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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestAnger Erupts in Tehran as Three Political Prisoners Are Executed in Isfahan

Anger Erupts in Tehran as Three Political Prisoners Are Executed in Isfahan


NCRI logoFollowing the execution of Saleh Mirhashmi, Majid Kazemi, and Saeed Yaqoubi, three political prisoners involved in the uprising, by Khamenei’s executioners, the people of Tehran expressed their outrage and protested against this heinous act. In various areas of Tehran, including Ekbatan, Tehransar, Shahrziba, Negin Gharb, Tehranpars, Saadat Abad, and Apadana, citizens chanted slogans denouncing Khamenei. Their collective voice echoed from buildings and rooftops, with cries such as “Death to the killer Khamenei,” “Death to the execution republic,” “Death to Khamenei, damned be Khomeini,” “Death to the youth-killing government,” and “Death to the dictator.”

In an attempt to suppress potential public protests, the regime clandestinely buried the bodies of these brave individuals in three different cities within Isfahan province. According to the martyrs’ families, Majid Kazemi was buried in Habib Abad, Saeed Yaqoubi in the village of Kurd Sofla, and Saleh Mirhashemi in the village of Baltaq. The authorities deployed oppressive forces and stationed plain-clothes personnel along the roads leading to these cemeteries, anticipating further expressions of dissent.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 19, 2023