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Iran News in Brief – January 30, 2024

iran fars province ict retirees protest 29012024



Tuesday Protests in Iran

Today, Iranians across several provinces including Tehran, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, West Azerbaijan, Kermanshah, and Isfahan took to the streets in widespread protest against the execution of four political prisoners. Social media videos and reports from local sources indicate that markets in cities such as Samirom, Isfahan, Ravansar, Marivan, Saqqez, Sanandaj, Mahabad, Dehgolan, Bukan, Divandarreh, and others closed as shopkeepers joined the strike.

In Kermanshah, western Iran, retired government employees gathered to reiterate their demands for increased pensions. Despite regulations stipulating adjustments to pensions in line with the cost of living, the government has failed to act, leaving retirees struggling amidst soaring prices of essential goods.

Meanwhile, in Sari, nurses from Mazandaran Medical University staged a rally, highlighting the inadequate working conditions they endure. In Ahvaz, southwest Iran, retired government employees echoed similar sentiments, demanding higher pensions to cope with the escalating cost of living.

The protests reflect mounting discontent within Iranian society, underscoring grievances over political repression, economic hardship, and deteriorating living standards.


Satellite Pics Reveal ‘Secret Iranian Base Where Feared Revolutionary Guard Trains Houthis To Carry Out Red Sea Raids’

The SunA bombshell report seen by The Sun claims Iran’s warped terrorist army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), trained up hundreds of Houthi recruits.

The report, by the National Committee of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), appears to reveal a secret base within an Iranian naval academy. Used as early as 2020 to train hundreds of recruits with IRGC support, the report could serve as smoking gun evidence proving the widely known link between the Iranian military and Houthi terrorists.

And it means the IRGC may have equipped the same Houthi terrorists with naval warfare techniques who are ambushing Israeli, American, and British ships in the Red Sea four years on.

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The United States Needs a New Way to Think About Cyber

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The end of 2023 was marked by two major cyberattacks—one by a terrorist group and the other by a global power, and both targeting U.S. water and power supplies. These audacious attacks are indicative of a shift to a new, more dangerous phase of cyber warfare, in which adversaries target critical infrastructure and imperil civilian lives. Yet, even though these adversaries have shifted their strategies, the United States has not. To respond effectively and create some modicum of deterrence, U.S. policymakers must rethink how they see cyber as an element of state power.

The two cyber hacks were remarkable. In November, a designated terrorist group that is also the covert action arm of the Iranian government, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), attacked U.S. water plants. The stated target was an Israeli company that makes software for control systems, and the attack was meant to be retaliation for the war in Gaza. While the intent was to embarrass Israel, the facts are undeniable: A terrorist group attempted to impair water delivery to civilians in the United States.

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Amid Escalating Tensions in Middle East, Dollar Soars to Record High in Iran


The price of the dollar in Iran surged to 60,000 tomans on Tuesday, January 30, amid the ongoing uptrend in the exchange rate and gold prices in the country. The “Imami” gold coin was also traded at over 34,500,000 tomans. Reports suggest that following this surge, buying, selling, and pricing activities in Tehran’s exchange offices were suspended.

Newly minted gold coins were also introduced in limited quantities by the Central Bank. In today’s transactions, the price of gold coins showed a growth of approximately one and a half percent compared to Tuesday’s average prices.

The “Bahar Azadi” gold coin was sold at 31,620,000 tomans, marking a 2.07% increase compared to Tuesday. In the foreign exchange market, the highest recorded price for the dollar today was 59,700 tomans, indicating a 2.06% increase compared to Monday, which stood at 59,500 tomans.

The price of the British pound also reached a historic high on Tuesday, climbing to 75,150 tomans, reflecting a 1.14% increase compared to Monday.

US, NATO Condemn Drone Attack on US Forces in Jordan, Blame Iran

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At a joint press conference on January 29, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg condemned the drone attack on U.S. forces in Jordan and blamed the Iranian regime for backing the militias responsible for the attack.

Blinken said, “The President’s stance has been unequivocal: they will respond firmly to any acts of aggression and hold accountable those responsible for attacking their troops. The response, if warranted, will be carried out at a time and place determined by their discretion. Concurrently, their focus remains on achieving their core objectives in the region, which encompass addressing the conflict in Gaza and pursuing broader initiatives aimed at establishing lasting peace and security.”

Stoltenberg said, “Iran is responsible for destabilizing the whole region, threatening stability and security in the Middle East.  It is repressive at home and aggressive abroad.  We have seen this through many different attacks and also the different proxy groups, and terrorist groups that Iran supports.  This underlines, of course, also the risk of escalation, and therefore I welcome the efforts by the United States to address these risks, and it is important that we also realize that Russia and Iran are now aligning more and more.  Russia is more and more dependent on drones from Iran – they actually built a new factory in Russia based on Iranian drone technology – and in return, Russia is providing advanced technology to Iran.  So it demonstrates how authoritarian regimes are now coming closer and closer, and the only answer to that is that NATO Allies, all those countries that believe in democracy, have to stand together as we do in NATO.”


Iran’s Youths Continue Their Campaign to Target IRGC, Basij, and Other Repressive Forces

IRGC Basij base attacked in Tabriz | Iran protests

Iran’s regime is terrified of the growing momentum inside the country for bringing about regime change. But the regime’s use of executions and repression is proving increasingly futile in breaking the spirit of resistance across the country. This is evident in the growing activities of Iran’s defiant youth, who are targeting the regime’s repressive forces and centers for execution and state-backed thievery to send a clear message that they will not be intimidated by the regime’s violent measures.

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Unraveling the Complex Web: Iran’s Proxies, Strategic Strikes, and Nuclear Developments

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In recent geopolitical developments, the United States and the United Kingdom have initiated a series of strikes in Yemen, responding to repeated Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. These strikes not only spotlight the ongoing conflict in Yemen but also bring to light Iran’s intricate web of proxies and its enduring influence on political and military dynamics in the Middle East.

Iran, through its proxies, has long sought to shape outcomes in the Middle East directly and indirectly. The intensified efforts following Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 have resulted in a surge of activities by Iran-aligned proxies in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and notably in Yemen—forming what is known as the “Axis of Resistance.” This coalition has taken military actions against Israel and Western interests, prompting a military response from the West.

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Iran’s Repressive Policies Intensify: From Brutal Punishments to Workers’ Protests

iran protests execution 18052023

In a disturbing turn of events, an imprisoned Iranian, Mehdi Mousavian, has initiated a hunger strike to protest the Iranian judiciary’s plan to gouge out his left eye as retribution for allegedly blinding a policeman during a 2017 protest. Mousavian was sentenced in 2019 to retribution-in-kind, for throwing a stone at the policeman’s eye, a sentence he vehemently denies.

The policeman initially demanded an exorbitant 14 billion tomans (approximately $280,000) from Mousavian’s family as compensation. However, unable to afford such a hefty ransom, the family faced the grim reality of the Iranian legal system allowing the literal implementation of the principle “eye for an eye.” Blinding as a form of punishment is a medieval practice employed by the Islamic Republic to instill fear in society.

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Bahareh Shiri, Mother of Slain Protester, Sentenced to 6 Years of Prison

Bahareh Shiri iran (1)

Bahareh Shiri, the mother of a slain protester, was sentenced to six years in prison for seeking justice for her son.
Bahareh Shiri, the mother of slain protester Ali Abbasi killed during the 2022 nationwide protests in Samirom, Isfahan Province, was sentenced to six years in prison by the 1st Branch of the Public Court for demanding justice for her son. Bahareh Shiri was denied the right to a lawyer of her choice.

Last year, after the regime killed Ali Abbasi, his father was detained. Security forces sabotaged Ali’s gravestone and removed the words “in the name of freedom” and “fallen for his country” from his stone.

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Oslo, Norway—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran

Oslo, Norway—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran.

Oslo, Norway—January 27, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in subzero freezing weather to express support for the Iranian Revolution. Iranians strongly condemned the execution of two political prisoners Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024. They also expressed their distaste for the inhuman verdict of gouging the eyes of Mehdi Mousavian, who was arrested and detained during the 2018 Iran protests.

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Washington, DC—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran

Washington DC—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran.

Washington, DC—January 27, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in front of the White House to express support for the Iranian Revolution. Iranians strongly condemned the execution of two political prisoners Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024. They also expressed their distaste for the inhuman verdict of gouging the eyes of Mehdi Mousavian, who was arrested and detained during the 2018 Iran protests.

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Vancouver, Canada—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran

Vancouver, Canada—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran.

Vancouver, Canada—January 27, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in sub-zero freezing weather to express support for the Iranian Revolution. Iranians strongly condemned the execution of two political prisoners Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024. They also expressed their distaste for the inhuman verdict of gouging the eyes of Mehdi Mousavian, who was arrested and detained during the 2018 Iran protests.

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Ottawa, Canada—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran

Ottawa, Canada—January 27, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Condemning the Wave of Executions in Iran.

Ottawa, Canada—January 27, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in sub-zero freezing weather to express support for the Iranian Revolution. Iranians strongly condemned the execution of two political prisoners Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024. They also expressed their distaste for the inhuman verdict of gouging the eyes of Mehdi Mousavian, who was arrested and detained during the 2018 Iran protests.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 29, 2023