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Iran: Larijani is dispatched to buy time in Vienna

Concurrent with the mullahs’ full steam ahead in obtaining atomic bomb

NCRI – On Tuesday, according to the mullahs’ official news agency, IRNA, Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, the mullahs’ Supreme National Security Council’s Secretary, will meet with the IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei in Vienna. The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns negotiations with the mullahs’ regime, in particular at a time when the regime is full steam ahead in completing its nuclear weapon’s program and trying to evade the UN Security Council Resolution 1737. Such talks will only provide the necessary time needed for the ruling religious fascism to obtain atomic bomb.

Two days prior to Larijani’s trip to Vienna, on February 17, the regime’s spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Ali Hosseini said, “We will not accept any suspension in the enrichment process.”   

On February16, 2007, the regime’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei said, “Fortunately, our people…are taking a firm position on [devolving] nuclear program and our leaders are following the issue seriously. We have overcome certain obstacles and God’s willing we will be going to achieve better results.”

On the other hand, the regime is vehemently trying to avoid the consequences of not complying with the resolution 1737. 

Mohammad Ali Hosseini also spoke about enriching uranium up to four percent and said that this plan had “[Javier] Solana’s blessing.” This is yet another deceptive tactic employed by the regime to buy even more time.

The Iranian Resistance warned against misleading schemes by the regime trying to gain more time needed to obtain an atomic bomb. Once more, it reiterates on the fact that imposition of comprehensive weapons, diplomatic, technological, and oil sanctions on the clerical regime, is a necessary step in preventing it from acquiring nuclear weapon. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2007