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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestDemonstrations in Zahedan, Protests in Fanuj, and Clashes with Repressive Forces

Demonstrations in Zahedan, Protests in Fanuj, and Clashes with Repressive Forces

iran zahedan friday prayer 28042023

On Friday, April 28, the courageous people of Zahedan took to the streets once again after last week’s Friday prayer to demonstrate. They chanted slogans such as “Shame on Khamenei, let go of the country”, “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate”, “My martyred brother, your blood will be avenged”, “Azadi Azadi Azadi”, “Basiji and IRGC, you are our ISIS”. Banners and placards were carried by the people of Zahedan with the words: “Neither monarchy nor leadership; democracy and equality”, “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” and “From Fanuj to Zahedan, bloodshed stains the entirety of Iran.”

Meanwhile, the outraged people of Fanuj clashed with the repressive forces in protest of the killing and injuring of the youth of their city. The regime’s agents fired tear gas at the protesters.

On Thursday, April 27, a large number of people attended the funeral ceremony of Samir Gordhani, a 16-year-old Baloch teenager, who was run over by a police car in Fanuj city and died on Tuesday, April 25. The shopkeepers of Fanuj closed their shops in protest of this crime.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

April 28, 2023