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Iran’s Imprint on the Ongoing Middle East Conflict

gaza conflict explosion (1)

The eruption of war in Gaza, leading to the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives and widespread destruction, has raised numerous questions for policymakers, public opinion, and most importantly millions of people whose lives and families have been shattered indefinitely. There are serious questions that demand a thorough examination.

Why did this war begin and what were the underlying factors?

Who set the stage for it?

How can a ceasefire be realized?

What’s needed for enduring peace in the Middle East?

Addressing these questions necessitates a deep dive into the geopolitical roots of these conflicts, revealing those who benefit from this tragedy, akin to how investigators seek traces and influences in a criminal murder case. In this context, the spotlight is cast on the role of the terrorist regime in Tehran.

Notably, the regime’s interference and malevolence extend across various areas. Regardless of the perspective from which we view this grim war, we can discern the regime’s involvement:

  1. The regime ruling in Iran is distinct in its official policy, which involves creating calamities in other countries to divert attention from its internal crises. Its leaders, including its Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, openly admit that engaging in conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen is a means to prevent turmoil within their borders. As publicly stated and also recently reminded on October 28 by the Kayhan daily, a newspaper whose editorial guidelines are directed by Khamenei’s Office: “It has been the policy of the Islamic Republic to confront external threats to prevent any internal security issues.”
  2. This regime has been the sole party to allocate an official budget for interventions in neighboring countries. Proxy forces in Lebanon have acknowledged receiving substantial funds from the slain IRGC Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani and other regime authorities. On October 27, Khamenei’s representative in Bandar Abbas declared, “There is a significant allocation of the country’s military budget that ensures our national security during the Gaza crisis.”

  1. Standing out in the world, the regime is remarkably distinctive in openly expressing delight over the outbreak of regional conflicts. Aside from organizing rallies and gatherings across Iran that root for the bloodshed, Iranian state officials conveyed their eagerness for such conflicts. “These days, the Ultimate Revenge we all desired and anticipated has come to fruition… All thanks to this leadership, all thanks to the Islamic Republic!” shouted the moderator of the Friday Prayer sermon in Mashhad on October 27.
  2. The regime in Iran is also profoundly concerned about domestic instability. Friday Prayer leaders plainly state that regional conflicts can quell uprisings and bring “blessings.” On October 27, Ahmad Almolhoda, a close associate of Khamenei and the Friday prayer leader in Mashhad, blatantly expressed his joy over the outburst of the new regional war. Referring to what he called “the enemies,” he said, “They didn’t expect this; they expected us to be overthrown… They wanted to extend this front and oust Islam. That was their goal. But the Al-Aqsa      Storm has thwarted this effort and blocked their path.”
  3. The terrorist regime stands alone among Middle Eastern countries in its relentless promotion of threats and blackmail rather than advocating for peace and stability. Instead of working towards stopping the bloodshed, Iranian state officials actively endorse the expansion of the conflict in official rhetoric. On October 17, Khamenei said, “The people are angry, and if these crimes persist, Muslims will become restless; the resistance forces will grow agitated, and no one can restrain them anymore.”

In light of these evident indicators, it becomes abundantly clear that the Iranian regime’s involvement in this bloody conflict is extensive. Faced with a highly volatile society and escalating conflict among its ranks, Khamenei is prepared to employ any means necessary to forestall internal crises and thwart the impending revolution.

Nevertheless, history serves as a guiding light, highlighting the regime’s incapacity to prevent substantial societal transformations within Iran and the establishment of peace and stability in the Middle East. A resolute and disciplined Resistance movement, tirelessly engaged in fighting and unmasking “the root of the problem in Tehran,” is committed to ensuring that, as the world’s attention refocuses on the paramount threat of our era, all eyes converge on the inevitable: regime change in Iran.