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Iran weapons could be part of Iraq talks

United Press International — Iran’s supplying of sophisticated explosives to Iraqi insurgents could be brought up at stabilization talks in Baghdad on March 10.

The talks, called by the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, will sit U.S. and Iranian diplomats at the same table, together with representatives from Syria – another country estranged from the United States – Egypt, U.N. Security Council permanent members, the Islamic Conference and Arab League.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the Iraqis were setting the agenda, but "… if, in fact, topics like EFPs and such like come up in that conference, obviously we will address them."

EFP stands for explosively formed projectiles. Terrorists and insurgents in Iraq have begun using them against U.S. troops as improvised explosive devices for added killing power. EFP’s punch through the armor of vehicles.

The United States says it has evidence Iran’s Quds force has supplied EFPs to Iraqi insurgents, but there is no definitive proof it was being done with the knowledge and/or authority of senior Iranian government officials.

The Quds are an elite unit of Revolutionary Guards and under Iranian government control

Snow insisted no bilateral talks would take place between Iran and the United States at the conference (in regard to EFPs or other matters), which is aimed at gaining new help in helping bring stability to Iraq.

But whether or not the question would be brought up in general discussions was something the administration was not ruling out.

"I’m certainly not going to rule it out," Snow said. "But again, the Iraqis are the ones who are convening the conference, and they’re the ones who are going to have control of the agenda," he said.