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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMP Michael Meister Calls for More Sanctions and Stricter WMD Proliferation Measures...

MP Michael Meister Calls for More Sanctions and Stricter WMD Proliferation Measures Against Tehran

ncri rally munich Michael Meister 1

In his speech at the Munich rally, Dr. Michael Meister, a member of the German Bundestag, expresses his solidarity with the people of Iran who have been protesting for human rights since the death of Mahsa Amini. Strongly condemning the brutal actions of Khamenei’s regime against the protesters, he called for solidarity and support for those who are courageously taking to the streets to fight for their rights. Dr. Meister also emphasized the need to take a tougher approach with the sanctions regime to show disapproval of the regime’s actions, including proscribing the regime’s organizations that conduct terrorism. Additionally, he urged the international community to work towards stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Iran and enabling the return of stability to the Middle East region.

A translated version of Dr. Meisters’ speech is reflected below:

Good day to the honorable ladies and gentlemen,

First, I want to thank you wholeheartedly that I am able to address you at your gathering. I am Michael Meister. Since 1994, I represent the constituency of Bergstrasse in the German Bundestag. I’d like to greet all participants from the bottom of my heart.

I’m glad that you express your solidarity with the people in Iran. Triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini, since September 16 last year, protests have taken place in Iran. Initially, for women’s rights, but down the road, the demands have clearly evolved into demands for human rights. The protests are not only taking place in the capital but rather in the entire country and they are widely supported by the public. The movement in Iran deserves our solidarity.

Here in Germany, there are human rights, freedom, democracy, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief, and the right to protest. I believe that all people in Iran deserve to enjoy the same. They deserve to be able to express their opinion, gather freely, and come to the streets for things that matter to them. These are fundamental human rights that apply to all citizens of the world and this is why we desire the same for the people of Iran.

The regime of Ali Khamenei is taking brutal action against the demonstrators. The protesters are from the same nation and that means that the regime is cracking down on its own people. Human rights are violated and the people are terrorized. We have learned that people have been killed during these protests. People have been injured and many were arrested. And this is why I believe it is important that we in Germany and Europe side with the protesters and demand on behalf of the demonstrators the protests are tolerated. Accordingly, we also must sanction a regime that enforces terror against its own people.

I’d be glad if we would take a tougher approach with the sanctions to show the regime very clearly that they are facing absolute disapproval. It is important to proscribe the regime’s organizations that conduct terrorism. This either includes organizations as well as individuals who are active in those organizations and are executing these crimes against other people.

I’d like to admire the bravery of those who are taking to the streets despite all the crackdowns and stepping in for their rights. This courage deserves our solidarity. It must be our goal that freedom, democracy, and human rights be honored in Iran as well and we have to support them. I believe it is totally unacceptable that some of the protesters have been sentenced to death and some have been already executed. Those who impose power in Iran are thereby discrediting themselves. These [judicial] procedures lack the rule of law. Iran needs to be ruled by the rule of law and everyone who is accused of a crime needs to enjoy due process and needs to be dealt with fairly in front of a court of justice.

Unfortunately, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that is supposed to prohibit the proliferation of nuclear weapons has failed but I still hope that we succeed in stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons. This doesn’t only apply to Iran but rather I believe this very much helps the stability of the region as well as the neighboring countries of Iran.

Therefore, I wish you a successful gathering and better developments toward human rights in Iran. Thank you.