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HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranIran: Brutal Execution of Kurdish Sunni Political Prisoner, Davood Abdollahi, After 14...

Iran: Brutal Execution of Kurdish Sunni Political Prisoner, Davood Abdollahi, After 14 Years in Prison and 6 Days of Hunger Strike

Kurdish Sunni Political Prisoner Davood Abdollahi

NCRI logoTwo Other Kurdish Sunni Political Prisoners Executed in Last Two Months

International Call to Prevent Execution of Their Four Co-Defendants

Today, Tuesday, January 2, the Iranian regime hanged Davood Abdollahi, a Kurdish Sunni political prisoner and fellow citizen of the people of Mahabad, in Qazel Hesar prison. This brutal act occurred after 14 years of imprisonment, during which he had been on a hunger strike for a week.

In December 2009, Davood Abdollahi, along with six other Kurdish Sunni compatriots, was arrested and subjected to severe torture at the Urmia Intelligence Detention Center during interrogation for forced confessions. They were subsequently transferred to Evin Prison in 2012, to Gohardasht Prison in 2023, and finally to Ghezel Hesar Prison in the same year. Among the seven political prisoners, Qasem Abesta and Ayoub Karimi were previously hanged by the regime in Ghezel Hesar on November 5 and November 29, 2023. Currently, four of their co-defendants are also facing imminent execution.

In February 2016, the 28th Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, led by Judge “Moqisei,” sentenced these prisoners to death on fabricated charges such as “acting against national security,” “propaganda against the regime,” “membership in Salafi groups,” and “corruption on earth.” The ruthless executioner Salavati reaffirmed these death sentences in June 2018. Ultimately, the Supreme Court of the Mullahs confirmed these sentences in 2019, sealing the fate of the prisoners.

The Iranian Resistance, as stated in the statements of the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on November 6 and November 29, 2023, once again calls on the United Nations and all human rights defenders, as well as the European Union and its member states, to strongly condemn these brutal executions and take urgent action to save the lives of their four co-defendant political prisoners. It is imperative to isolate this regime from the international community, and its leaders, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Ebrahim Raisi, and Chief Justice Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i, must be held accountable for four decades of crimes against humanity, genocide, and warmongering.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

January 2, 2024