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Iran: 45th Day of Nationwide Uprising


Iran Protest-No. 94

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Students’ uprising across Iran continues despite threats of IRGC Commander Hossein Salami and IRGC’s brutal crackdown

Sunday, October 30, marked the 45th day of the nationwide uprising. Students in dozens of universities across the country staged demonstrations and sit-ins, despite IRGC and Basij’s brutal attacks on them within university compounds and dormitories by firing tear gas and live ammunition. This was while the IRGC Commander, Hossein Salami, threatened yesterday by saying, “Today is the end of the riots, and they should not come to the streets anymore; why do you harass the people?”

The protests took place in many Universities across the country, including Zand in Shiraz, Bu-Ali Sina in Hamadan, Sanandaj Girls’ Technical College, Abu Reyhan School of Tehran University, Allamah Tehran, Qazvin International, Montazeri Mashhad, Imam Reza Campus Mashhad, Melli University of Electricity and Computer, Gilan Medical Sciences, Azad Lahijan, Faculty of Arts and Architecture of Hamadan, Sadra Shiraz, Mazandaran, Azad Parand, Zanjan, Pars Art and Architecture, Azad Tehran North, Azad Karaj, Science and Research, and Ferdowsi of Mashhad.

Students were chanting, “This year is a year of sacrifice. Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” “Shame on our disgraced leader,” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” “Today is not the day of mourning, but it is the time to show anger,” “Aban (November), the shining month, it is the end of the regime,” “dignified student, support, support,” “Shame on Basij,” “The detained student must be freed,” “We don’t want a child-killing government!” and “Tehran has become a prison! Evin Prison has become a slaughterhouse!”

Suppressive forces, including IRGC, paramilitary Basijis, and plainclothes agents, attacked many students by firing tear gas and opened fire on students, including at the Azad University of North Tehran, Girls’ Technical University in Sanandaj and Faculty of Psychology of Tehran University in Geisha. Students clashed with the suppressive forces.

The Kurdistan University students took to the streets and protested outside the university, chanting, “This year is a year of sacrifice; Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown.”

The students at Zanjan University gathered before the government counterdemonstration and chanted, “This year is a year of sacrifice; Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown.”

The students of Sadra Azad University in Shiraz gathered in front of the Basij forces and chanted, “The one who is crippled is the murderer of Shahcheragh,” referring to Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader, as the person responsible for the Shiraz’s Shahcheragh killing last week.

In Sanandaj, the students of Namaki school took to the streets, lit a fire, and held a large demonstration chanting, “Death to the dictator.” In Tehran subway stations, people were chanting anti-regime slogans.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said IRGC’s ruthless attack on universities, using pellet guns and live ammunition, while kidnapping students, particularly girls, shows the regime’s desperation in the face of Iran protests. She added that negotiations with this regime would only embolden the regime in its crimes against humanity. She urged the UN, the EU, and member states to act now to secure the release of thousands of detained protesters, especially students and young women. Verbal condemnation is not enough; comprehensive economic and diplomatic sanctions and expulsion of the regime’s agents and operatives is a necessary step forward.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 30, 2022