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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – December 10, 2023

Iran News in Brief – December 10, 2023

iran ahvaz nurses protest 09122023



Sunday Protests in Iran

Ahvaz, Southwest Iran: Retirees from the Social Security Organization gathered in Ahvaz for protest rallies, demanding an increase in pensions to cope with the rising costs of living. The demonstrators, comprising retirees from various sectors, including government employees, the steel industry, the military, and the Social Security Organization, emphasized the need for unity among their ranks.

Arak, Central Iran: Retirees of the Social Security Organization in Arak resumed their weekly protest rally due to the ongoing rise in living costs and inflation. Frustrated with the regime’s failure to address their demands, they expressed their discontent during the demonstration.

Siri Island, Southern Iran: Workers from the Iranian Offshore Oil Company on Siri Island continued their protests, seeking changes to wage determination policies and other fundamental needs. Despite their persistent efforts, authorities have refused to respond to their demands.

Genaveh, Southern Iran: Bazar merchants in Genaveh continued their strikes in opposition to new laws negatively impacting their businesses and livelihoods. The merchants remained firm in their stance against what they perceived as detrimental regulations.

Aghajari, Southwest Iran: Oil workers in Aghajari persisted in their rallies, expressing dissatisfaction with the authorities’ silence regarding their demands for higher wages, experience bonuses, and other basic necessities.

Sari, Northern Iran: Retirees from the steel industry in Sari resumed their weekly protest rallies outside the offices of the Steel Retirement Fund. They reiterated their call for higher pensions to match the increasing costs of living.

Kermanshah, Western Iran: Retirees of the Social Security Organization in Kermanshah held a protest rally to draw attention to their grievances amid escalating living costs. Chanting, “We will only obtain our rights in the streets,” the protesters emphasized their determination to secure fair treatment.

Ahvaz, Southwest Iran: Nurses in Ahvaz organized a protest rally in front of the governorate, reiterating their demands for tariff readjustments and the payment of overdue wages.

Isfahan, Central Iran: Retirees from the steel industry in Isfahan joined the nationwide demonstrations, expressing their dissatisfaction with the regime’s failure to raise their pensions in line with the increasing costs of living.

Qaemshahr, Northern Iran: Similar protests took place in Qaemshahr, where retirees from the steel industry gathered outside the offices of the Steel Retirement Fund in Mazandaran, echoing their demands for increased pensions.

Shush, Southwest Iran: Retirees from the Social Security Organization in Shush resumed their weekly protest rallies, highlighting the challenges posed by the rising costs of living and inflation. They demanded that the regime address their pension concerns.

Anonymous Drone Targets Military Position of Iranian Militias in Al-Mayadeen

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Deir Ezzor province: Explosions were heard in Al-Mayadeen City in Deir Ezzor countryside, where an anonymous drone targeted a military headquarters of the Iranian militias in the Al-Mazarae area in Al-Mayadeen. However, no casualties were reported.

It is worth noting that the Iranian militias brought military reinforcements to Syria yesterday, including five refrigerator trucks, through the gate of borders with Iraq.

On December 3, an unidentified drone targeted a military vehicle carrying Iranian-backed militiamen near the Syria-Iraq border near Al-Bukamal city in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, amid reports about killing those who were inside the targeted vehicle, (along with a security alert)where Iranian-backed militias were put on high alert in the region.

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Human Rights Day Speech – Netherlands

Conference in Netherlands international humanrights day maryam rajavi

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s speech: “Tomorrow marks December 10, Human Rights Day. Seventy-five years ago, this day witnessed the introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On this historic occasion, I extend my heartfelt salutes to the champions of freedom and human rights in Iran and worldwide and to all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend this universal value.

The world’s first human rights charter is believed to have originated in Iran, declared by Cyrus the Great in 538 BC. He established a government free from fear and want, releasing people from hardship, returning the homeless to their homes and lands, breaking the yoke of tyrants, relieving their burdens, and providing them with happiness.”

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Khamenei’s Fear of Defection and Tension in His Regime

irgc troops iran

In fear of a popular uprising in Iran, Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei saw the Gaza war as a solution to protect his regime against the people. Additionally, to instill fear in society he has resorted to widespread executions to extinguish the flame of uprising. Alongside these actions, he intends to advance the project of consolidating his power within the regime in hopes of strengthening the morale of his loyal forces.

Nearly two months into the tragic Gaza war, Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Islamic Republic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) air force, addressed the IRGC Basij forces in a speech that revealed the regime’s severe fear of collapses and tensions within its file and rank.

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Why Iran’s Regime Needs Crises in the Middle East to Maintain its Hold on Power

hezbollah motobike militant militia

The Middle East is currently embroiled in one of the most painful wars in history. History has shown that dictatorships often initiate wars, but rarely bring them to a conclusion. This tendency is inherent in the nature of dictatorships, underscoring the importance of people’s awareness and vigilance. Iran, under the rule of the mullahs, is no exception to this basic principle. Figures like Reza Pahlavi, Ruhollah Khomeini, and Ali Khamenei initiated their dictatorships, but as witnessed, one was overthrown by the people in 1979, and the religious regime of Velayat-e Faqih will face a similar fate. Ultimately, people are the true architects of the story, a lesson reiterated by science and philosophy throughout history.

Reflecting on the ongoing war in the Middle East that began on October 7, it becomes evident that the root cause lies in the religious regime ruling Iran since 1979. The regime’s foundation rested on suppressing freedoms within Iran, and its continuity relied on war-mongering and exporting crises beyond its borders.

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Systematic Use of Sexual Violence Against Iranian Protesters – Amnesty International Unveils

Amnesty International Sexual Violence min

Amnesty International’s latest report, released on December 6, 2023, sheds light on the grim realities faced by Iranian regime opponents and detainees amid the 2022 protests. The organization highlighted that security forces employed extensive sexual violence to intimidate and coerce protesters and dissenters. Detailing the disturbing experiences of 45 survivors from the nationwide protests, the report narrates accounts of 26 men, 12 women, and seven children who fell victim to rape, gang rape, and various forms of sexual violence perpetrated by intelligence and security forces.

The report explicitly identifies the culprits as agents from the Revolutionary Guards, the paramilitary Basij force, the Ministry of Intelligence, and branches of the police, including the Public Security Police, the Investigation Unit, and the Special Forces.

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Iran: $3.37 Billion Stolen in Latest Government-Linked Embezzlement Case

iran dollar banknote tea leaves

In recent weeks, numerous cases of organized corruption involving various agencies, ministries, and even the central bank have been reported. For example, the General Inspection Organization of the regime announced on December 2, that $3.37 billion in subsidy currency had been allocated to an importer for importing tea between 2019 and 2022, but no goods were imported for $2 billion of that amount, and the currency was sold in the free market. Additionally, in other imported goods worth $1.37 billion, there was a “multiple underreporting” of several times.

There have also been reports this week of simultaneous embezzlement and forgery in the payment of 244 marriage loans in the city of Qom, central Iran.

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Resistance Units of MEK Commemorate Iran’s Student Day Through Anti-Regime Actions

MEK Resistance Units mark Iran’s Student Day with anti-regime activities

On December 7, 1953, three student activists were tragically killed by the Shah regime at Tehran University, in an attempt to suppress voices protesting for freedom. Fast forward seven decades and December 7 is now recognized as Iran’s Student Day. On this day, people unite to remember the brave students and acknowledge the significant role of Iran’s young generation in shaping the nation’s future.

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Bern, Switzerland— December 8, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Bern, Switzerland—December 7, 2023: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Bern, Switzerland — December 8, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a book exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 9, 2023