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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceBritish MP Bob Blackman: Tehran Is Now Admitting to NCRI’s Decisive Role

British MP Bob Blackman: Tehran Is Now Admitting to NCRI’s Decisive Role

uk parliament anniversary uprising iran bob blackman

MP Bob Blackman, speaking at a UK Parliament conference on September 12 in support of the Iranian people uprising’s first anniversary, praised the courage of Iranian women leading the resistance. He highlighted the important role played by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and called for support as it is “clearly the most representative organization that can lead Iran and is a democratic alternative to the current regime of the mullahs.”

He warned of the regime’s threats to Western democracies and urged the UK government to enforce sanctions and protect dissidents. Mr. Blackman emphasized the regime’s inability to address Iran’s economic problems, predicting further uprisings driven by hunger and basic needs.

The full text of MP Bob Blackman’s speech follows:

Well, thank you, Madam Chairman. As we fast approach the first anniversary of the most recent uprising, I hope it will not be another year before we see a free and democratic Iran and the removal of the regime of the mullahs.

The reality is that this has been a very brave set of people, literally above the parapet, mainly led by women. It’s the first time really that in Iran the resistance has been led by women, precisely because of what one of my colleagues has said, the right to dress as one wishes, the right to have equality between men and women.

And the result of that has been the regime having the most brutal crackdown possible. So far, 750 protesters have died and 30,000 have been arrested. But we should praise the NCRI, the PMOI, and in particular, of course, the NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi for leading this resistance.

Now, not everyone in Iran supports the NCRI or PMOI. I think we should accept that. But it is quite clearly the most representative organization that can lead Iran and is a democratic alternative to the current regime of the mullahs.

And so my plea to everyone who favors a free and democratic Iran, get behind the NCRI and join with the PMOI so that we can actually deliver this much-needed change of regime. Because for the people of Iran, for the people of Ashraf 3, remember, for me, the most important point on Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan is that on change of regime, after six months, there will be free and fair democratic elections where the people of Iran can choose who they wish to lead them. No one else is promising that.

So if you want freedom and democracy that is the right route to go. Not only does the NCRI have a viable democratic platform, but also there’s growing support amongst the Resistance Units within Iran, more people joining the protests, and more uprisings will continue.

And of course, the regime fears this. But in the towns and cities across Iran, the resistance is growing. And that is why Tehran is now admitting to the important and decisive role that the NCRI is playing. They’re dedicating more resources, diplomatic capital, and terrorism throughout the world to limit the organized resistance movement and the members and supporters both in Iran and beyond.

There’s been a particular focus, of course, on attacks on our friends in Ashraf 3 in Albania. I’ve had the opportunity of visiting there together with colleagues and meeting the brave people of Ashraf 3 and might salute them for their courage and condemn the attacks that have been made on Ashraf 3.

But it’s not limited to Albania, it’s not limited to Iran. What we have seen is the regime targeting cyber-attacks, taking Western citizens hostage, and then trying to blackmail Western governments to restrict what the NCRI is doing in their countries using political campaigns and other illegal interventions.

Without a doubt, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is a direct threat to our democracy in the United Kingdom, to Western interests in general, but to British interests in the world completely.

Now the regime always wants more money and as the NCRI exposed at a press conference we had last week, they are using secret trade networks and front companies to circumvent the sanctions that we currently have to sell oil in order to finance the crackdown and terrorism that they support.

Now it is quite clear that our government, the United Kingdom government, should be condemning these illegal activities by the regime, should actively enforce the sanctions that are available, and make it clear to Tehran that they will not succeed and they must not expand the persecution of dissidents to the United Kingdom and Europe.

That they will never succeed and in actual fact that will have a reverse effect on all of us. Our biggest problem is that if people try to ensue a diplomatic line, a soft line approach to these illegal activities, it just emboldens the regime and more terrorism in our territory.

Now the regime clearly fears that both on the first anniversary and beyond the Iranian people will rise up and the demonstrations will increase. Now there is little evidence that the regime is either willing or able to solve the social and economic problems that people have within Iran.

So, the next spark that gives rise to more anti-regime uprisings is not far away and that’s hunger, the lack of food, and the lack of water and I believe that this trend will continue until finally the regime is overthrown.

Thank you very much.