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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMP Martyn Day: Regime Change in Iran is Coming Fast

MP Martyn Day: Regime Change in Iran is Coming Fast

uk parliament iran martyn day

MP Martyn Day, SNP Spokesperson for Health in the UK House of Commons, delivered a speech during a conference held at the United Kingdom’s Parliament on September 12, in support of the Iranian people’s uprising on its first anniversary.

He expressed his concerns about the oppressive nature of the Iranian regime, both domestically and internationally, highlighting the need for regime change in Iran.

Mr. Day emphasized the importance of proscribing the IRGC, imposing sanctions on those associated with it, and providing support to the people on the ground. He commended the role of young people and women in leading the struggle for a more open, secular democracy in Iran.

The text of MP Martyn Day’s speech follows:

Thank you, it’s always a privilege to come along and hear the personal testimony at these events. I hope that we don’t have to continue doing it for much longer because we need the change.

As a democratic politician, I’m always very wary of calling for regime change in other nations because I think they have to solve their own issues, but I can make an exception with regards to Iran for several obvious reasons.

Firstly, the totally oppressive undemocratic nature that it operates against its own people, but also the inhumane and undemocratic nature that it acts across the international stage and its threat to world democracy.

So I think we have to see that regime change and coming fast. I believe there’s a lot more that our country should do. I don’t think we can negotiate with them. I think that is beyond any acceptable form.

We need to proscribe the IRGC as many others have called for, and we need to be bringing in sanctions against those connected with it, and we need to act to support the people on the ground.

I do hope that the Resistance Units continue their struggle and achieve success in short order because it is needed, and it’s very inspirational to see so many young people and women leading that struggle because it shows you that it’s not replacing one gang of dictators with another.

It’s replacing a gang of dictators with an open, secular democracy that is welcoming for all. So I wish you every success and strength in that endeavor, and as always, if I can be of help, count on my support.