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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – December 19, 2022

Iran News in Brief – December 19, 2022

Iran – Mashhad, Doctors from Mashad district hospital protested against the execution of two protesters in Iran and oppose the execution verdict on other protesters detained, especially Dr. Hamid Ghareh Hassanlo.



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 95

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, December 19, 2022 – 8 PM GMT+1

  • Days: 95
  • Protests: 280 cities
  • Fatalities: 700+ estimated deaths, 596 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000+

Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 95th day on Monday with the launch of a new three-day initiative of major strikes and protests spanning across the country. From Tehran to Kerman, and many cities of the country’s Kurdish regions in Kurdistan, Kermanshah, and West Azerbaijan provinces people staged protests and chanted anti-regime slogans. Merchants and store owners staged strikes in solidarity with the nationwide uprising and condemned the regime’s excessive crackdown measures.

In the capital’s Punak district, locals chanted, “Death to the dictator!”, “Protests in the streets is the path forward!”, “We have neither bread nor a home! Hijab is an excuse!” and “Poverty-Corruption-High prices! We’re going to overthrow the regime!” They also chanted, “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!” and “Khamenei is a murderer! His rule is illegitimate!”

In Ekbatan, west Tehran, people marched and chanted, “Death to the execution republic!”

People in Tehran’s Enghelab (Revolution) Metro Station chanted, “Poverty is rampant and Khamenei is hanging people!”, “Death to Khamenei!”, “Death to the dictator!”, “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!” and “Basij and IRGC! You are our ISIS!”

In Eslamshahr, south of Tehran, protesters torched a pro-regime poster.

In Golpayegan, central Iran, defiant youth torched a local IRGC paramilitary Basij base using Molotov cocktails.

In Golshahr district in Karaj, west of Tehran, protesters chanted: “High prices & inflation are killing the people!”, “We don’t want a child-killing regime!” and “Death to the dictator!” They also chanted, “Khamenei, you tyrant! We will bury you!”

In Rasht, the capital of the northern province of Gilan, people staged a mass protest, chanting, “We swear on the blood of our compatriots, we are standing to the end!” and “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”

In Esfarayen, northeast Iran, defiant youth targeted communications assets belonging to the regime’s forces and authorities.

In Galehdar, Fars Province, in south-central Iran, protesters set ablaze the local site of the regime’s IRGC paramilitary Basij units.

Activists in the cities of Tehran, Kerman, Kamyaran, Saqqez, Sanandaj, Eyvan, Ravansar, Javanrud, Bukan, Kuzaran, Shanin Shahr, and others reported continued strikes by merchants and storeowners across these cities.

People held nightly protest rallies in several cities on Monday. In Tehran, a group of people gathered in Jamalzadeh district and chanted anti-regime slogans, including “Death to the dictator!” and “We don’t want a child-killing regime!” The protesters also called for the release of political prisoners and expressed their resolve to continue their uprising by chanting, “For each person killed another one thousand will rise!” Protests were also reported in Towhid metro station and Punak district, where protesters blocked roads with fire and chanted anti-regime slogans.


Former Official Warns Against Global Isolation


On December 17, in an interview with the state-run Setareh Sobh newspaper, Javad Ghorban Oghli, a former diplomat at the regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: “The action taken by the United Nations could greatly damage Iran’s image on the international arena. The first step was the condemnation of Iran in the Human Rights Council, which led to the creation of a fact-finding committee. This shows that the United Nations and its members are focused on Iran. The second measure was the expulsion of Iran from the Organization’s Women Commission.”

“Usually, for any action against a country, there is the need for an international consensus, he added. “The consensus starts when a country is accused of violating human rights and the like. These automatically isolate that country on the global stage.”

“Once a country is isolated, any decision can be made about it,” Ghorban Oghli warned. “Coping with these decisions is very difficult and costly. Almost all the countries that were attacked in some way started from here. Iraq was once accused of having chemical weapons and devices and a nuclear bomb, which was a prelude to the action they took against it. They did the same with Libya. Therefore, the beginning is to completely destroy Iran’s image in the world and make public opinion pessimistic towards Iran. In my opinion, this is a preliminary to taking further actions against Iran, which may have serious consequences. Especially since we have entered into challenges with the world in other fields as well.”

The Uprising Was Completely Organized to Overthrow the State, Police Chief Says


The Iranian regime’s police chief said that the uprising has been “completely directed and organized and aimed at overthrowing the state”.

According to the state-run Tasnim news agency, Hossein Ashtari, the commander-in-chief of the police force who was speaking at a meeting called ‘clergy of the armed forces’ said on December 17: “In the current situation, the enemy’s goal is to attack the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to undermine the order and security of the people, and to disturb the public opinion in all domains, including economic, political, cultural, etc.”

“The recent sedition was completely directed and organized to overthrow the state. Trying to exploit fake seditions, the enemies were looking for street riots, attacks on public and government property,” he added.


Iran’s Protests Continue With Oil/Gas Sector Workers Joining With Strikes

The protests across Iran against the oppressive mullahs’ regime are now 94 days and counting as workers and employees of the country’s oil and gas sector started new strikes in various cities on Saturday. Students in various universities and high schools in different cities were also playing their part in holding various rallies and chanting anti-regime slogans. Similar scenes were reported in metro stations where protesters used the opportunity of having a large crowd to chant anti-regime slogans.

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Dignitaries Call on U.S. to Stand with Iran Revolution – Day 94

Iran-uprisingOn Sunday, December 18, 2022, citizens from different walks of life continued the revolution across Iran. In a prominent act of solidarity with Iranian protesters, several U.S. dignitaries attended a conference hosted by Iranian American Communities on December 17. As the event’s keynote speaker, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on western governments to recognize the Iranian people’s will to overthrow the regime.

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Brussels: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally to Support the Iran Revolution—December 16, 2022

Brussels: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally to Support the Iran Revolution—December 16, 2022

Brussels—Belgium, December 16, 2022: Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally to Support the Iran Revolution at the same time as the Belgian Senate resolution, supporting Iran Protests and condemning the execution of the protesters.

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