the regime act inhumanely against its people and opponents? The reality is that we are witnessing a real and positive transformation in Iran.”