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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestMass Demonstrations of People of Zahedan on 169th Day of Uprising

Mass Demonstrations of People of Zahedan on 169th Day of Uprising

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Iran Protest-No. 244

NCRI logoBrutal Attack by Khamenei’s Repressive Forces on Demonstrators and Firing of Tear Gas into Makki Mosque

On Friday, March 3, thousands of people in Zahedan took to the streets once again, despite repressive measures, on the 169th day of the nationwide uprising and the 22nd week after the bloody Friday massacre in Zahedan. After the Friday prayer, they chanted slogans such as “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the dictator”, “My martyred brother, I will avenge your death”, “I will kill whoever killed my brother,”  and “Death to the IRGC”. Large placards were carried by demonstrators with messages such as “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei).”

The regime’s repressive forces, who had surrounded Makki Mosque since Friday morning, attacked the demonstrators and brutally beat them. Tear gas was fired into the mosque and several people and mosque security officials were arrested. Brave young people fought back. IRGC forces and plain-clothes agents also arrested several young people on other streets. On Friday, the regime cut off the internet in many areas of Zahedan.

Protesters also had written on a placard to protest against the cruelty and oppression inflicted on the Baloch people during the past century under the rule of four bloodthirsty dictators: “Balochistan has not been under the administration of the Baloch people for 90 years.” On another placard, it was written: “This movement belongs to Mahoo Baloch.” (Mahoo is a 16-year-old girl who was raped by the criminal commander of the Chabahar police force on September 30, 2022). Inside the mosque, the worshipers carried placards that read: “Bioterrorism is condemned” referring to the poisoning of female students.

Also, on Friday, Turkmen and Baloch nationalities in Galikesh in Golestan province protested against the house arrest of Molavi Gargich, the Sunni Imam of this city. On Thursday night, residents of Amirabad and Narmak neighborhoods as well as Ardabil chanted slogans of “Death to the girls-killing government” and “Death to Khamenei.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said that the demonstration in Zahedan with the chants of “Death to Khamenei” and the rejection of the current and past dictatorships in the slogan “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader” is a decisive manifestation of the Iranian people’s determination for freedom.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 3, 2023