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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 15, 2023

Iran News in Brief – November 15, 2023

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Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Advances as It Stonewalls Un, Iaea Reports Show

VIENNA, Nov 15 (Reuters) – Iran has enough uranium enriched to up to 60% purity, close to weapons-grade, for three atom bombs by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s definition and is still stonewalling the agency on key issues, confidential IAEA reports showed on Wednesday.

Iran’s steady progress in enriching to very high levels while failing to provide the International Atomic Energy Agency with the cooperation it demands on a growing list of issues presents a challenge to both the agency and Western powers that have repeatedly called on Iran to reverse course.

Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% grew by 6.7 kg (14.8 pounds) to 128.3 kg (282.9 pounds) since the last report on Sept. 4, one of the two reports to member states seen by Reuters said. That is more than three times the roughly 42 kg (92.6 pounds) that by the IAEA’s definition is theoretically enough, if enriched further, for a nuclear bomb.

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Iranian Regime’s Security Forces Fatally Shoot Kurdish Courier, Injure Four Others


On Tuesday evening, November 14, the Iranian regime’s security forces in west Iran committed a heinous act by firing shots at a group of hardworking Kurdish freight carriers, known as kulbars, at the Baneh border region. This resulted in the tragic death of a citizen, identified as Yadegar Rahimi, and injuries to four others, two of whom are minors.

As reported by a local human rights organization, on November 14 at 11:00 PM local time, Yadegar Rahimi, a young kulbar, was fatally shot by border forces while carrying heavy cargo to earn money and feed his family. Notably, this violent incident occurred without any prior warning, with the armed forces indiscriminately targeting the kulbars.

Wednesday Protests in Iran

Continuing their protests on Wednesday, November 15, employees of the Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company voiced their discontent over their unmet legal demands. As in previous days, the workers gathered outside the company’s office, advocating for the removal of salary caps and retirement age restrictions, a review of the salary basis, full implementation of Article 10, payment of outstanding wages, and resolution of issues with the Oil Pension Fund.

France Issues Arrest Warrant for Syria’s President Assad – Source

PARIS, Nov 15 (Reuters) – French judges have issued arrest warrants for Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, his brother Maher al-Assad, and two other senior officials over the use of banned chemical weapons against civilians in Syria, a judicial source said on Wednesday.

The arrest warrants — which refer to charges of complicity in crimes against humanity and complicity in war crimes — follow a criminal investigation into chemical attacks in the town of Douma and the district of Eastern Ghouta in August 2013, attacks which killed more than 1,000 people.

It is the first international arrest warrant that has been issued for the Syrian head of state, whose forces responded to protests that began in 2011 with a brutal crackdown that U.N. experts have said amounts to war crimes.

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State-run Website Reveals Discrepant Inflation Rates, Casting Doubt on Previous Statistics

Skyrocketing inflation in Iran

Based on the Central Bank’s calculations, Iran’s inflation rate has reached its highest point in the last 22 months during this year’s month of Mehr on the Persian calendar (September 23- October 23). The state-run Eco Iran website has reported an annual inflation rate of 54.8 percent for Mehr.

This computation is based on Central Bank tables submitted periodically to judicial courts and the judiciary, accounting for delays in debt, fines, and dowries. Earlier, the Statistical Center of Iran had declared the average inflation rate for Mehr as 45.5 percent.

To put it in perspective, the inflation rate reported by the Central Bank is 9.3 percentage points higher than the estimate provided by the Statistical Center of Iran.

According to this data, the inflation trend has seen a recent increase over the past four months, with the month-to-month inflation rate for Mehr estimated to be approximately 54.3 percent.

The Iranian regime’s economic statistics have long been criticized for their unreliability, indicative of a lack of transparency and accountability. There is a pattern of manipulating data, particularly in inflation rates and economic growth figures, to present a more positive image domestically and internationally.

Expert Warns: 400 Plains Facing Subsidence and Increased Earthquake Risk

iran earth subsidence

According to the official news agency IRNA, a state-affiliated expert named Mehdi Zare has disclosed that approximately 400 plains in Iran are currently dealing with a subsidence crisis. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that faults in these regions are more prone to earthquakes due to climate change.

Zare noted that areas spanning from Isfahan and Tabriz to the significant plains of Kerman province are witnessing land subsidence phenomena. The expert also highlighted the annual extraction of 20 billion cubic meters of water from natural sources and underground reservoirs. He warned that if this extraction trend persists, it could significantly impact agriculture around the Zagros Mountain in the next 20 years.

Lastly, Zare emphasized the importance of investigating the potential connection between subsidence and seismic events. He specifically mentioned the need to scrutinize the impact of underground water depletion on past earthquakes, citing two earthquakes around the northern part of Isfahan a decade ago that may have been influenced by the removal of underground water.

US Forces Attacked 55 Times in Iraq, Syria Since Oct. 17, Says Pentagon


The US forces have been attacked 55 times in Iraq and Syria since Oct. 17, said the Pentagon on Tuesday. Speaking at a press briefing, Deputy Pentagon Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said there have been 27 attacks against US forces in Iraq and 28 in Syria. She also provided an update on the casualties sustained during these attacks.

Singh said a total of 59 US personnel have received injuries in the TBI (traumatic brain injury) or non-serious categories since the attacks began. “Approximately 27 personnel have been evaluated for TBI and 32 for other non-serious injuries. As of today, all 59 have returned to duty,” she added. Her remarks came after the US military on Sunday conducted strikes on two targets in eastern Syria believed to be used by Iran-backed groups.

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55 Repressive Force Officers Killed in Lorestan This Year, Says Commander

SSF commander Lorestan Yahya Elahi

On Tuesday, November 14, Yahya Elahi, the commander of the State Security Forces in Lorestan province, acknowledged during a funeral ceremony in Kuhdasht that an SSF member or officer is killed every four days. Elahi also admitted that 55 officers of the repressive forces have been killed from the beginning of the current year until now.

Fars News Agency, associated with the Revolutionary Guards, reported on Tuesday, “The commander of the Law Enforcement Force in Lorestan highlighted that the law enforcement forces have sacrificed 55 martyrs from the start of the year until now. He added that this means every four days, the law enforcement forces honor a martyr in service to the country’s security, conveying a significant message.”

The brutal crackdown on protests has led to an escalating popular outrage manifesting in attacks against the regime’s repressive forces. Fueled by discontent with the regime’s harsh response to dissent, individuals are increasingly resorting to resistance, highlighting a volatile dynamic between authorities and the populace.


A Third Round of US Sanctions Against Hamas Focuses on Money Transfers from Iran to Gaza

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States on Tuesday said it imposed a third round of sanctions on a group of Hamas officials, members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad who work to transfer money from Iran to Gaza, and a Lebanese money exchange service that facilitates the transfers.

The Treasury Department sanctions, coordinated with the United Kingdom, come in response to the surprise Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel that left roughly 1,200 people dead or kidnapped. The sanctions block access to U.S. property and bank accounts and prevent the targeted people and companies from doing business with Americans.

This and two previous rounds of sanctions against Hamas and its affiliates are aimed at protecting the international financial system from abuse by Hamas militants and their enablers, the Treasury Department said.

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Iran’s Regime Is the Biggest Center of Crime in the World

irgc commanders in meeting with khamenei august 2023

Under the intensity of the Gaza tragedy, people around the world every day that the office of Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei is the epicenter of terrorism and warmongering in the world.

This is the same regime that wrapped tens of thousands of Iranian children and teenagers in blankets and sent them to clear minefields in Iraq under the slogan of “Liberating Jerusalem from Karbala.” This is the regime that formed proxy terrorist groups and assassination teams in the countries of the region to carry out its evil goals. This is the same regime that subjected thousands of jailed People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) members to brutal torture. Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, issued the order for the massacre of the PMOI, executing more than 30,000 political prisoners in a matter of weeks. Now, while the world watches with concern, we are witnessing the destruction of homes and the death of Palestinian children and women.

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Alejo Vidal Quadras, a Champion of Freedom in Iran


The failed assassination attempt against Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a prominent Spanish politician and a great supporter of the Iranian people and their resistance movement, on Friday, November 9, in the center of Madrid, shocked and bewildered everyone and quickly gained global attention.

Following this assassination attempt, fingers of blame pointed toward the mullah’s regime ruling Iran, as their hysterical enmity toward him is well-known. In their reports, news outlets mentioned that he had been in contact with and supported the Iranian resistance over the decades.

Following the terrorist attack, the Associated Press reported that a police source close to the investigation confirmed that Vidal-Quadras himself had raised that suspicion that Iran’s regime was involved and that “investigators were looking into it as one of several possible motives.”

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Iran’s Escalating Poverty Crisis


In recent years, Iran has grappled with an escalating challenge that revolves around the persistent issue of poverty, posing significant obstacles to economic development and social stability within the country.

Despite being a nation enriched with cultural heritage and abundant resources, the citizens’ lives are increasingly eclipsed by economic hardships.

The stark reality is that the Iranian regime appears content with the people’s deepening poverty. This circumstance effectively holds the populace captive, rendering them unable to meet even their most basic needs and stifling any potential uprising against the regime, condemning them to endure ceaseless anguish day and night.

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Stranded: Over 5 Million Afghan Immigrants in Limbo in Iran: From Discrimination to Proxy Forces

iran afghan refugees (1)

In many countries globally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs typically holds a central role in managing issues related to foreign nationals. However, it appears that in Iran, this authority has been shifted away from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a result, the Ministry now functions primarily as an executor of orders. Consequently, any comments from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Afghan citizens in Iran are often unclear, vague, and, at times, discriminatory.

Reports indicate that over 5 million Afghan immigrants reside in Iran, and following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, there has been a surge in both legal and illegal travel to Iran. Simultaneously, there has been an increase in the pressure exerted by Iranian police forces on Afghan immigrants. On a daily basis, more than two thousand Afghan migrants reportedly return to Afghanistan from Iran.

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Zahra Saeedianju Arrested Ahead of Slain Brother’s Anniversary

Zahra Saeedianju

Security forces arrested Zahra Saeedianju on the eve of the anniversary of her brother’s murder during the 2022 Iran protests. Zahra Saeedianju is seeking justice for her brother. Only three days before his anniversary, she was arrested again on Monday night, November 13, 2023, during a raid by security forces on her residence in Izeh, Khuzestan Province. Her brother, Milad Saeedianju, 26, was shot and killed by the regime’s security forces on November 16, 2022, during protests in Izeh.

In October, Zahra Saeedianju was fired from her job. Several motorcyclists also threatened to kill her. On October 22, 2023, she wrote on her Instagram account: “I do not have any physical or mental problem. I have never had any special illness, and I do not plan to commit suicide.”

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Mahnaz Tarrah and Shaqayeq Moradi Violently Arrested in Tehran

Mahnaz TarrahSecurity and intelligence forces violently arrested Ms. Mahnaz Tarrah, on Monday morning, November 13, 2023. Mahnaz Tarrah was accompanying her friend to the doctor’s office when they were attacked by security and intelligence forces, viciously brutalized, and insulted. Ms. Tarrah was taken to the 3rd Branch of the Evin Courthouse, however, there is no information available on the reason for her arrest. Mahnaz Tarrah was arrested in January 2023 during Iran protests and released in February. Her friend, Mr. Farzin Rezaii Roshan, a former political prisoner, was injured during the attack and suffered a fractured skull and his clothes were covered in blood.

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Theft Increases as Poverty Soars in Iran

stolen street signs iran

The economic crisis in Iran has exacerbated various social anomalies, and in the latest case, Reza Akbari, the regime’s Deputy of Road Administration at the Road and Transportation Organization, has stated that road equipment worth up to one trillion rials (approximately $2 million) is stolen annually. Akbari emphasized that this road equipment, including road signs and safety measures, is usually stolen by low-income and addicted individuals. According to this regime official, these thefts are not limited to the country’s highways alone, and theft rates are much higher in cities, especially in Tehran.

In March, the “Open Data Iran” platform reported a 70-percent increase in theft rates in Iran between 2012 and 2021, based on data from the regime’s Statistics Center.

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Paris, France—November 10, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Paris, France—November 10, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and commemorated the martyrs of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people.

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Stockholm, Sweden—November 11, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Stockholm, Sweden - Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

Stockholm, Sweden—November 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in front of the Parliament in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and victims of terror, torture and execution by the mullahs’ regime. Iranians in Stockholm strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Madrid on November 10.

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Hamburg, Germany—November 11, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Hamburg - Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally & exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

Hamburg , Germany—November 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and victims of terror, torture and execution by the mullahs’ regime. Iranians in Hamburg strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Madrid on November 10.

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Germany—November 11, 2023: MEK Supporters Held Rallies in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution in Hanover and Düsseldorf

Hanover, Germany-Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally condemning terrorist attack on Dr. Vidal-Quadras

Germany—November 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and in memory of the victims of terror, torture, and execution by the mullahs’ regime in Düsseldorf. In Hanover, Iranians attended a church where they lit candles and prayed for the swift recovery of Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras. He is a staunch supporter of the Iranian resistance and was targeted in a terrorist attack in Madrid on November 10.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 14, 2023