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Mass Demonstrations in Zahedan on 190th Day of Nationwide Uprising


Iran Protest-No. 249

NCRI logoProtesters: “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader (Khamenei)

On Friday, March 24, the 190th day of the nationwide uprising, Zahedan residents staged a mass demonstration after Friday prayers for the 25th consecutive week. Despite suppressive measures, protesters chanted the slogans “Death to Khamenei”, and “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is null and void”.

They also chanted: “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)”, “Hundred years of crimes under monarchy and clergy rule”, “Death to IRGC, death to Basiji”, “Death to the hanging republic”, “Mullahs’ must get lost”, “We don’t want an ISIS governor, we don’t want it”, “My martyred brother, I will take your revenge”, “I will kill the one who killed my brother”, “No to child-killing state”, “Like my martyr brother, I am ready to die”, “This nation wants freedom, the country needs to be built” and “This is the final warning, the entire regime is the target”.

The regime disrupted the Internet in Zahedan since Friday morning to cut off communications.

Simultaneously, in Galikesh, Golestan province, Mowlsvi Mohammad Hossein Gorgij, the Sunni Imam of the city, held a Friday prayers ceremony with the participation of the Turkmen and the Baluch population despite being banned by the regime. People carried pamphlets during the Friday prayers and demanded the release of political prisoners and the regime’s non-interference in the Friday prayers of this city.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI, greeted the people of Zahedan who started the Iranian new year with the slogan “Death to Khamenei” and said that thousands of Baluch compatriots in their revolt on the first Friday of the new year once again underscored their determination to overthrow this anti-human regime and liberate Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 24, 2023