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Police Station Torched in Protest Against Killing of a 19-Year-old Kurdish Youth by Regime’s Agents

behzad azizi

The regime started the New Year by killing people in various cities. On the evening of Wednesday, March 22, at the Karim Abad checkpoint, three kilometers from Baneh, a 19-year-old young man named Behzad Azizi, a fellow Kurd, was shot without prior warning, and he died after reaching the hospital.

The IRGC agents refused to hand over his body to his family. Angry people protested outside the hospital and then attacked the Karim Abad police station and set it on fire. The suppressive agents fled the area in fear.

Hossein Al-Ali, 31, who was thrown down from the fourth floor of his residence in Bandar Abbas last week by the regime’s agents, died in the hospital on March 21, the first day of the Iranian New Year. Hossein Al Ali was wanted by the agents for participating in protests and was in hiding for some time.

 The suppressive agents killed 39-year-old Isa Roshandel Doghanli, a Qashqai compatriot, in Qeshlaq Doghanlu in Faryab on March 27. Angry people chanted “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to IRGC,” and “Qashqai will die, but never be humiliated” at his funeral, which was held on Sunday, March 19.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 23, 2023