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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – January 7, 2023

Iran News in Brief – January 7, 2023



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 114

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, January 7, 2022 – 8 PM GMT+1

  • Days: 114
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 614 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

On the 114th day of Iran’s nationwide uprising, the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran desperately executed Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini early this morning, Saturday, January 7. The regime’s judiciary confirmed that the two, arrested for taking part in the revolution that continues across the country, were hanged.

The semi-official Mizan news agency, affiliated with the regime’s judiciary, reported that the two were executed for killing a member of the regime’s paramilitary Basij and blocking the Karaj-Qazvin expressway located west of the capital Tehran. Amnesty International has said the trials “bore no resemblance to a meaningful judicial proceeding.” Many reports indicate the two were tortured into coerced confessions.

Last month, Iranian opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi called on the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the European Union, and Member States to take effective and practical measures against the religious fascism ruling Iran to stop the regime’s killing sprees, and use of torture and executions.

Regime authorities in the city of Bijar, Kurdistan Province, western Iran, dispatched and stationed security units outside the home of Mohammad Mehdi Karami‘s parents.  The authorities closed local shops and threatened the storeowners. At least three people were abducted by the security units, according to reports from local activists.

In the capital’s Tehranpars district, protesters marched, chanting: “For each person killed another thousand will rise!”, “Death to Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!”

In Tehran, locals in the capital’s Andisheh district set fire to a poster of former IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani and in another part of the city in broad daylight also torched another poster of him.

In Mashhad, Northeastern Iran, youths wrote slogans on the walls of the city in the same location where the paramilitary Basijis had erased the previous slogans: “#Death to the tyrant, be it the Shah, or the leader (Khamenei).”


100 Years After the Collapse of the Weimar Republican, the Islamic Republic of Iran Faces a Similar Fate


The new year has dawned with the unfolding revolution in Iran entering its most critical stage. The nationwide insurrection has continued for almost four months and shows no sign of subsiding, despite a ruthless crackdown by the theocratic regime’s security forces, which has seen more than 750 protesters killed and over 30,000 arrested. Strikes and protests have crippled the Iranian economy, already reeling from years of tough Western sanctions. Now the Iranian currency has nose-dived to its lowest level ever against the US dollar. When the uprising began in September, following the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, the young Kurdish girl murdered by the so-called morality police for not wearing her hijab properly, the rial was trading at 315,000 to the dollar.

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Theocratic Regime Executes Two Protesters


At the dawn on January 7, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed two young protesters, Mohammad Mehdi Karmi and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini.

The Judiciary-run Mizan news agency claimed that those executed were charged with the killing of a Basij member and blocking the Karaj-Qazvin freeway to justify this criminal execution.

Last month, NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi called on the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the European Union, and other UN member states to take effective and practical measures to stop torture, executions, and killings by the ruling theocracy

Government of Canada Honours Victims of Flight PS752 Marking Three Years Since the Tragedy


January 8 will mark three years since the downing, as well as the third National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Air Disasters. Canada honours the victims of Flight PS752 and all air disasters and continues to stand in solidarity with their families and loved ones.

Canada and its partners in the Coordination Group—Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom—continue to work together to hold Iran accountable for the downing of Flight PS752 and ensure full reparations are made for the deaths of 176 innocent people. On December 28, 2022, the Coordination Group announced an important step forward in the pursuit of accountability in accordance with international law. We have requested that Iran submit to binding arbitration of the dispute related to the downing of Flight PS752 as specified under the 1971 Montreal Convention.

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Iran’s Baluch Continue Protests Despite Threats, Pressures


Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 113th day on Friday as the country’s brave Baluchis take to the streets yet again in further anti-regime protests against the mullahs’ rule. People in various cities of Sistan & Baluchestan are protesting against regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the regime’s crackdown machine, including the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the paramilitary Basij units, State Security Forces (police), and plainclothes agents.

These protests are a strong response to the regime’s latest campaign of crackdown measures against the Baluchis with an increasing number of arrests in recent days, especially in the city of Zahedan, being the capital of Sistan & Baluchestan Province.

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Armita Abbasi and 14 Detained Protesters on Hunger Strike


Armita Abbasi and a group of protesters detained are on hunger strike in Fardis Prison (also known as Kachouii), in Karaj.

Armita Abbasi has been on a hunger strike since January 2, 2022, protesting her undecided status despite nearly three months of detention. Fourteen other detained protesters have also started their hunger strikes in support of Armita Abbasi to protest the lack of handling of their cases and medical care.

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Despite Iran Regime’s Efforts People Continue Protesting – Day 113 of Revolution


After more than one hundred days of nationwide protests in Iran, we are witnessing a social convergence. Now the people are following one goal and the country’s socio-political state will not return to the situation before the start of the uprising.

A significant change that has become the worst nightmare for the regime is the considerable presence of women. They have led the protests. Despite being arrested, torched, and facing many forms of inhuman behaviors they did not leave the streets and are continuing to challenge the regime. For the regime, this is a heavy cultural blow while establishing the pillars of its reign on misogynism.

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Brussels—January 4, 2023: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held a Rally in Support of the Iran Revolution

Brussels—January 4, 2023: MEK Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Revolution

Brussels, Belgium—Wednesday, January 4, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK), honored the memory of the martyrs by holding an exhibition and demonstrations in support of the nationwide Iran protests.

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