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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – July 27, 2023

Iran News in Brief – July 27, 2023

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Texas Congressman Introduces Resolution To Condemn Iran for Human Rights Abuses


Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, is proposing a resolution to condemn Iran for killing political prisoners, crushing protests and concealing its atrocities over the past 40 years.

“Senior Iranian Government, military, judicial, and security officials have for decades ordered or committed egregious human rights violations and acts of terror,” the proposed resolution states.

Gooden’s resolution comes as tensions in U.S.-Iran relations are intensifying — with the Islamic Republic advancing its nuclear program and seizing commercial ships in the Strait of Hormuz. Iran also conducted its annual military drill on Sunday with a show of force involving more than 90 bombers and drones.

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Raisi Government Gains Full Control Over Banking Facilities

iran aftab news banks government

According to a recent report by the state-run Aftab News on July 26, the government of Ebrahim Raisi, struggling with a huge budget deficit, has taken a significant step in gaining control over banking facilities across the country. As part of this move, the government has acquired all funds deposited in various banks, essentially consolidating the monetary resources under its authority.

“Since the beginning of this year, the Raisi government, under the pretext of reducing inflation and high prices, has blocked the path of providing facilities to companies and individuals through contractionary and strict policies imposed on banks,” Aftab News wrote. “Instead, substantial financial resources and banking facilities have been channeled to the government. As a result, the process of job creation and capital facilitation for businesses, small enterprises, and even microloans has been halted, leading to unemployment for over 500,000 people.”

According to the source, the decision to centralize the funds was officially implemented, allowing the government to exert greater control over financial transactions and resource allocation. As a result, all banking assets and reserves are now under the direct purview of the government.

This move comes amidst a period of economic challenges in Iran, with potential implications for depositors and account holders. With the government’s full control over the banking system, there may be concerns among the public regarding the safety and accessibility of their funds.


Amids Rising Tensions in Society, MPs Call for Interior Minister’s Impeachment


With the escalation of factional conflict at the top of the regime, some members of the parliament issued a statement demanding the impeachment of Ahmad Vahidi, the Minister of Interior, and the dismissal of his political deputy.

The statement reads in part, “The dismissal of the political deputy has been an initial promise of the Interior Minister and must be fulfilled. However, the impeachment of the Interior Minister will be pursued independently by representatives due to his weak performance, which has caused significant damage to the country and raised concerns about the future.”

Slamming the Raisi government for attempts to interfere in the parliamentary elections in February, the statement adds, “Until today, no government had openly attempted to alter the composition of the parliament.”

On July 24, Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, the speaker of the regime’s parliament, revealed that Ahmad Vahidi had requested his mediation to negotiate with the parliament. Vahidi sought a 10-day period to replace his political deputy.


Iran’s Economic Bankruptcy and the Prospect of a Social Explosion

“High prices and inflation have ruined people’s lives” - Protest of retirees in more than 23 cities – April 2021

According to many governmental and non-governmental experts in Iran, the country’s “80-year inflation record” under the government of Ebrahim Raisi has political implications. On July 28, the state-run Etemad newspaper quoted Hossein Roghfar, a regime-linked economist, describing government corruption as such: “The production project is a clear example of classic corruption in the economic and public spheres. In economic sciences, an equation is revealed regarding corruption, of which the productivity project is a clear example. They say corruption equals monopoly plus discretion, minus accountability. This is an equation within which corruption takes place and robs public resources.”

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35th Anniversary of the Massacre of 30,000 Political Prisoners


On the brink of the 35th anniversary of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, we pay tribute to those who gave their lives for freedom and cultivated the seeds of unwavering uprisings; they are indeed the martyrs of the Iranian people’s Democratic Revolution. The untainted blood of those innocent souls massacred in 1988 resonates today in the ongoing uprisings of the Iranian people and continues to inspire and motivate rebellious youths across generations. Thousands of PMOI heroes bravely stood their ground, defending their political identity and ideals. They marched to the gallows, shouting ‘Long Live Massoud’ and welcoming their martyrdom. Their aspirations and ideals remain just as relevant in contemporary Iranian society.

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Death Sentence of Iranian Political Prisoner Gains International Attention

Javad Vafa’i Thani (1)

The news of Mohammad Javad Vafai Thani, a supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), receiving a death sentence has sparked widespread international concern over the Iranian regime’s human rights violations. The timing of this verdict, less than two months before the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s tragic death and the outbreak of an uprising, reflects the regime’s attempt to cause terror and intimidation, particularly due to its fear of the people’s revolt against its rule like in 2022. The abrupt issuance of a death sentence for a political prisoner who has already spent more than three years in prison can be seen as the regime’s act of revenge against the people for their recent uprising.

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Labor Activist Anisha Assadollahi To Serve 5 Years in Evin

Anisha Assadollahi Labor activist imprisoned 1 min

The 26th Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran sentenced Ms. Assadollahi to five years and eight months in prison in late May 2023. Tehran Province’s Revision Court later upheld this verdict. Labor activist Anisha Assadollahi was convicted of “assembly and collusion” and “propaganda against the state” and sentenced to 5 years and eight months. According to Article 134 of the regime’s Punishment Code, the maximum sentence would be implemented, which is five years for “assembly and collusion.” On April 16, 2023, a hearing was convened at Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court to address the charges against labor activist Anisha Assadollahi.

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Abbas Daris’ Execution Temporarily Suspended

abbas daris iran prisoner

Mr. Daris’ lawyer posted a tweet this morning, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, informing the public of the order to stop the execution of Mr. Abbas Daris. Ms. Fereshteh Tabanian announced that the request for the resumption of legal proceedings had been registered with the 9th Branch of the Supreme Court and the order to halt the implementation of the verdict was sent to the First Branch of the Office of the Implementation of Verdicts in Mahshahr. The decision follows extensive national and international outcries against the execution of Mr. Abbas Daris.

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Iranian Regime Alarmed by Surging Resistance Units

townhall-logoWith Iranian security agencies once again publicizing crackdowns on “Resistance Units” associated with their principal opposition, Washington is abuzz with chatter that regime officials in Tehran seem increasingly anxious. On Sunday, a top regime official boasted that individuals associated with Resistance Units were arrested in Khuzestan, Fars, and Kohgiluyeh. They “tried to endanger the country’s security by plots,” said the provincial prosecutor general, expressing alarm that they had “money,” “equipment,” “houses,” and “vehicles.”

The comments, an obvious sign of rattled nerves, followed a series of similar pronouncements by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), highlighting the mullahs’ growing apprehension over the momentum displayed by small teams of organized dissidents operating in various cities to inspire protests and lead anti-regime activities.

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Fearing New Uprisings but Not the Western Response, Iran Steps Up Crackdowns


Iran Just surpassed the benchmark of 400 executions since the start of the year a few days ago, according to the dissident group National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). And a day before that a spokesperson for Iranian security forces had stated that the “morality police” were resuming their patrols to enforce the mandatory Islamic dress code. The two phenomena go hand-in-hand as Tehran has apparently been stepping up its repression of dissent in anticipation of the September anniversary of a nationwide uprising that has been widely described as the greatest-ever challenge to the theocratic dictatorship.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 26, 2023