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Iran News in Brief – February 27, 2024

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Tuesday Protests in Iran

Tehran: Families of SMA patients gathered in protest today, expressing their distress over the scarcity of crucial medication. The demonstration unfolded near the Presidential Office as families demanded immediate action to address the shortage, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

Stock owners took to the entrance of the Bourse Organization, distributing protest pamphlets and voicing their discontent against recent decisions leading to the suspension of trades. The protesters called for transparency and fair treatment within the stock market, urging authorities to reconsider their actions.

Ahvaz, Khuzestan Province: A joint demonstration emerged as retirees from the education sector and beneficiaries of social security congregated outside the Governorate building in Ahvaz. They expressed dissatisfaction with the current pension system and demanded better financial support, emphasizing the need for improved living conditions.

Kermanshah: Retired government employees staged a rally in front of the Provincial Retirement Fund, denouncing inadequate pensions and the lack of access to essential services. The protesters demanded immediate reforms to enhance their quality of life and ensure dignified retirement.

The demonstrations, occurring simultaneously across various cities, underscore the diverse grievances prevalent among different segments of Iranian society. As tensions escalate, authorities face mounting pressure to address the multifaceted concerns raised by the populace.

IAEA Warns Of ‘Concerns’ Over Iran Nuclear Plans

Agence France Press (AFP) – The UN nuclear watchdog has voiced growing concern over Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons, fuelled by recent public statements in the country, according to a confidential report seen by AFP on Monday.

Tensions between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have repeatedly flared since a 2015 deal aimed at curbing Tehran’s nuclear programme in exchange for sanction relief has been left in tatters.

In the report, IAEA head Rafael Grossi said that “public statements made in Iran regarding its technical capabilities to produce nuclear weapons” have only increased “concerns about the correctness and completeness of Iran’s safeguards declarations”.

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The UK and US Sanction Houthi Enablers

UK-Gov-logoA UK sanctions package, coordinated with the US, targets those that support or enable the work of the Houthis across the Middle East.

Today the UK and US have announced a number of sanctions against those that support, enable or deliver work of the Houthis, the Iran-backed proxy group in Yemen responsible for widespread attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

The UK will today sanction 2 individuals and 3 organisations for their role in providing financial or military support to the Houthis, in order to expose and disrupt their efforts to undermine regional stability across the Middle East. The UK will also sanction a Houthi security minister for threatening the peace, security and stability of Yemen by supporting attacks against shipping in the Red Sea.

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4 Charged With Transporting Iranian-Made Weapons Face Detention Hearings In US Court

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Four crew members of an unflagged vessel that U.S. officials say was carrying Iranian-made missile components are scheduled to appear Tuesday in a federal courtroom in Virginia, where prosecutors are expected to argue they should be held without bond while they await trial.

The night of Jan. 11, U.S. Central Command Navy forces, including Navy SEALs, along with members of the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team, boarded the vessel in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Somalia. Two Navy SEALs drowned during the operation.

U.S. officials said Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Christopher J. Chambers slipped into the gap created by high waves between the vessel and the SEALs’ combatant craft. As Chambers fell, Navy Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class Nathan Gage Ingram jumped in to try to save him, according to U.S. officials familiar with what happened. Efforts to find and rescue them were unsuccessful.

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Iran Has Further Increased Its Total Stockpile Of Uranium, UN Nuclear Watchdog Report Says

VIENNA (AP) — Iran has further increased its total stockpile of uranium, according to a report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog seen by The Associated Press on Monday, and it continues to bar the agency’s most seasoned inspectors from monitoring its nuclear program,

The International Atomic Energy Agency also said in a second confidential report, distributed to member states, that Tehran made no progress in explaining the presence of manmade uranium particles found at two locations.

The IAEA estimated in its quarterly report that as of Feb. 10, Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile was at 5,525.5 kilograms (about 12,182 pounds), an increase of 1,038.7 kilograms (2,289 pounds) since the last quarterly report in November 2023.

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CENTCOM Destroys Houthi Arsenal Prepared for Launch, UAV In The Air


United States Central Command (CENTCOM) on Tuesday morning reported on earlier preemptive strikes in self-defense against Houthi targets, that were prepared for launch towards the Red Sea and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) already in the air.

The Iranian-backed Houthis prepared three unmanned surface vessels (USV), two mobile anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM), and the one-way attack UAV, which CENTCOM determined “presented an imminent threat” to merchant vessels and the naval ships in the area.

The missiles and USVs were identified in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and were destroyed on the ground, while the UAV had already been flying over the Red Sea area.

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Iran’s Regime Can’t Even Trust Its Own Parliament


All members of the Majlis (parliament) are people who for more than four decades have actively participated in the regime’s crimes, theft, and the exploitation of the people’s rights. Without exception, they all have a background in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and are members of the terrorist force of the Quds, the Ministry of Intelligence, and other suppressive organs. All these members who have passed through multiple vetting and security checks before reaching the seat of the Majlis and have proven themselves in crime and betrayal over the years, are now under suspicion and mistrust by the regime.

The security and intelligence organs of the regime constantly monitor them. The claim is supported by many documents and records published from servers of the Majlis and its news agency, Khaneye Mellat. Reflecting on some of these documents sheds more light on the matter: the collection and transmission of telephone numbers of all representatives and employees of the Majlis to the security and intelligence institutions for monitoring their possible presence in protest gatherings and cooperation with protesters:

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Dissent and Discontent Continue to Rise in Iran

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The demise of Iran’s dictatorship looms on the horizon. After enduring 45 years under the rule of the mullahs, the Iranian populace seethes with discontent and fury toward their government.

Recent years have witnessed widespread uprisings, starkly illustrating the depth of resentment and animosity harbored by the people against Iran’s authoritarian regime.

Inside Iran, a swelling tide of indignation confronts the ruling elite, demanding nothing short of the overthrow of the oppressive regime.

Virtually every Iranian family has suffered the loss of a loved one or endured the seizure of their rights and property at the hands of this dictatorship.

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The Plight of Zeinab Jalalian: A Woman’s Struggle for Freedom and Justice

Zeinab Jalalian 1 min

Zeinab Jalalian, a Kurdish woman, has spent 16 years in prison in Iran and is now entering her 17th year of imprisonment. She is the longest-held and only female political prisoner with a life sentence in Iran. During her imprisonment, she was tortured and deprived of her right to leave, even for medical treatment. She has also been illegally and violently moved between different prisons. This report presents the current situation of Zeinab Jalalian in Yazd prison.

Zeinab Jalalian was arrested in Kermanshah on February 26, 2008, and is currently being held in Yazd prison. However, this Kurdish woman has been illegally and violently moved between different prisons.

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Misery Index Increase in 25 Provinces of Iran

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Iranian media have reported an increase in the Misery index over the past year in 25 provinces of Iran. The economic website Eco Iran has announced in a report that in the fall of 2023, the misery index across the country was 52 units.

According to Eco Iran’s report, this fall, the Misery level in urban areas was 52.3 units, while in rural areas, it was 51.7 units, indicating a 0.6-unit higher Misery rate in cities compared to villages.

The report indicates that the highest level of Misery is in the cities of Lorestan province with 64.2 units. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Yazd, and Sistan and Baluchestan are other provinces with the highest Misery levels in their cities.

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Uprising To Overthrow Channel And Disclosure Of The Latest Information About The Increase In The Military And Security Budget In 2024


The Uprising to Overthrow channel (Qiam Ta Sarnegooni) has exposed many secrets behind the government’s curtain! When on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, the Uprising to Overthrow channel announced that it had gained access to the websites of the Iranian government’s parliament, no one believed how impactful this blow could be. Now, a couple of weeks after the incident, the vast dimensions of the disclosed data and information reveal the depth of the impact on the rotten structure of the Velayat-e Faqih.

The Uprising to Overthrow channel, in addition to revealing the major rights of the parliament members, is now exposing the latest deals behind the scenes of the representatives and the government regarding the budget for the year 2024.

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Geneva—February 26, 2024: Protest Rally by Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Against the Presence of Iran’s Regime Foreign Minister

Geneva—February 26, 2024: Protest Rally by MEK Supporters Against the Presence of Iran's Regime FM.

Geneva, Switzerland—February 26, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest rally in front of the United Nations headquarters against the presence of Iran’s regime Foreign Minister.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 26, 2023