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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 6, 2022

Iran News in Brief – November 6, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 52

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Sunday, November 6, 2022 – 7 PM CET

  • Days: 52
  • Protests: 214 cities
  • Fatalities: 530+ estimated deaths, 358 identified by MEK, over 50 teenagers
  • Detentions: 25,000+

Parents of Iranian youth spearheading the ongoing uprising against the religious dictatorship, are increasingly echoing their children’s convictions and describing protests as a revolutionary movement. At a 40-day commemoration ceremony on October 29, the father of one killed protester (Reza Shahirnia) told mourners that his son described Mahsa Amini’s death as an impetus for change and stated that “there will be no revolution until my blood is shed.”

Another father of a killed protester (Kumar Daroftadeh) similarly described his son as a martyr of freedom at his funeral on October 31.

The mother of another killed protester (Roozbeh Khademian) described her son as someone who gave his life to the Iranian nation at his 40-day commemoration ceremony on November 4.

The parent of a young Iranian protester told Reuters that she felt compelled to “reclaim Iran” for her daughters and all Iranian girls in an article published on November 3.

Eyewitness reports from Resistance Units

  • Shahr-e Ray, south of Tehran, November 4 – Along with other youths of Shahr-e-Ray we started from the main square to the cement bridge and lit a fire at each neighborhood intersection and chanted “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader.” As soon as the security forces arrived, we moved on to another location. This continued until midnight, and we exhausted the regime’s forces such that they could not detain anyone.
  • Mashhad, November 4 – There was a fierce clash with security forces and the place was a warzone with hit-and-run skirmishes. A young woman was shot. We took her to a nearby home. The house owners took her in as if she was their daughter and provided first aid, while I and three of my friends waited. In this revolution, humanity has been awakened and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed the risk they took and the care they provided. I cannot describe the sense of solidarity and selflessness for the wounded girl. I came home and changed my blood-stained clothes and went back to the street. From 6:00 pm to 1:00 am, the neighborhood witnessed several clashes with security forces. The suppressive forces were clearly feared us and very tired. When it gets dark, people start to gather and chant. The older generations here tell us it is just like the revolution in 1979. This uprising will not stop.


Khamenei’s Rep in Hamburg Thrown Out of Germany


According to BILD Zeitung, the deputy head of the Blue Mosque on the Alster left the country on Wednesday evening – and thus forestalled his deportation.

Mousavifar was on the EK062 plane at 9:07 p.m. when it took off for Dubai. Actually, the deputy of the IZH (stands for Islamic Center Hamburg) should have left the country a week ago. He had resisted deportation to the last. After failing twice in court, a lawyer tried to push back the deadline for leaving the country to January 26 – but the authorities were certain: the hate mullah must not remain in Germany.

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State Officials Continue to Warn Against MEK


According to the state-run Ofogh TV network, Hossein Sazoor, a state-affiliated eulogist told his audience on November 5: “Yesterday, one of my friends told me something which left me in pain. He said he met one of these rioters on the streets and asked him whether he hated the Islamic Republic more or the hypocrites. The guy responded to my friend like ‘first of all, their name is not the hypocrites. It’s called the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). Secondly, what have they done?”

Trying to excite the audience about supporting the regime, Sazoor continued to warn the state education system why they haven’t nurtured the youth as the regime’s Supreme Leader wants them to.


During his Friday prayer sermon, Mohammad-Hossein Hosseini Hamedani, Khamenei’s representative in Alborz province said: “The rioters’ case is completely different. They should be dealt with firmly, as they have disrupted society. They are repeating the same norm-breaking actions the MEK did in the 1980s. We never forgive nor forget the MEK.”

His remarks come a few days after brave Iranians clashed with the regime’s fully-armed security forces in Karaj, Alborz province.


Khamenei Commits Another Crime Against Humanity by Killing Protesting Worshipers in Khash


Today, on the 50th day of the nationwide uprising, Khamenei committed yet another massacre against Baluch citizens. The suppressive forces opened fire from the rooftops of the Governor’s office and other government buildings on the people of Khash who were demonstrating after Friday prayers and chanting, “Death to Khamenei.”

The number of people killed reached at least 20 By 12:00 am local time. Those wounded exceed 60. Many children can be seen among the dead and wounded. Most of those killed or wounded were shot in the head or chest, leaving no doubt that the massacre in Khash was premeditated. Some of the injured have been reported to be in critical condition.

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Iran’s College Students Continue Anti-regime Protests Despite New Crackdown Measures


Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 52nd day on Sunday, following a day of continuous protests by college students in numerous cities. These protests are relentless despite the fact that authorities are taking more measures to impose stricter campus rules and regulations and seeking to create a climate of fear in the country’s universities to prevent the students from launching more anti-regime protests. Protests in Iran have to this day, expanded to at least 214 cities. Over 530 people have been killed, and more than 25,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

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Day 51 of Iran Uprising; Baluch Woman Faces Death for Leading Riots


The Iran uprising continued on Day 51, Saturday, November 5, 2022, despite a bloody crackdown on Friday in Khash, south-eastern Iran, which left at least 20 dead and more than 60 wounded. Iranian students held protests in dozens of universities with anti-regime slogans.

Students at Tehran University, Kharazmi in Karaj, Allameh Tabatabai, Sharif, Azad University Science and Research Branch, Amir Kabir, Azad University Tehran North Branch, and Pardis North held gatherings and sit-ins, chanting slogans against the mullahs’ rule of oppression.

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Iran: Regime’s Brutality Fails to Quell Protests – Day 51


On Saturday, November 5, 2022, college and school students resumed protests in various cities across Iran. Brave students once again stepped into the streets despite the regime’s brutality yesterday in Khash, Sistan & Baluchestan, leading to over 20 victims and many more injured.

To humiliate college students, officials inspected students’ stuff and bags at several universities in Tehran. Security agents threatened to protest students with suspension and arrest. However, defiant students rallied at the campuses and boycotted classes in solidarity with the nationwide strike.

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Münster, Germany—November 4, 2022: Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Gathering in Support of the Iran Protests


Münster, Germany—November 4, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a gathering and photo exhibition of the Iranian nationwide protests martyrs in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

MEK supporters in Münster wanted to change the religious dictatorship of the mullahs by the people of Iran and to recognize the legitimate right to defend themselves against the regime’s brutal repression of the protesters.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Rallies in Sydney, Australia, and Bonn, Germany, in Support of the Iran Revolution

MEK Supporters Rallies in Sydney, and Bonn in support of the Iran Revolution—November 3, 2022

November 3, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Sydney, Australia and Bonn, Germany held rallies in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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