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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 17, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 17, 2022




Iranians in Luxembourg Call for Support for Uprising

Today, October 17, while the ministers of the European Union Council were discussing eventual sanctions against the regime in Iran, supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered and organized a rally to support the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people back home.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در لوکزامبورگ همزمان با اجلاس شورای وزیران اتحادیه اروپا

ایرانیان آزاده در برابر اجلاس شورای وزیران اتحادیه اروپا سرود ای ایران را همخوانی می‌کنند

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مقاومت لوکزامبورگ


New Executions Reported in Iran

The Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed two prisoners in the prisons of Hamadan and Qom. A prisoner named Hossein Karimabadi was executed at dawn on Sunday, October 16 in Hamadan prison, and another prisoner named Hamed Dehghan Mangabadi was executed at dawn on Saturday, October 15 in Qom’s Langroud prison.

Prisoners Protest inside Qezel Hesar Prison


Today, October 17, the prisoners of Qezal Hesar Prison in Karaj, Alborz province, started a protest in the prison yard, chanting “Death to Khamenei.”

According to reports from Karaj, around 10:00 AM local time, about 50 security agents were dispatched and climbed the roof of the prison, pointing their weapons at the prisoners. The head of the prison also had a Winchester weapon in his hand and fired into the air. Footage taken from outside the prison shows that the sirens have been activated.

زندان قزل حصار کرج -  از زندان قزل‌حصار کرج صدای آژیر و تیراندازی شنیده میشود. -۲۵ مهر


Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 32

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, October 17, 2022 – 12 PM CET

  • Days: 32nd day
  • Protests: 191 cities
  • Fatalities: 400+ estimated deaths, 224 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 20,000+

University students have started protests in many cities. Plainclothes Basij has attacked them in some locations and clashes have occurred.

There are reports of a demonstration inside Qezelhesar prison in Karaj with prisoners following in the footsteps of Evin prisoners and chanting “Death to Khamenei”. Gunfire is reported with prison guards on the roof firing into the protesting prisoners. It is reported that the savage special unit of the regime’s security forces has entered the prisoners’ ward and severely beaten them with truncheons and taken away 48 of the prisoners to an undisclosed location.


A member of an MEK Resistance Unit reported from Tehran on October 14, that one of his relatives is a high-ranking member of the IRGC and he had told this resistance unit member to tell his friends the regime is crumbling. The IRGC officer had said, “Do not let up, do not fall short. Don’t be afraid of their bluffs. Just keep going.”

Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on the United Nations and all governments, especially the European Union, whose Foreign Affairs Council is holding a meeting in Luxembourg today, to take the following specific concrete steps to stop the arrest and killing of protesters:

  • Designating the IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence in their entirety in the proscribed list, expelling their agents and mercenaries, and revoking their passports
  • Recognizing the right of the Iranian people to defend themselves against the crimes of the clerical regime and the right to fight to overthrow the religious dictatorship and establish democracy and human rights
  • Taking immediate measures to secure the release of political prisoners and to prevent the continuing executions and killings, including imposing comprehensive sanctions and cutting off economic and diplomatic relations, and closing the regime’s embassies


Iranian Regime Blames MEK for Its Crime in Evin


Wary of a major backlash, both domestically and internationally, the Iranian regime has started to blame the MEK for the horrible incident in Evin Prison.

The IRGC-run Fars news agency quoted the Vatane Emrouz daily as writing: “The anti-revolutionary movement, which has become desperate these days due to the lack of support from the people, has repeated the failed scenario of the terrorist group of the hypocrites (the regime’s phrase to slander the MEK in Iran’s society). On Saturday, the media reported an incident in Evin prison. Though hours before, some Twitter accounts affiliated with the counter-revolutionary movement were commenting on the possibility of something happening in Evin.”

The report also made sure to stress that “all the dead prisoners were among those convicted of theft who were serving their sentences in Evin prison” which indicates a serious effort to hide the eventual death or severe harm to political prisoners.

The state-run newspaper added: “While the chaos has been removed from the streets in the last few days, the counter-revolutionary movement has shown that it is trying to continue the insecurity with all its might by starting the riot project in Evin prison, which was carried out with the help of some of the prisoners inside the prison. Of course, this project, which failed in the first hours of the accident, had also failed in the past. Rebellion and disturbance in the prison is the old pattern of the terrorist organization of the MEK, which took place in the summer of 1988 and of course with a hard and historic defeat.”

On July 19, 1988, following then-Supreme Leader Khomeini’s decision to accept the cease-fire with Iraq and retreat from years’ long propaganda and vows to his core power base to continue the war until the last brick in Tehran is gone, the Iranian regime started systematic preparations for the massacre of political prisoners. Many inmates from various prisons across the country were transferred from public wards into solitary confinement cells.

On October 16, the Iranian Resistance revealed that special security forces raided Evin Prison when political prisoners and supporters of the MEK inside the prison started chanting slogans in solidarity with the uprising across the country.

At the time of this writing, the Fars news agency has removed the story from its website. The Vatane Emrouz report can be found here.


Fire and Rebellion at Evin Prison: What You Need to Know


On Saturday, when inmates in Evin Prison expressed their support for the nationwide uprising, they were attacked by prison guards, and clashes erupted.

According to reports, a fire broke out in the prison at around 9:00 PM local time. At the same time, heavy explosions and gunfire were heard from inside the prison perimeter. Visual reports show that the regime has used grenade launchers and machine guns to suppress the rebellion. The confrontation took at least two hours to settle.

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Iran’s Revolution Escalates With Major Attack on Tehran’s Evin Prison


Sunday marked the 31st day of Iran’s nationwide uprising, which began on September 16. Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to 191 cities. Over 400 people have been killed and more than 20,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).  The names of 206 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK. Protests began on Sunday with students in dozens of universities across the country returning to the streets to voice their opposition to the regime.

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Iran’s Protests Enter Second Month – Day 31


It’s been one month since the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died after being arrested and beaten by the Iran regime’s morality police for not wearing her headscarf properly. Her story has ignited nationwide protests across the country, and around the world. We are witnessing solidarity from all walks of life and ethnicities. The death of Mahsa was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Earlier in the week, hundreds of oil workers joined the protests because of the regime’s human rights violations. In their speeches posted on social media, the workers spoke about revenge and warned the regime to destroy what they have built so far.

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Demonstrations of Freedom-Loving Iranians in Brussels in Protest Against the Fire and Explosion in Evin Prison

Oct 16:Iranians in Brussels rally in front of mullahs’ embassy, condemning the regime crime in Evin

October 16, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Brussels gathered in front of the terror embassy of the mullahs’ regime and condemned the Iranian regime’s crime in Evin prison.

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Demonstrations of Freedom-Loving Iranians in Berlin, Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, London, The Hague, and Vienna in Protest Against the Fire and Explosion in Evin Prison

Demonstrations of Freedom-Loving Iranians in Protest Against the Fire and Explosion in Evin Prison

October 15, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Berlin, Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, London, The Hague, and Vienna, gathered in front of the terror embassies or spy consulates of the mullahs and condemned the Iranian regime’s crime in Evin prison.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 16, 2022