Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIran: Britain "doesn't know location" of captured servicemen

Iran: Britain “doesn’t know location” of captured servicemen

By  Jon Land (UK) – Excerpts – Britain does not know where fifteen captured British servicemen are being held, the Government said today as crisis talks continued to secure their release. Foreign Office Minister Lord Triesman, speaking as the British ambassador in Tehran held talks with the Iranian regime, repeated demands for the group to be freed…

The United Nations, meanwhile, stepped up the pressure on Iran to free them when it agreed new sanctions against the country’s nuclear development…

The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously last night to impose tougher sanctions against Iran, hoping to send a strong message to Tehran that it would grow more isolated by refusing to suspend enrichment.

The moderately more stringent UN sanctions include banning Iranian arms exports and freezing the assets of 28 additional people and organisations involved in Iran’s alleged nuclear missile programmes. The council voted 15-0 in favour of the proposals…

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell linked the capture of the British servicemen with Iran’s desire to pursue nuclear development…

Meanwhile, Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, today welcomed the adoption of the UN Security Council resolution.

She described it as "a necessary response to a regime which had breached all international norms and conventions and attempted to obtain nuclear weapons which threatens regional and global peace and security".

Mrs Rajavi said that only a firm policy which would include the imposition of comprehensive oil, arms, technological and diplomatic embargo against the Iranian regime could prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.

She added: "Contrary to its pretences, the mullahs’ regime is extremely vulnerable to such sanctions. Feeble and engulfed in internal crises, the mullahs had taken maximum advantage of Western countries’ policy of appeasement."