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HomeIran News NowLatest News & Activities of Iran Protest Leader Maryam RajaviMaryam Rajavi Urges Iranian Nation to Rise in Revolt for Freedom

Maryam Rajavi Urges Iranian Nation to Rise in Revolt for Freedom

Maryam Rajavi Urges Iranian Nation to Rise in Revolt for Freedom

Iranian opposition leader ’s rebellious youths, resistance units, &all the Mojahedin &freedom fighters are proud of having done so. pic.twitter.com/Nc8abR8tPn

— Maryam Rajavi (@Maryam_Rajavi) November 21, 2019

The trend of events from December 2017 up to this date clearly shows that this uprising is durable. As the Iranian Resistance reiterated from the outset, the clerical regime does not have the power to contain the uprisings and quell the revolts of rebellious cities, resistance units and the great Army of Freedom. 
The army of the unemployed and hungry, the army of suppressed women, and the army of those who have nothing to lose but their chains, are not going to give in and surrender. They are not thinking of reforming the regime. They are not seeking to charm the State Security Force or the Revolutionary Guards. They want to uproot the entire regime. 
Currently, the people of Shiraz, Shahriar, Fardis, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, and other cities are taking control of whole districts in their cities. The time has come to liberate Iran entirely from the mullahs’ captivity and occupation. 
The high spirits and fearless approach of protesters in confronting the regime’s forces, and the precipitous expansion of the uprising to various provinces, have a terrifying message for Khamenei and his establishment. 
What is clear is that no assistance or appeasement by Western governments and no games of reformists versus hardliners will alleviate the regime’s pains or save it from certain and fast-approaching downfall. Nor will the wars and crimes in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, the regime’s nuclear programs, their plunder of oil revenues, or even their plainclothes agents and the plethora of various hirelings of the Intelligence Ministry. 

The Velayat-e Faqih religious dictatorship has reached the end of the line. Today, the cries of the people of Iran can be heard from the streets of Tehran, Isfahan, Kamyaran, Sirjan, Behbahan, Shiraz, Marivan, Bukan, Karaj, Khorramshahr, and Mahshahr. They are crying out, “Dictator, shame on you, let go of our country.” They are chanting, “the mullahs must get lost.” Therefore, 
1. I urge my fellow compatriots to actively participate in the memorial services of martyrs, everywhere, in any manner and to any possible extent. 
2. Supporting the arisen people, the rebellious youths and resistance units is a patriotic duty. 
3. Do not forget to attend to the wounded, cure their wounds, and help the families who have lost their guardians. 
4. Protests and strikes at every possible time and place are essential for the continuation and expansion of the uprising. 
5. The enemy is mobilizing all its forces, heads of branches and clerics to launch a counter-attack, to terrorize the public and to hold counter-demonstrations. But these methods are no longer effective. Do not fear their tricks and bellows. National solidarity and cooperation are the best response. 
6. World governments and the international community must set aside all considerations and reservations about the regime. They should demand an immediate halt to the killings and arrests. If the regime does not comply, they must readily pull the trigger of UN Security Council sanctions. The UNSC must declare the regime’s leaders as criminals committing crimes against humanity. They must face justice for this massive suppression and bloodshed. The international community must strongly condemn the mullahs’ terrorism on the internet and assist the people of Iran in circumventing this inhumane blockade. 
7. The clerical regime is making all efforts and using all means to conceal the true death toll. The United Nations must immediately dispatch investigative missions to Iran to evaluate the number of those killed, injured and imprisoned. 
Yes, this is a revolution until victory 
Hail to the martyrs 
Hail to the rebels rising up for freedom 
Hail to the Iran uprising to overthrow the regime

مریم رجوی: ایران شورشگر به‌پا می‌خیزد - Maryam Rajavi: Iran Rises Up in Revolt