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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – February 18, 2023

Iran News in Brief – February 18, 2023

iranian rally munich 17022023



The Number of Food-poisoned Students Increases, Regime Continues Its Negligence

According to state media, with the recent account of additional students who have been diagnosed with food poisoning in Qom, the total number of victims has amassed to 400.

“Twenty-five more people have been admitted to the hospital, and an additional five patients have recently been discharged. The number of poisoned students who sought hospital treatment now exceeds 412,” the state-run Entekhab website reported on February 16, quoting the deputy dean of Qom’s medical science university. Despite several protests by the parents of affected students, the Iranian regime has yet to investigate the incident and has attempted to cover it up. Footage posted shows serious protests of students and their families against local officials.

اعتراض دانش‌آموزان مسموم شده در قم

Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 156

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, February 18, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

  • Days: 156
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 647 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

Iran’s nationwide uprising made its 156th day, today, following protests and demonstrations yesterday and last night by thousands of courageous Baluchis in different cities of Sistan and Baluchistan Province in southeast Iran who took to the streets in a continuation of anti-regime protests and chanted: “Death to the oppressor! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!”

Also the early hours of Saturday morning, protests continued in more than 10 districts of Tehran and 20 cities across Iran on the 40th day since two young protesters Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mahdi Karami, were hanged.

In Tehran, locals in Apadana and  Narmak district people were chanting: “Death to Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!” Also, the slogans “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the dictator” echoed from the buildings in different areas, including Bagheri town, Niavaran neighborhood, and Narmak.

Courageous youths in Mohammad Shahr Karaj west of Tehran targeted the Basij base of Homayun Villa by throwing cocktails.

In Mahabad, the capital of Mahabad County, West Azerbaijan Province,  north-western Iran, the defiant youth lit a fire in the street and staged a night demonstration and chanted the slogans “Death to the dictator” and “Neither Mullah nor Shah, we want democracy”.

Last night, in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran, defiant youth torched a base of the regime’s IRGC paramilitary Basij units.

Metropolitan Police: Officers continue to work in response to potential threats projected from Iran

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Head of Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP), Assistant Commissioner Matt Jukes said: “Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing alongside local officers and other specialists from the Metropolitan Police continue to work in response to potential threats projected from Iran against a number of UK-based individuals. At its sharpest, this has involved police and MI5 working together to foil 15 plots since the start of 2022 to either kidnap or even kill British or UK-based individuals perceived as enemies of the regime.

“Those affected continue to be given appropriate advice and support and a number of protective security measures have been put in place to mitigate against these threats. As was apparent late last year, this involved protective security measures including an overt armed policing presence focused around the west London offices of a Persian-language media company.

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United Nations Says Iran Is Harboring Al Qaeda’s New Leader


Iran is harboring al Qaeda’s new leader Saif al-Adel, according to intelligence collected by the United Nations.

U.N. member states overwhelmingly agreed that al-Adel is now the “uncontested leader” of the international terror group and is running operations from inside Iran, according to a report published Thursday by the U.N. Security Council’s Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team.

Al Qaeda has not formally announced al-Adel’s ascension, primarily due to his presence in Iran, which has historically been at odds with the terror group due to religious differences. The group’s former leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed in a U.S. strike last year.

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Amnesty International Report Alleges New Evidence in Mahallati Involvement in Cover-Up of 1988 Iran Mass Political Killings

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On Feb. 6, Amnesty International released a 17-page report condemning Professor of Religion Mohammad Jafar Mahallati’s actions as Iran’s former ambassador to the United Nations. The report alleges that Mahallati played an active role in covering up the 1988 mass killings of political prisoners in Iran.

The recently released report claims that Mahallati worked to feed the United Nations misleading information in an effort to obstruct their investigation into the 1988 killings, which he continued to fend off in 1989 by slandering the victims of the executions. It alleges that Mahallati “undertook efforts in late November and early December 1988 to block the adoption of a resolution by the U.N. General Assembly that expressed concern about the mass executions.” Additional evidence cited in the report indicates that Mahallati misrepresented the executions as “battlefield killings.”

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Russia Could Give Iran Highly Enriched Uranium, Zelensky Warns


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s burgeoning military partnership with Iran could hasten the Middle Eastern regime’s acquisition of nuclear weapons, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The result is not only lethal Iranian drones in Ukrainian skies but also something with which the Kremlin paid for it,” Zelensky said Friday in a virtual address to the Munich Security Conference. “Are you sure it’s just money? Or, maybe, the world will face the ‘enriched Iranian regime’? And to what extent — 90%, 92%, or 100%? I am sure none of us wants to let the region of Middle East and the Gulf taste it.”

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Iran’s Protesters Maintain Revolution Push Against the Mullahs

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 155th day following an intense night of massive anti-regime protests by people across the country who were marking the 40th day of the executions of Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini, two protesters arrested for their roles in the ongoing Iran revolution rallies against the regime. Protesters in dozens of cities and towns took to the streets in major protests that continued well into the night as people were calling for overthrowing the mullahs’ regime and establishing a new government based on freedom, democracy, and human rights.

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An Iranian Chorus from Zahedan to Munich: Death to the Oppressor, No to the Shah, No to the Mullahs

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Friday, February 17, 2023, freedom-loving Iranians from Zahedan to Munich chanted in unison, “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the mullahs.”

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, including freedom-loving Iranian women, held a massive gathering and demonstration in front of the Munich Security Conference in Max-Jozef-Platz.

Political dignitaries and representatives of the German Parliament participated in this gathering and gave speeches in support of the Iranian people’s desire for freedom and democracy.

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Breaking the Chains: The Role of Women in Iran’s Resistance Movement

Norway Sarvnaz Chitsaz 1 min

The Norway Parliament hosted a meeting in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and their organized Resistance movement.

The February 10, 2023 event featured several distinguished speakers, including the keynote speaker, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Mrs. Rajavi provided valuable insights into the current situation in Iran, while other notable attendees included former ministers, lawmakers, and politicians from Norway and other Nordic countries.

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Rome: Inter-Parliamentary Committee of Friends of Free Iran in Italy Expressed Solidarity With Iran’s Democratic Revolution

FoFI Italy

Rome, February 9, 2023: Inter-Parliamentary Committee for a Free Iran issued a statement on the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 anti-monarch revolution and expressed solidarity with the Iranian nationwide protests against the mullahs’ regime.

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Paris, France: Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) Expressed Solidarity With Iran’s Democratic Revolution

FoFi France

Paris, Tuesday, February 7, 2023: On the eve of the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 anti-monarch revolution, the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) organized a conference, entitled “Iran: Uprising for a Democratic Republic February 1979-2023”. This event was held in the room (salle) Colbert of the National Assembly.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 17, 2023