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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 28, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 28, 2022

Graffities: Death to Khamenei



State Officials Warn Against Iran’s Uprising

The presidential economic deputy Mohsen Rezaei said today: “The enemy is seeking to strike Iran by disbanding the IRGC and ditching the Supreme Leader.”

Also on October 28, blaming the latest terror attack on pilgrims in Shiraz on the MEK during his Friday prayer sermon, Khamenei’s representative in Shahre-Rey Ali Shahcheraqi said: “We expect the judiciary, the security, and police forces to deal seriously and quickly with the mercenaries, the hypocrites (regime’s phrase to slander the MEK in Iran’s society) and the enemies of Islam.”

Threatening other factions and state officials who haven’t backed Khamenei since the beginning of the uprising, Alireza Tagawinia, a state-affiliated expert said on state TV: “If our national security is weakened, the infiltrator of the Takfiri terrorists will not differentiate between me and someone who criticizes the system. We are sitting on the same boat and if we dig a hole in the boat, we will all suffer. This is not just about me and you or the supporters of the state.”

“The supreme leader said to deal seriously with infiltration. After all, the enemy has influential agents, he has mercenaries from the MEK and those who are family members of the MEK and other groups,” Tagawinia warned.


US Treasury Sanctions Iranian Foundation Behind Bounty on Salman Rushdie

US treasury department

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took action today against the 15 Khordad Foundation, an Iran-based foundation that has issued a multi-million-dollar bounty for the killing of prominent Indian-born, British-American author Salman Rushdie. Since Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s order pronouncing a death sentence on Rushdie in February 1989, the 15 Khordad Foundation has committed millions of dollars to anyone willing to carry out this heinous act. Since putting its bounty on Rushdie, the 15 Khordad Foundation, which is affiliated with the Supreme Leader, has raised the reward for targeting the author.

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Iran’s Cities and Towns Erupt in Major New Surge of Anti-regime Protests


Thursday marked the 42nd day of Iran’s nationwide protests. On Thursday morning the people of Mahabad in northwest Iran took to the streets on the 42nd day of the nationwide uprising. Locals initially took part in the burial ceremony of Ismail Moloudi who was killed by the regime’s security forces during last night’s protests in this city. Reports from local activists indicate units of the regime’s security forces opened fire on people in the Gomrok neighborhood, where Moloudi lived.

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Nika, Mahsa, Code Names for Revolution and Regime Change in Iran

Memorial-for-Nika-ShakaramiOn Thursday, October 27, the people of Khorramabad gathered to pay tribute to Nika Shakarami with anti-regime slogans. They vowed to take her revenge and topple the regime. Security forces had blocked the bridge in Veysian, which is the only route to Hayat-ol Ghaib village where Nika is buried. However, the people and youths fought back, pushed back the regime’s forces, and made it to the cemetery.

At the cemetery, Nika Shakarami’s mother expressed her grief over the loss of her brilliant and lively daughter who was supposed to have a bright future. But she said she was proud that her martyrdom had turned into a driving force for the rising of the country’s youths.

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Iran: Mahabad and Khorramabad Citizens Begin Day 42 of Protests


On October 27, day 42 of the nationwide protests in Iran, citizens in West Azarbaijan Lorestan provinces resume demonstrations. Footage shows a large crowd heading toward the local cemeteries in Mahabad to attend the late Esmail [Simko] Moloudi’s funeral and in Khorramabad to attend the late Nika Shakarami’s funeral.

According to the Iranian opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI), the regime has killed more than 400 citizens, injured tens of thousands, and detained over 20,000. The names of 260 killed protesters have been published by the MEK.

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Another Civilian Shot and Killed During Mahabad’s Protests


To mark the 40th day of Mahsa Amini’s death, protests continued in all Iranian cities. One of the protesting cities was Mahabad, a city in West Azerbaijan Province. Esmail Moloudi, a 35-year-old citizen who those close to him called Samko, was killed by a direct shooting fired at him by the state security forces. Samko was married with one child. His body was taken to the city’s mosque and carried on the people’s shoulders. The Moloudi family scheduled the funeral for Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 9 a.m.

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