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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 31, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 31, 2022

October 30 – Sanandaj, western Iran, people continuing the nationwide protests against the regime on the 45th day of the uprising



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 46

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, October 31, 2022 – 9:00 PM CET

  • Days: 46th day
  • Protests: 213 cities
  • Fatalities: 450+ estimated deaths, 307 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 25,000+

  • Despite a brutal crackdown by the IRGC forces, and the threats made by IRGC commander-in-chief Hossein Salami on Saturday, the uprising has continued vigorously across Iran, especially in universities.
  • Students in dozens of universities across the country staged sit-ins and protests today.
  • Students of different faculties at Melli University staged a joint sit-in, and for the first time, a number of their professors joined their protest movement. Students of Al-Zahra University staged a sit-in in protest against the arrest of one of the students. In response to the regime’s threats of suspending protesting students, they chanted: “If you suspend the students, we will close the whole university.” Authorities of Allameh University have banned a number of students from entering the campus.

  • Several students at Soureh University released a statement against the widespread crackdown on students, which in part says: “Today, braver than ever, with knowledge and truth, we have come to fight your ignorance and lies, to say that we will not sell the blood of our brothers and sisters to your constant threats and coercion… and we condemn any repression and violence against students, and we make our cry for freedom louder than ever.” In a similar move, students at Shiraz University of Science and Culture issued a statement and boycotted classes.
  • The regime’s judiciary has issued indictments for over 1000 detained protesters. Mohammad Ghobadloo was condemned to death today. His verdict was issued after one hearing lasting a few hours. The Judge denied his lawyer to attend the hearing. Ghobadloo’s mother has made an appeal on social media for support to prevent the execution of her son.

The following tweets contain video clips showing the scale of protest activities by students across the country:

  • Marivan, western Iran – Locals set up roadblocks controlling their streets to prevent the regime’s security forces from deploying. High school students protested and chanted: “Death to the dictator!”
  • Sanandaj, western Iran – Locals who gathered at the grave of Sarina Saeedi, a protester killed by the regime’s security forces, were seen chanting “Death to the dictator!” in reference to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Students of the Islamic Azad University Sanandaj Branch chanted: “Death to Khamenei!”
  • Shiraz, south-central Iran – High school students protested against the mullahs’ regime on the 46th day of the uprising.
  • Mashhad, northeast Iran – Students of Khayyam University chanted: “[Khamenei] is a murderer! His rule is illegitimate!” “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
  • Islamshahr, near Tehran – Students of the Islamic Azad University of Islamshahr chanted: “We’re all together! Let’s fight till the end!”
  • Tabriz, northwest Iran – Students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences chanted: “We shall fight and take back Iran!” Students of Madani University chanted: “I will kill those who killed my sister!”  Students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences shouted “We are liberated women.”
  • Sirjan, south-central Iran – Sirjan University students chanted: “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
  • Shahrood, east of Tehran – Students of Shahrood University of Technology chanted: “Cannons, tanks, and machine guns are no longer effective!”
  • Sabzevar, northeast Iran – Students of Baqiyatollah University chanted: “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
  • Khorramabad, western Iran – Students of Lorestan University chanted slogans against the IRGC paramilitary Basij Force.
  • Qazvin – Students of Qazvin University continued the nationwide protests against the regime on the 46th day of the uprising.


Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 45

Sunday, October 30, 2022 – 9:00 PM CET

  • Days: 45th day
  • Protests: 206 cities
  • Fatalities: 450+ estimated deaths, 307 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 25,000+

Sunday, October 30, on the 45th day of the nationwide uprising, student protests resumed in dozens of universities across Iran with greater intensity despite the brutal attacks by the IRGC and Basij forces within university compounds and dormitories with tear gas, pellet bullets, and firearms.

This is despite the threats of the IRGC Commander in Chief Hossein Salami, who said on Saturday, “Today is the end of the riots, and they should not come out to the streets anymore.” People did not heed his warning and continued their protests on Saturday and Sunday.

During their protests, students chanted, “This year is a year of sacrifice; Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” “Shame on our disgraced leader (Khamenei),” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” “This is not time for mourning, but the time to show our wrath,” “November is the month to put an end to the regime,” and “We don’t want child killer rulers.”

On Sunday, universities across the country were the main scenes of protests and clashes with suppressive forces, especially Basij:

Shiraz – Students of Shiraz University rallied, chanting: “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!” Students of the Sadra Islamic Azad University chant: “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!” Students of the Islamic Azad University of Shiraz chant and accuse regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei of plotting the recent terrorist attack in this city.

Tehran – Students of Pardis University – Vanak chanting: “My spirit, life, and body for [Iran]!” Students of the Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch chanting: “Death to the dictator!” in reference to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Students of Amir Kabir University chant: “We’re not leaving Iran! We’re taking back Iran!” “This is the last message! The entire state is the target!” Students of Islamic Azad University – Parand Branch chanting: “From Zahedan to Tehran; my life for Iran!” The regime’s security forces opened fire on students of Tehran University. Students of Alzahra University chanting: “Basij & IRGC members! You are our ISIS!” Additional footage of the regime’s oppressive security forces firing directly at the students of the Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch. Students of Allameh Tabataba’i University chanting: “Death to the dictator!” referring to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Zanjan – Students of Zanjan University chanting: “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!”

Sanandaj – High school students protesting and chanting: “Death to the dictator!”. Students of a technical school, surrounded by the regime’s security forces, are continuing their protest rally & chanting: “Death to the dictator!” “Proud students; support!” “Freedom, freedom, freedom!” The regime’s security forces opened fire on Kurdistan University students. Students were chanting: “This is no longer a protest; this is the beginning of a revolution!”

Babol – Students of Noshirvani University chanting: “College students rather die than live in infamy!”

Arak – Students of Arak University chanting: “They took Mehrshad and brought back his corpse!” referring to the killing of Mehrshad Shahidi by the regime’s oppressive security forces.

Islamshahr – Students of the Islamic Azad University Islamshahr Branch are demonstrating after authorities closed the campus gates.

Ahvaz – Students of Chamran University chanting: “Death to the oppressor! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!”

Marivan – High school students protesting and chanting: “Death to the oppressor!” “Khamenei is a murderer! His rule is illegitimate!”

Kuhdasht, Lorestan Province – Protesters chanting: “Death to the dictator!”

Mashhad – Students of the Rezvan Campus of Imam Reza International University chanting: “Death to shooters, be it in Mashhad or Shiraz!”

Sardasht, northwest Iran – Students of Sardasht University chanting: “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”

Bukan – Protesters are taking over their streets and chanting: “Death to the dictator!”

Uprising Expands in Iran as Regime Launches More Campus Crackdowns

Plainclothes agents attacking unarmed students in Tehran's Azad University | October 30, 2022

Iran’s nationwide uprising marks its 45th day on Sunday after escalating protests in many cities across the country, especially as college students took to the streets in large numbers on Saturday. Following the onslaught against Tehran’s Sharif University of Technology earlier this month, regime authorities deployed their forces into two campuses in the capital and the city of Mashhad where anti-regime dissent has been escalating.

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Iran’s People Take to Streets Despite Threats by Top IRGC Commander, Day 45


On October 29 Iran regime’s desperate, tired, and frustrated head of the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), Hossein Salami warned the Iranian people to stop their protests, which are continuing despite the regime’s increasing brutality and conspiracies.

He said: “We are again telling our youth, the minority who have been deceived, to stop wicked acts. Today is the end of the riots. Don’t take to streets anymore.”

In parallel to this warning, the regime attacked yesterday many universities. And according to the regime judiciary website Mizan Online, the regime has started the trial of the arrested protesters.

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Tehran Court Charges Six Protesters With Corruption on Earth, Waging War on God


Tehran’s General and Revolutionary Court held its first hearing on the cases of six protesters on Saturday, October 29, 2022.

The six protesters on trial were Mohammad Qobadlou, Mohammad Broghani, Saman Seyyedi, Abolfazl Mehri Hossein Hajilou, Mohsen Rezazadeh Qaraqalou, and Saeed Shirazi. Three were charged with “waging war on God,” and two others with “corruption on Earth.”

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