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Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 155

iran zahedan friday prayer 17022023

Iran Protest-No. 241

NCRI logoDemonstrations in Zahedan, Khash, Sanandaj, Sardasht, and Galikesh with anti-regime slogans

On Friday, February 17, the 155th day of the nationwide uprising, once again thousands of people of Zahedan demonstrated after Friday prayers despite a heavy presence of suppressive forces and closing the roads leading to Makki mosque.

Demonstrators chanted “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the dictator”, “Kurds, Baluchis, and Azeri, want freedom and equality”, “Death to IRGC, death to Basiji”, “I will kill whoever who killed my brother”, “Political prisoners must be released” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)”.

Demonstrators were carrying placards that read “Neither mullah nor the Shah, we take the path of warriors”, “Baluchistan’s progress lies in national sovereignty”, “Freedom can be achieved, we must, and we can”, “We will not be threatened nor bribed”.

Today, the people of Khash also demonstrated after the Friday prayer while chanting “Death to Khamenei”.

In Sanandaj, after Friday prayers, people protested against the arrest of Sunni clergy Ibrahim Karimi, the Imam of the mosque in Nanleh village, with the slogans “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the dictator” and demanded his release.

The people of Sardasht held a massive protest rally in protest against the arrest of Fathullah Rostami, Friday prayer Sunni Imam of Marghan village, and demanded his release. Rostami was arrested on the way to Khoi to help the people affected by the earthquake.

A large group of Baluch and Turkmen compatriots demonstrated in Galikesh of Golestan province after Friday prayers in protest against the house arrest of Mowlavi Mohammad Hossein Gorgich and his ban to lead Friday prayers and chanted “Freedom of belief is our inalienable right”.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 17, 2023