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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran Uprising Continues Forcing Authorities to Acknowledge Opposition’s Role

Iran Uprising Continues Forcing Authorities to Acknowledge Opposition’s Role

iran-uprising-street-blockadeProtests continue across Iran despite numerous attempts by authorities to quash them. The perseverance of what many consider Iran’s new democratic “revolution” amid the regime’s massive oppression debunks any notion that these demonstrations are all unorganized or leaderless.  

In fact, as the uprising continues, officials, including top military commanders and the regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi acknowledge the role of Iran’s organized opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), mainly the recognizable pattern of courageous confrontation with security forces by the MEK’s “Resistance Units.”  

15214725“The MEK had fully entered the scene. They sought to take advantage of the victims and use their full media potential. Unfortunately, some naïve people fell into this trap, and the system received major blows,” Mohammad Dehgan, Ebrahim Raisi’s legal advisor, said on November 28, according to the state-run Mehr News Agency.  

On November 11, the notorious Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Intelligence Organization issued a public warning, desperately asking people to avoid contact with the MEK.  

“If suspicious communications are established with you, requesting actions such as carrying out sabotage actions, setting fire to places, signs, and symbols or writing graffiti, taking photos and filming specific military and religious places, or holding gatherings and demonstrations and so, (be aware that) the MEK has established these communications. Therefore, inform the nearest IRGC intelligence unit or the News Headquarters of the IRGC Intelligence Organization,” the statement read.  

Although authorities try to minimize the nationwide uprising and paint protesters as foreign agents, they do not shy away from expressing their utter fear of the regime’s archenemy.  

“Nowadays, preserving the holy system is a due obligation, and any effort in this regard is precious,” Raisi told Tehran’s Special Forces on November 26, according to the state-run Entekhab website.  

IRGC Brig. Gen. Ali Fadavi, IRGC’s deputy commander

“For 70 days, the enemy has been seeking a new way for its deviltries, both inside and outside the country. We should all defend the system, and today is the day of sacrificing everything for the holy state,” IRGC Brig. Gen. Ali Fadavi, IRGC’s deputy commander, said on November 26, as quoted by the state-run Entekhab website 


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IRGC Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, the spokesman for the Iranian regime’s armed forces

IRGC Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, the armed forces’ spokesperson, clarified the regime’s “enemy” that Fadavi warned about its actions. “We wouldn’t back down against the MEK, and we’ll defeat them. We vow to defend this system against them at any cost,” he said, according to the Entekhab website on November 26.  

As protests continue, regime officials gradually stop their bogus claims of “victory,” and their frightened tone, coupled with endless warnings that this uprising “continues,” are quite telling. They acknowledge that as the organized opposition plays a leading role, the regime’s forces should be on high alert.  

They also acknowledge that the regime’s existence is at stake, and preserving religious fascism comes with a high price. Thus, regime officials have increased their anti-MEK rhetoric to make their forces better understand the grave situation. The state TV airs propaganda films to tarnish the MEK’s image in a bid to decrease the rising trend of defiant youth joining the MEK’s Resistance Units network.  

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On October 23, Mahmoud Hosseini-Pour, the governor of Mazandaran province, northern Iran, warned officials “who sit and analyze the situation, deeming to figure out what happens” once the regime falls, reminding them that once the revolution is over, “The enemy will punish you first.”  

Amir-Ali-Hajizadeh-head-of-the-Revolutionary-Guards-Aerospace-unit-minOn November 28, the IRGC Aerospace commander Amir-Ali Hajizadeh who was paying a visit to the Basij elements at Rajaee Training University in Tehran, counted a long list of the regime’s grievances about the MEK and asked: “Given these facts, are we supposed to consider the MEK as enemies or as friends? When they invite people to riots, or when they say that the police force killed Mrs. Mahsa Amini, should we accept it, or are we supposed to hear the truth from our enemy?” 

While Iran’s ruling theocracy openly acknowledges its fear of the Iranian Resistance, its apologists and longtime supporters abroad try to paint the MEK as a “fringe grouplet” with “little to no popular support” and incessantly try to tarnish the image of the regime’s viable alternative. They show their true colors by advocating that they prefer the regime to stay in power rather than the Iranian people and their organized Resistance achieve their goal.  

Nevertheless, these desperate efforts wouldn’t prolong the regime’s life, as Iranians and their opposition are determined to put an end to forty years of misery and crime.