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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 11, 2023

Iran News in Brief – November 11, 2023

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Fars Wetlands Transformed into Dust and Salt Havens, Official Admits

iran ilna fars province wetland dried (1)

On Thursday, November 9, the Director-General of Environmental Protection in Fars Province stated that the wetlands in the region are gradually deteriorating due to climate change and excessive groundwater extraction.

According to the ILNA news agency, Atapour Shirzad, the Director-General of Environmental Protection in Fars Province, made these remarks during a meeting discussing the impact of climate change on the wetland ecosystems in Shiraz. He explained that Fars Province is home to 14 wetlands, with 5 of them designated as Ramsar Convention sites. Notably, the Arzhan and Parishan wetlands in protected areas, which serve as biodiversity reserves, have now completely dried up.

Shirzad also pointed out that the Tashk and Bakhtegan wetlands in the National Park area have been affected. This year, these wetlands dried up due to a combination of uncontrolled water extraction and reduced rainfall and precipitation.

Purging Reached Regime Parliamentary Members

The Iranian regime’s parliament’s public session on Wednesday and faction infighting once again reflected the regime’s crisis’s depth.

With a few months left until the regime’s parliamentary elections, the purging of members who have been vocal critical of the Raisi government is already underway. On November 20, Gholamreza Nouri Ghezeljeh, a sitting MP, expressed concern that the government was manipulating the elections.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Taghi Shahcheraqi, the head of the Election Headquarters at the Ministry of Interior claimed that the status of the banned individuals isn’t simply “disqualification” but rather a failure to “meet the necessary requirements.”

Since Friday, reports have emerged about several MPs being declared ineligible for the next round of elections. These individuals include Nouri Ghazlje, Jalil Rahimi Jahanaabadi, Jalal Mahmoodzadeh, Ahmad Alirezabeigi, Masoud Pezeshkian, Alireza Monadi, Rajab Rahmani, Samieh Mahmoudi, and Ahmad Rasouli Nejad, among others.

The head of the Election Headquarters mentioned that five institutions, namely the Ministry of Intelligence, the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Civil Registration Organization, the State Security Forces, and the Judiciary, have reviewed these cases.

According to Shahcheraqi, out of a total of 24,982 individuals who registered for the parliamentary elections, 14% were not approved, and 14% did not meet the necessary requirements.

Saturday Protests in Iran

Today, workers and retirees from the Iranian oil industry converged in Tehran and Alborz provinces to voice their strong objections. The primary concerns that brought them together were the amalgamation of their pension funds into social security accounts and the outstanding issues related to their lawful entitlements.

On the same day, the nursing staff at Tehran’s Shohaday-e Tajrish Hospital also organized a protest against what they perceived as unjust tariff payments, mandatory overtime requirements, and unmet demands, effectively drawing attention to their concerns.


Why Iran’s Regime Has Failed to Rally the People to Its Warmongering Campaign

Gaza devastation children

Weeks into the destructive war in Gaza, Iran’s regime has been using the mayhem as a tool to divert attention from its crises and project itself as the sole protector of the Muslim people. Ironically, the one place where the regime’s propaganda has had the least effect is inside Iran.

On November 3, during the Friday prayers in Arak, Ghorbanali Dorri-Najafabadi, the representative of regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei in the Markazi province and former Minister of Intelligence, said, “After Friday prayers, we take 10 steps from the mosque’s entrance, 100 meters, 200 meters, chanting ‘Death to Israel, Death to America.’ This is a spontaneous action without any cost!”

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Hezbollah Leader Admits to Iran’s Role in Creating Global Terror Networks

hossein amir abdollahian hassan nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah, has once again acknowledged that from the time of Khomeini’s rise to power in 1979 until the present day, Iran’s regime has been actively involved in creating regional and international mercenary terrorist groups.

According to Nasrallah, Iran’s regime has openly supported and provided assistance to ‘resistance movements in Lebanon, Palestine, and the region.’ However, this Lebanese figure loyal to Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, fearing international backlash and potential consequences for his party, added, ‘But he has never exerted pressure or offered advice to them.’

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Iran’s Housing Market Sees Unprecedented Price Inflation in October

iranian toman

The Iranian housing market continues to set new records every month, with this month witnessing record-breaking price increases.

In October, the housing market experienced its highest monthly inflation to date. According to the state-run website Donya-e Eghtesad, in October of this year, the monthly rent inflation, based on changes in the country’s housing rental price index, reached 4.3%, marking the highest monthly housing rental inflation since October of the previous year.

This report highlights that during the first half of this year, housing rent inflation reached the highest annual growth in the past 12 years. In the first six months of 2023, the average rent growth in Iran surpassed the average annual rent growth of the past 12 years.

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Execution of 15 Prisoners in One Day

executions 15 one day

In a brutal measure in the early morning of Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Fifteenth prisoners were hanged in Iranian prisons. Out of these 15 prisoners, nine were detained in Ghezel Hesar Prison and were executed collectively at dawn on November 8. These prisoners were executed on charges related to murder, drug offenses, and armed robbery.

According to the reports received by Iran Human Rights Monitor, one of the executed prisoners was named Hossein Almasi. The other three executed prisoners were Mustafa Ziaei, a resident of Tehran, who was charged with murder, Peyman Mousavi, also charged with murder, and Bahman Fat’hollahi, a resident of Tehran. Mustafa Ziaei had been detained and sentenced to death for murder five years ago and had been in prison since then. Peyman Mousavi, another prisoner, had been imprisoned for 8 years on charges of murder.

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Where are Pakhshan Azizi and Varisha Moradi?

Pakhshan Azizi min

The clerical regime’s intelligence services are apparently involved in fabricating a case against Kurdish activists, Pakhshan Azizi and Varisha Moradi.

The state-run ROKNA news reported on November 9, 2023, of the destruction of a team of “terrorist PEJAK group” and the arrest of three of its senior members.

According to ROKNA, “A few minutes ago, fighters of the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) destroyed a team of the terrorist PEJAK in the border area in Baneh, where all terrorist elements were killed.

“Having undertaken intelligence measures, the intelligence agencies arrested three senior members of the PEJAK terrorist group, in a surprise operation, and handed them over to the judicial authorities.

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Iran: Regime Insiders Admit That Innocent People Were Executed During Protests

mohammad hosseini karami

Nearly a year after the execution of Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mehdi Karami in relation to the case of the killing of a member of the Revolutionary Guards Corps Basij force, the brother of the deceased Basij member says that the two individuals who were executed had no connection to the “murder of my brother” and their “crime was enmity against God (Moharebeh).”

A few days after the controversial claims made by the father of Rouhollah Ajamian, a Basij member who was killed in the 2022 protests, who called for the “execution” of all the accused in the case, now his brother is also demanding the execution of Dr. Hamid Gharahassanloo and his wife, two other people who were arrested in the case. Ajamian was killed while Basij members were dispatched to quell protests in Karaj.

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Berlin, Germany—November 9, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally and Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Berlin, Germany—November 9, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

Berlin, Germany—November 9, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and photo exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This demonstration served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising. Among those remembered was Kian Pirfalak, a 10-year-old from Izeh who lost his life at the hands of the criminal agents of the Mullahs’ regime in November 2022.

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Cologne, Germany—MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Cologne—November 8, 2023: MEK supporters held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

Cologne, Germany—November 8, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

MEK supporters in Cologne demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, especially Ali Khamenei (Supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime) and the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

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Stockholm, Sweden: MEK Supporters Hold Rally Seeking Justice for the Martyrs of the 1988 Massacre in Front of the Final Court of Appeal Session – November 8, 2023

MEK Supporters Hold Rally at the Last Session of Stockholm Court of Appeal - November 8, 2023

Stockholm, Sweden—November 8, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally for the third consecutive day in front of the court of appeal. This demonstration was held at the same as the last session of the appeal court, calling for justice regarding the executioner, Hamid Noury, and seeking justice for the more than 30,000 martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 10, 2023