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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceUS Bipartisan Congress Meeting Supports Iran’s Resistance and Condemns Regime’s Terrorism

US Bipartisan Congress Meeting Supports Iran’s Resistance and Condemns Regime’s Terrorism

iranian resistance washington oiac conference 12122023

On December 12, on Capitol Hill, representatives from both political parties in the United States House of Representatives joined forces to voice their solidarity with the ongoing endeavors of the Iranian Resistance that strives to establish a free, democratic, and non-nuclear republic in Iran.

Democratic and Republican congresswomen and men also unequivocally denounced the clerical regime’s destabilizing actions throughout the Middle East. They condemned its support for terrorist groups, its ominous nuclear ambitions, and its egregious human rights abuses within Iran.

In her keynote address at the conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), asserted, “Faced with a movement aiming to overthrow his regime, Khamenei initiated a Middle East war, using it as a strategy to suppress any potential major uprising. Over the last two months of this regional conflict, at least 225 prisoners have been executed in Iran. Supporters of the MEK and protesters are facing consecutive executions. The leaders of the regime must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity and warmongering.”

She also added, “Three weeks after the start of the Middle East war, Khamenei, in a public speech, stated: “The war is not between Gaza and Israel; it’s the fight between good and evil.”

“Good and evil” is a code word that the regime used during Khomeini’s eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s. That war and all of the regime’s warmongering efforts serve the same purpose, to prevent its overthrow.

“The regime’s warmongering in the region and its opposition to peace are nothing new. After the 1993 peace agreement, the Iranian Resistance congratulated the leaders of Israel, Palestine, and the U.S. The mullahs’ regime, however, was the main party that actively engaged in hostility to the peace process.

“They tried to sabotage the peace process, including among others, fueling extremism and activating proxy groups, to cause division among the people of Palestine. What is new is that the regime has given a new dimension to its meddling by provoking this destructive war while facing the crisis of overthrow.”

Mrs. Rajavi affirmed, “Today, there are misconceptions about this war, such as claims that Khamenei and his allies had no prior knowledge about the war. Some also think that the regime’s warmongering in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and international waters is unrelated to the Middle East conflict. Another misunderstanding is that the crisis can be overcome without putting the focus on the Iranian regime or adopting a policy of firmness against it.

House Resolution 100, supported by 241 representatives from both parties, is a shining example of such a policy. The initiatives by the U.S. Congress and the approval of various laws to block permanently the regime’s access to the 6 billion dollars released in the hostage deal, and its measures to prevent the regime from selling oil, are very effective and significant steps in this regard.”

NCRI President-elect emphasized the importance of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate taking the lead in implementing a decisive policy in the U.S. and internationally. As part of a comprehensive solution, the proposed actions include encouraging the European Union and Canada to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization, activating the snapback mechanism in UN Security Council Resolution 2231 through collaboration with European allies, recognizing religious fascism in Iran as a global threat to peace and security under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, and acknowledging the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow the regime and the youth’s rebellion against the terrorist IRGC.

During his speech at the conference, Representative Tom McClintock emphasized the simultaneous increase in Iranian regime-backed atrocities abroad and heightened oppression against its own citizens. The rising number of executions and misuse of the judiciary against Iranians were cited as alarming trends, underlining the urgent need for change. The representative asserted that the threat to safety and security in the region and Iran itself will persist until the regime is overthrown.

Referring to House Resolution 100 introduced in 2022, Rep. McClintock said, “Within just a few months of introducing this measure, a bipartisan majority of the entire U.S. House of Representatives joined not merely as supporters but as co-sponsors. That’s a profound statement of the strong support that the Iranian resistance has among the people of the United States. And it wasn’t long after that that the Iranian people rose up to reclaim their freedom from their tormentors and oppressors in Tehran.”

Rep. McClintock outlined a two-fold U.S. policy approach. Firstly, he called for maximum pressure on Tehran, urging the enforcement of sanctions and refraining from undermining the Iranian opposition. Secondly, he emphasized the need for the U.S. government to provide maximum political and moral support to the Iranian people.

Expressing long-standing bipartisan support for the Iranian opposition, particularly the MEK, McClintock called for unity among freedom-loving people globally to support the cause of the Iranian resistance. He urged the US President and his administration to make a clear stand against the Iranian regime and emphasized that the world will not be safe from international terrorism until the regime is removed.

As the chief democratic sponsor of House Resolution 100, Representative Brad Sherman highlighted its support for the Iranian people’s aspiration for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic. He stated, “You know, I’ve been in Congress for 27 years, I’ve been a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee for 27 years, where I am the most senior Democrat, and I have been fighting on these issues with you for 27 years.”

Rep. Sherman condemned the regime’s ongoing brutality and recounted instances of violence against dissenters inside Iran, underling the Iranian people’s resilience in demanding freedom and human dignity, despite the regime’s violence.

Recounted his vote for the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, Mr. Sherman condemned the seizure of American hostages for financial gain and affirmed that the regime shall not be paid a ransom.

“I share your dream of a free Iran, an Iran where people can make their voices heard, where they’re not threatened by terrorism, imprisonment, torture, rape, and execution. An Iran where women are free to decide how they dress, and people are free to share their government. An Iran where Mahsa Amini and countless women like her would be alive today. That’s why, for decades, we have worked together to replace this brutal regime. As the Iranian people continue to courageously fight for freedom, the American people need to be there. The American Congress needs to be there. And we need to pass Resolution 100,” Rep. Sherman concluded.

In her speech, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren emphasized that the quest for freedom transcends political divisions in the United States House of Representatives. Acknowledging the deep-rooted divisions within Congress, she stressed that the issue of freedom in Iran unites both parties.

Rep. Lofgren underscored the crucial role of the Iranian people in achieving regime change from within, drawing attention to the political prisoners in attendance, particularly women. The congresswoman also praised their bravery, vision, and commitment to standing up for the future and freedom of every Iranian.

Rep. Lofgren emphasized the collective goal of seeing Iran become free, democratic, secular, and non-nuclear, affirming that the voices of those present can contribute to making that vision a reality.

Congressman Ruben Gallego reaffirmed the United States Congress’s unwavering support for the Iranian people’s quest for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic. Speaking at this event, Congressman Gallego highlighted the decades-long struggle of the Iranian people against the oppressive regime, emphasizing the sacrifices made by those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. Gallego criticized the regime for suppressing dissidents, orchestrating terror plots abroad, and whitewashing human rights violations.

The Congressman stated, “While the U.S. and our allies do what is right to pressure Iran and its partners in the region, we must also acknowledge the people of Iran for pushing for this change. I was honored to do my part when I joined my colleagues from both sides of the aisle — something very rare you see here on Hill — for us to co-sponsor the House resolution in support of the Iranian people and condemning human rights violations.”

Gallego urged further action, disclosing his efforts to address illicit Iranian oil sales to China and to hold Tehran accountable for non-compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He emphasized the need to keep up the pressure and continue the fight for the Iranian people, expressing optimism that the light of freedom will grow brighter.

In his speech, Representative Mike Garcia delivered a resolute call to action against what he identified as the epicenter of evil: the Iranian regime. He expressed concern about the suppression of the Iranian people and condemned the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as the largest state-sponsored terrorist organization on the planet.

Rep. Garcia, who serves on the Appropriations Committee on the Defense Subcommittee and the Intelligence Committee, emphasized the need for a united front against the Iranian regime. Drawing on his personal experience of flying combat missions in the Gulf, he highlighted the fragility of peace in the Middle East and labeled Iran as the biggest destabilizing force in the region.

The congressman advocated for implementing maximum pressure on the Iranian regime, maintaining the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization, opposing a $6 billion deal proposed by the Biden administration, preventing the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, ceasing oil purchases from Iran, publicly supporting freedom fighters within Iran, encouraging legislative support, and urging Albania to recognize and protect political refugees from Iran.

Addressing the conference, Congresswoman Young Kim said, “As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and serving as chairwoman of the Indo-Pacific Subcommittee, I am committed to holding President Raisi and his terrorist-supporting cohorts accountable for the regime’s support for terrorist proxies around the Middle East and for the crimes against humanity that it commits against its own people.”

Rep. Kim unveiled the Iran Counterterrorism Act of 2023, a legislative initiative aimed at restricting the administration from waiving Iran’s sanctions unless the Biden administration can confirm the cessation of the regime’s support for international terrorist groups.

The congresswoman proudly discussed her support for Chairman McCaul’s No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, which imposes sanctions on international financial institutions involved in transactions related to the $6 billion in unfrozen Iranian assets transferred from South Korea to Qatar.

In a passionate address, Congressman Randy Weber highlighted ongoing human rights abuses by the Iranian regime, emphasizing the need for international intervention. Speaking at an event, Weber pointed out the regime’s persistent oppression, both domestically and through proxy groups in the Middle East.

Expressing concern over the recent surge in executions, Rep. Weber disclosed that 120 people were executed last month alone, calling for an immediate halt to the brutality.

He recounted meeting with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi in Paris, endorsing her Ten-Point Plan, which includes gender equality, separation of church and state, and protection of minority rights.

The congressman urged the U.S. government to exert maximum pressure on the Iranian regime by cutting off aid and imposing additional sanctions. He called for holding the mullahs accountable for crimes against humanity, genocide, terrorism, and hostage-taking.

Rep. Weber highlighted House Resolution 627, condemning the regime for the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. He affirmed the commitment of Congress and vowed to stand with the Iranian people, advocating for freedom, democracy, and human rights.

In his address, Representative Mario Diaz-Balart boldly asserted that the fight against evil, particularly concerning a nuclear Iran and the controversial nuclear deal, demands an unreserved call for regime change.

Speaking passionately, the representative urged against hesitation or fear in advocating for regime change, citing historical instances where such calls were deemed necessary in the face of obvious and evil circumstances. Rep. Diaz-Balart expressed gratitude to the Iranian-American community for their dedication to freedom and emphasized the importance of staying steadfast without succumbing to confusion or surrender.

Acknowledging the sacrifices of heroes in Iran working towards freedom, Rep. Diaz-Balart voiced confidence that, with the collective efforts of those advocating for change, Iran would eventually break free from the shackles of oppressive control. He envisioned a future where Iran would not only regain its freedom but also rid itself of nuclear capabilities, allowing it to rejoin the civilized world.

At the conference and while reflecting on his 25-year involvement in this cause, Congressman Pete Sessions commended the attendees for their impactful work in building strong connections with their congressional representatives.

The congressman underscored the bipartisan nature of the issue, recognizing a common alliance among members of Congress in confronting the Iranian regime. He acknowledged the challenges posed by potential conflicts on multiple fronts and emphasized the commitment to avoiding a three-front war.

Rep. Sessions concluded by expressing pride in the attendees, assuring them of America’s support, and pledged ongoing collaboration in the coming year to address the shared concerns regarding Iran.

Expressing gratitude for the bipartisan support present, Representative Nicole Malliotakis proudly acknowledged being sanctioned by the Iranian regime as a badge of honor, signifying her commitment to standing with the Iranian-American community and their fellow countrymen and women inside Iran. The representative highlighted the gravity of Iran’s continued funding of terrorism and threats against the U.S., emphasizing the need for accountability and comprehensive protection of the homeland.

Rep. Malliotakis said, “I believe that the maximum pressure campaign under the Trump administration was working. It was economically crippling. I think it was a mistake to reverse course on the progress that was made by the previous administration. And that is why my colleagues and I have introduced legislation to reinstate sanctions, gut Iran’s ability to fund terrorism throughout the region, sanction the supreme leader and force the president to enforce sanctions on Iran’s oil sales. That is what we need to do if we are serious about being tough on this oppressor.”

Malliotakis drew attention to the United Nations Human Rights Council, expressing dismay over Tehran’s chairmanship despite its egregious human rights violations. She urged not just Americans but democratic nations worldwide to unite against such appointments, emphasizing the need to hold the Council accountable.

The representative concluded by stressing the need to prevent the regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, opposing the re-entry into the Iran deal, and asserting Congress’s right to review and approve any such agreement.

Congressman Derrick Van Orden also voiced his steadfast commitment to the Iranian resistance movement, drawing on a personal connection to Kevin Hermening, the youngest hostage taken during the embassy seizure by the clerical dictatorship.

The congressman, hailing from the great state of Wisconsin, emphasized the gravity of the situation, recalling his extensive military experience as a United States Navy SEAL. Rep. Van Orden, who has confronted terrorists sponsored by Iran, somberly noted the loss of many friends due to their actions.

Expressing the seriousness of the matter, Van Orden delivered a clear and unequivocal message to the Iranian resistance: “I will stand with you and your people until Iran is a free nation again.”

Representative Richard McCormick conveyed his unwavering support for the Iranian people in their struggle against an oppressive theocracy. He emphasized the shared goal of combating a theocratic regime that has spread hate and discontent globally while suppressing its own citizens.

Addressing the plight of the Iranian people, McCormick condemned the violent minority in power, highlighting the infringement of basic rights, particularly on freedom of speech and action. He underscored the irony of a theocracy claiming alignment with God while stifling the very idea of freedom that, according to McCormick, is bestowed by God.

The congressman expressed solidarity with the cause, pledging relentless efforts to oppose the oppressive government and denounced the misuse of religious ideals to propagate violence, oppression, and division, vowing to stand firm against such evils.

Assuring the Iranian people that they have friends in their fight for freedom, McCormick declared a commitment to continue the struggle until freedom prevails for all.

In his address, Congressman Ronny Jackson declared himself and his colleagues as allies in the fight for a democratic and non-nuclear Iran. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Armed Services Committee, Congressman Jackson emphasized that the current problems in the world, including the ongoing conflicts involving terror groups in the Middle East, stem from the existing regime in Iran.

Drawing attention to the impact of sanctions during the former US administration, Jackson highlighted that the Biden administration has enabled the regime to fund various terrorist proxies. Expressing concern about the potential consequences, he stressed the need to cut off this financial support to prevent further destabilization in the region.

Acknowledging that regime change needs to come from within, Congressman Jackson emphasized the importance of making it difficult for the current regime to survive. Despite being in Congress for three years, he declared himself one of the staunchest supporters of the cause and committed to continuing his efforts to ensure the Iranian people can be proud of his support.